Socioscientific Issues
Recent papers in Socioscientific Issues
Resumen Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de fortalecer los procesos de formación en la escuela y los desafíos a los que diariamente ésta se ve sometida, se hace necesario generar propuestas que contribuyan a que los estudiantes se... more
The socioscientific issues framework has proven to have a significant impact over the last two decades on many areas related to the development of functional scientific literacy in students. In this article, we summarize and synthesize... more
Recibido en mayo de 2011, aceptado en septiembre de 2011]
Argumentation and discourse have become central elements of science education. In this framework, biodiversity turns out to be a complex concept, with its conservation being recognised as a socio-scientific issue (SSI) that helps to... more
Özet Değişen yaşam standartlarına bağlı olarak modern fen eğitiminden beklenen, duyarlı ve bilinçli öğrenciler yetiştirilmesidir. Geleceğin bilinçli öğrencilerini yetiştirebilmenin ön koşulu ise öğretmen eğitimidir. Bu nedenle, çalışma... more
Bu çalışma, fen bilimleri eğitimi lisansüstü öğrencilerinin sosyobilimsel konuları algılama biçimlerinin incelenmesi amacı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından durum çalışmasına göre gerçekleştirilen araştırmada... more
Bu çalışma sosyo-bilimsel konuların (SBK) STEM eğitimi için önemli bir bağlam olabileceğinden yola çıkılarak planlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada bir sosyo-bilimsel konunun (nükleer enerji santrali) çok boyutlu yapısını yansıtan STEM... more
ÖZET Fen eğitiminin en temel amacı sorumluluk sahibi vatandaşlar yetiştirmektir. Öğrencilerimizin hem şimdi hem de gelecekteki yaşantılarında, politikacılar, kitle iletişim araçları, sivil toplum örgütleri ve birçok inandırıcı grup... more
The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of contextualization of Nature of Science (NOS) within the Socioscientific Issues (SSI) framework, because of the importance to science education. The emphasis on advancing scientific... more
In this study the effects of different learning environments on the promotion of decision-making competence for the socioscientific issue of genetically modified crops is investigated. The comparison focuses on direct vs. indirect... more
The socioscientific issues framework has proven to have a significant impact over the last two decades on many areas related to the development of functional scientific literacy in students. In this article, we summarize and synthesize... more
Sexual health is a controversial science topic that has received little attention in the field of science education, despite its direct relevance to students' lives and communities. Moreover, research from other fields indicates that a... more
Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Sınav Yönetmeliğinin Ġlköğretim Anabilim Dalı, Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi Bilim Dalı Ġçin Öngördüğü Doktora Tezi olarak hazırlanmıĢtır. 2016 ii iii FEN BĠLĠMLERĠ ÖĞRETMEN EĞĠTĠMĠNDE SOSYOBĠLĠMSEL DURUM TEMELLĠ... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a socioscientific issues-based instruction on preservice teachers’ attitudes toward socioscientific issues (SSIs). For this purpose, a semester-long SSI-based instruction was designed... more
Cette recherche étudie la mise en exposition de la thématique du déclin des abeilles sauvages au sein du volet médiation du projet de recherche UrbanBees. Ce projet étudie l’hypothèse d’un accueil des abeilles sauvages dans l’espace... more
This chapter demonstrates the impact of an animal cloning socioscientific issues instructional unit on a group of middle school students’ abilities to use their ecological worldview, social and moral compassion, and sense of... more
This article sought to give an overview of different interpretations and characterizations of socioscientific issues (SSIs) by identifying single entities that could form components of SSI and give examples of where single entities were... more
Socio-scientific teaching and learning (SSI-TL) has been suggested as an effective approach for supporting meaningful learning in school contexts; however, limited tools exist to support the work of designing and implementing this... more
Socioscientific issues are subject structures which have dimensions of social and scientific issues such as building nuclear power plant in somewhere or genetic engineering applications. These issues haven’t absolutely judgments and... more
Las controversias sociocientíficas surgen y nos rodean en los temas más actuales y emergentes de nuestra sociedad, como el uso de transgénicos, la homeopatía, el impacto de la telefonía en la salud humana, etc., pudiendo llegar a ser un... more
The discipline of Science has generally been viewed as absolute and value-free. 20th century has seen sciences endowed with materialist and technological bent of researches. Technology as a fruit of it seems to have abstracted itself... more
Scholars in science education have reported an increase in scientific literacy due to socioscientific issues (SSI)-based instruction. While several SSI are related to agriculture, such as climate change, whether to eat organic food, land... more
The social roles and responsibilities expected from citizens are increasing due to changing global living conditions. Science education is expected to prepare conscious and sensitive students because today’s students are the adults of the... more
In this study, we aimed to improve preservice teachers’ attitudes toward socioscientific issues through socioscientific issue course. Moreover, we investigated whether this course influences preservice teachers studying in a science... more
The main aim of this thesis is to study the views of High School Science Teachers in Al Ain about the inclusion of Socio-Scientific Issues (SSIs) in the curriculum. The problem statement relies on addressing the gap in the literature when... more
This article shows how to make contributions to scientific and sociopolitical education. From a theoretical perspective focused on the study of argumentation about socio-scientific issues, in relation to the current challenges of science... more
The SHOM is not only a useful way to characterize how scientists think (Gauld, 1982) but also improves the scientific attitude. Gauld (1982, p.110) explains the importance of the SHOM with the following quotation: "No idea, conclusion,... more
Se presenta una secuencia de actividades que permite discutir la manipulación intencional del clima como un dominio científico y tecnológico controvertido que exige responsabilidad.
El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación educativa desarrollada con docentes en ejercicio de la ciudad de Bogotá. El estudio se fundamenta en la teoría del conectivismo y se concreta en el desarrollo de un “MOOC” sobre... more
Öz. Bu araştırmanın amacı, akran liderli tartışmalar sonrası öğretmen adaylarının çeşitli sosyo-bilimsel konulara ilişkin gelişimlerini incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 21 son sınıf fen bilgisi öğretmen adayı oluşturmuştur.... more
Research exploring the possible link between quality of argumentation and content knowledge is not straightforward. Some studies suggest a positive relationship (e.g. Dawson & Schibeci in J Biol Educ 38(1):7–12, 2003) while others do not... more
The purpose of this study was to explore science content used during college students’ negotiation of biology-based socioscientific issues (SSI) and examine how it related to students’ conceptual understanding and acceptance of biological... more
There is a distinct divide between theory and practice in American science education. Research indicates that a constructivist philosophy, while in many cases teachers continue to present science in a more traditional manner. This study... more
CITATIONS 3 READS 12 2 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Cuestiones sociocientíficas en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias: Discursos y Enseñanza View project Leonardo Fabio... more
Sociomoral discourse, argumentation, and debate are necessary elements in a socioscientific issues-centered classroom. While these factors are fundamental in realizing a socioscientific issues (SSI) curriculum, related pedagogical... more
The world currently faces many globally connected and locally specific challenges that stimulate new ideas and expectations for science education. One response to these challenges has been development of visions for school science that... more
Resumo Neste simpósio apresentamos três trabalhos de pesquisa desenvolvidos em dois países da América Latina, sobre a abordagem de questões sociocientíficas no Ensino de Ciências. As análises das pesquisas apresentadas evidenciam que a... more
Findings of this study suggest that scientific argumentation can play an effective role in addressing complex socioscientific issues (i.e. global climate change). This research examined changes in preservice teachers’ knowledge and... more