Sociotechnical Systems
Recent papers in Sociotechnical Systems
In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework for organizing emerging analytic activities involving educational data that can fall under broad and often loosely defined categories, including Academic/Institutional Analytics, Learning... more
Software agents are a means to support socio-technical decentralised systems that increase the complexity of daily life. Designing multi-agent systems involves modelling methods for which it is currently not possible to check for... more
This paper argues against the conventional wisdom in the current TQM literature that hierarchy is not conducive for TQM. It aims to identify the cultural dynamics which can aid TQM implementation in a hierarchical country like India.
Achieving sustainability involves complex processes of technology, people, institutions, and the environment. The sustainability challenge requires a combination of social, political, and technological efforts. This paper discusses... more
O novo plano ferroviário nacional: lições da História da Tecnologia O importante é que os critérios para a escolha final sejam claros, os estudos técnicos sejam disponibilizados publicamente, todo o processo de dec da novela Novo... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
This research examined the full range of tasks and activities that design engineers perform, how their working time is distributed among these, and how these issues influence their satisfaction with their work. Seventy-eight design... more
This is a superb work, the result of 10 years of patient, diligent and incisive research. I wish all PhD dissertations were this good! Schlosser has read far and wide to contextualise the incident which nearly resulted in a thermonuclear... more
Cities play a crucial role in shaping coupled human-environment systems at local and global scales. With a view to amounting sustainability deficits, urban stakeholders thus require transformative capacity to perform radical change within... more
Square Enix created a series of worlds designed to push the player’s understanding of how social development and interactions could be crafted within the Japanese Role Playing Game genre of video games. The three continents of World A... more
Background Bumble is a self-declared “feminist” dating app that gives women control over initiating conversations with potential matches. Analysis Through a material-semiotic analysis of Bumble’s software and online media about the app,... more
As of the late 2010s, the music industry and the information and communication technology sector have fully converged. Music sales by online streaming in the United States doubled between 2014 and 2016 (from US$1.24 billion to US$2.48... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Discourse analysts have worked on digital data for decades now (see Herring, 1999; Thurlow & Mroczek 2011), initially treating digital data as human texts (Blitvich & Bou-Franch, 2018), then increasingly as human, multimodal interaction... more
The term design is used here in the sense that the social and cognitive scientist Herbert Simon used it in arguing that "Everyone 1 designs who devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones. The... more
Our society is on an unsustainable pathway exemplified by anthropogenic climate change, deforestation, human displacements and species extinction (IPCC 2018 ). Altering this pathway requires a combination of technical, organisational,... more
The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism-both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally restructures the... more
This chapter juxtaposes the transition management approach with the rationalities and instruments of urban planning. Considering the historic evolution and current characteristics of mainstream urban planning in theory and practice, it... more
The effect of national culture on the performance of teams is becoming an increasingly important issue in advanced western countries. There are many interlinked reasons for this, including the increasing globalisation of companies and the... more
Sustainable development at a global and local scale heavily depends upon the pathways taken by cities in the near future. Within scientific research, this frequently identified " urban challenge " has been recognized and addressed... more
This article locates its roots/routes in multiple disciplinary formations and it seeks to advance critical thinking about an aspect of our contemporary socio-technical challenges by bracketing three knowledge formations—artificial... more
As a result of technological advancement and exponential increases in global access, cross-disciplinary research has recently turned to digital online video games. Most anthropological research within this area has centered around player... more
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies... more
From the sustainability perspective an important question is whether transitions can be induced or stimulated. In the strict sense, the answer is ‘no’ given the complex nature of transitions. What is possible, though, is to try and... more
We are used to considering human agency as the most important aspect of the educational process. Materials and objects tend to be ignored or dismissed as agents. Technologies, as well, have been considered as inert matter, subordinated to... more
The increasing complexity in highly technological systems such as aviation, maritime, air traffic control, telecommunications, nuclear power plants, space missions, chemical and petroleum industry, and healthcare and patient safety is... more
This paper discusses the crucial role cities play in the emergence and formation of grassroots socio-technical niches for sustainability transitions. Drawing on research engaged with strategic niche management, grassroots innovations and... more
When people die, they are increasingly leaving digital 'footprints' behind. We outline a novel area of research: how these digital 'footprints' can be bequeathed, inherited and appropriately repurposed. This is an area which has high... more
A better understanding of the role of domestic dwellings in shaping past social relations is needed. Here, Northern Iroquoian longhouses are studied as sociotechnical systems, following Pfaffenberger (1992). This approach allows us to... more
This paper explores the relationship between artificial intelligence and principles of distributive justice. Drawing upon the political philosophy of John Rawls, it holds that the basic structure of society should be understood as a... more
This dissertation studies the impact of work design, organizational structure and career development practices/policies on competence development in the course of R&D staff careers. Main perspectives: R&D management, technology... more
The field of archaeomaterials research has enormous potential to shed light on past innovation processes. However , this potential has been only partially recognized outside its immediate practitioners, despite the fact that innovation... more
Laura Siri: Integrante del equipo de investigación UBACyT "Representaciones visuales de la diversidad sociocultural. Transformaciones y usos contemporáneos", dirigido por el prof. Aníbal Ford, para el trienio 2005/2008. Institución:... more
Urban transformation research forms an emergent interdisciplinary field with open boundaries that combines complex system studies and urban studies. It explores patterns and dynamics of change linking cities and diverse socio-technical... more
Abstract: - Humans beings are the main actors in any system created in the Information and Communication Technology. From system conception to its discard, humans are present. Humans are the system designers, system developers, system... more
I hereby declare that this thesis is entirely my own work, and does not contain material previously published by any other author, except where due reference or acknowledgement has been made. Furthermore, I declare that this work has not... more
Volvo has become a byword for advanced thinking in work design, in new forms of production, in collaborative implementation, in worker participation and satisfaction… When practitioners, be they management, trade union or academic have to... more
Machines, from artificially intelligent digital assistants to embodied robots, are becoming more pervasive in everyday life. Drawing on feminist science and technology studies (STS) perspectives, we demonstrate how machine designers are... more