Sociology of prison life
Recent papers in Sociology of prison life
Jugendstrafgefangene gelten als eine hoch belastete Bevölkerungsgruppe. Intraprisonäre Gewalt kann als mögliche Anpassungsstrategie auf die-durch die Haft mitunter verstärkten-Belastungslagen verstanden werden. Der nachfolgende Beitrag... more
Cheap labour plays a vital role in today’s global competitive economies by creating huge profit opportunities for employers through two ways: Capital flows into undeveloped and developing countries for employing the cheap labour; and... more
The actuality of the research is justified by the lack of serious scientific, social and politically engaged interest in the subject of books and reading among prisoners, which could reflect on the whole society, with negative... more
A speech addressing the issue of re-incarceration within San Francisco and the process of re-entering society after being imprisoned.
Agradecemos aos Agentes Religiosos que fertilizaram, com suas idéias e experiências, o ciclo de debates sobre religiões e prisões realizado no ISER, ponto de partida desta publicação.
La prison n’est pas
la seule responsable
du passage à l’acte terroriste au nom de la religion. Il existe d’autres lieux de radicalisation, et la présence du religieux
en milieu carcéral permet aussi de reconstruire des vies.
la seule responsable
du passage à l’acte terroriste au nom de la religion. Il existe d’autres lieux de radicalisation, et la présence du religieux
en milieu carcéral permet aussi de reconstruire des vies.
Jugendstrafgefangene gelten als eine hoch belastete Bevölkerungsgruppe. Intraprisonäre Gewalt kann als mögliche Anpassungsstrategie auf die-durch die Haft mitunter verstärkten-Belastungslagen verstanden werden. Der nachfolgende Beitrag... more
From the "land of incarceration" to a society with minimal use of pain: Finnish experience of reducing the prison population. Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy, 2012 (in Russian). В книге содержатся статьи и эссе... more
David Scott responds to the UK government's white paper Prison Safety and Reform, published 3 November, with his article Failing Prisons: Carnage, Bloodbaths and Numbers of Prison Staff.
All too often, media outlets report on young men who entered Western European prisons as petty criminals and, over time, radicalized, eventually conducting terrorist attacks in the name of ISIS. Today, prisons are viewed as one of the... more
Erving Goffmans Beschreibung „totaler Institutionen“ ist eine der folgenreichsten sozialwissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen mit geschlossener Unterbringung und ihren Folgen. Erstmals 1961 als Monografie veröffentlicht, avancierte die... more
What is prison architecture and how can it be studied? How are concepts such as humanism, dignity and solidarity translated into prison architecture? What kind of ideologies and ideas are expressed in various prison buildings from... more
I contatti con il mondo esterno sono una dimensione fondamenta-le dell'esperienza detentiva di tutti coloro che sono ristretti all'interno delle mura di un carcere. Attraverso i colloqui con gli avvocati i detenuti possono cercare di... more
This short article discusses the need for the government of Ghana to consider using the human resource in Ghana's prisons, especially now that the government has introduced a great initiative to encourage agriculture. Prisoners serving... more
Using Foucault’s concept of governmentality vis-à-vis Appadurai’s “global ethnoscapes” as frames, I argue for a techno-cultural dimension which brought forth the phenomenon of the “dancing inmates,” an argument against the charge of... more
A lecture given at Dongguk University, Gyeongju Campus, November, 2014.
Unrest marks the instability of any foundation wherever it spreads its roots. It weakens the superstructures and the bases that it integrates. Usually, it is viewed from the opinion of bigwigs of society and the people belonging to lower... more
The incarcerated in America are an estimated 2.4 million people at any moment in “1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 2,259 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military... more
Abstract: «Like an island»: contrasting basic education programs and everyday life in the Swiss prison system. The concept of the total institution could be understood to suggest that prisons work like frictionless machines. However,... more
Her picture is on the five-pound British note. She brought about prison reform in Britain, which spread to civilized nations in Europe and beyond. Her school of nursing inspired and supported the work of Florence Nightingale. She was the... more
"Comment les drogues exercent-elles leurs emprises ? Quels sont les parcours de vie de ces individus sous influence qui, entraînés par la spirale toxicomaniaque, «errent» sans relâche en quête de leur dose ? Qui sont ces «toxicos» : des... more
To speak the ‘language of state violence’ is for penal abolitionists to insist that irrespective of the conditions, architecture, or general resources available, the prison will always be a place that systematically generates suffering,... more
Due tradimenti delle pubbliche funzioni per un omicidio senza movente.
The aim of the article is to methodologically reflect possibilities and pitfalls of prison ethnography in the Czech prison research. Based on his own survey of Czech prisons , the author discusses some potentially dangerous parts of... more
Reprinted as: Cheliotis, L. K. and A. Liebling (2014, forthcoming) 'Race Matters in British Prisons: Towards a Research Agenda', in C. Phillips (ed.) Race and Crime, Volume III. London: Routledge. Drawing on surveys of 4,860 prisoners’... more
Obra publicada pela Editora Revista dos Tribunais, em 2020. ISBN: 9786550652920. A obra apresenta uma análise inédita acerca do trabalho prisional, com profundidade e abordagem inovadoras, trazendo à tona reflexões instigantes: Por que... more
The majority of prison stations in Malawi are now offering education services to inmates. However, the question that one can ask is; are these schools effectively managed? This study set out to examine the internal effectiveness of the... more
This exploratory paper introduces the notion of the ‘green’ prison, exploring uncovering the ways in which environmental sustainability inflects carceral policies and practices. Focusing on the United States, it highlights the... more
This Dissertation concerns autobiographies written by prisoners in the United Kingdom. As is so of many writers of autobiography, these prisoners are marginalised so these autobiographies give them a voice to express their experiences of... more
Synthèse des Journées
Santé mentale en Prison : états des savoirs, besoins, perspectives
Journées d'études, Auditorium de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris
21-22 décembre 2017
Santé mentale en Prison : états des savoirs, besoins, perspectives
Journées d'études, Auditorium de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris
21-22 décembre 2017
Maintaining order and control within prisons has become an increasingly key priority for HM Prison Service. Indeed, maintaining adequate staffing levels, preventing assaults, and stopping disorder are axiomatic to sustaining a functioning... more
Rights of women in prison have been addressed in the Bangkok Resolution in 2011 and later in 2015 by the Mandela Rules. Nevertheless, with more than 700 000 women in prison around the world it is appalling to witness the lack of measures... more
No ano de 2016, inúmeros homicídios se concentraram, em efeito dominó, por alguns bairros de Porto Alegre. Desde o início da década de 80 e até 2018, esse foi o ano em que houve maior número de homicídios na capital, tornando-a uma das... more
Коллективная монография является результатом работы по социологическим проектам "Около тюрьмы: идентичность и повседневность родственниц заключённых" (грант НИУ ВШЭ 12010153) и "Наказание и социальное конструирование тендера в... more
Wright, Kevin A. 2013. "The Private Prison" In Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson, and Mary K. Stohr (Eds.) "The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future" (pp. 173-192). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage