Sociology of islam
Recent papers in Sociology of islam
ÖZET Bu çalışmada İran devriminin ideologu olarak kabul edilen ve 1980'li yıllarda eserleriyle Türkiyedeki İslami düşünceyi etkileyen İranlı düşünür Ali Şeraiti'nin din, modernizm ve gelenek konusundaki düşünceleri ve özgürlükçü yorumları... more
«تشیع علوی و تشیع صفوی»، نظریهای است که 44 سال قبل توسط علی شریعتی طرح شد و مباحث، نقدها و حتی تنشهای قابل توجهی را برانگیخت. اینک، پس از گذشت بیش از چهار دهه از طرح این نظریه، شاید وقت آن باشد که با نگاهی به مختصات درونی این متن، به... more
Le discours religieux musulman est pris dans une fièvre idéologique depuis au moins deux siècles, réagissant avec une violence verbale aux évolutions sociales, ce qui atteste d'une crise culturelle profonde. La domination européenne a... more
As humanity enters a new era of climate‐induced unpredictability, research into the role of religion in shaping perceptions of, and responses to disaster will become increasingly important. This is particularly true of South Asia, which... more
Lucas Sablich -Coordinador Editorial Creemos que el conocimiento es un bien público y común. Por eso, los libros de CLACSO están disponibles en acceso abierto y gratuito. Si usted quiere comprar ejemplares de nuestras publicaciones en... more
The expression of an Islamic political radicalism in Britain has been one of the most dramatic developments in recent decades. Islamic Radicalism and Multicultural Politics explores the nature of this phenomenon by analysing the origins... more
This paper attempts to present varying discourses pertaining to women's work and how it is impacted by interpretations of Islam. This paper offers a window into the world of women's work and participation in Arab societies and how such... more
To be a “Shi‘at Ali” means to follow closely in the footsteps of ‘Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. For Shi‘is, ‘Ali was the rightful successor of Prophet Muhammad and the first Imam. Shi‘ism is the second largest... more
From the rapid pace of development and change the modern world continues to see, it is from the blessings of Allāh given to mankind through which they continue to benefit and enjoy the results from these technological and scientific... more
How do Muslims who grew up after September 11 balance their love for hip-hop with their devotion to Islam? How do they live the piety and modesty called for by their faith while celebrating an art form defined, in part, by overt... more
صدر لي قبل أعوامٍ خمسة كتابٌ بعنوان: «أفكار خارج القفص»، وهو من نفس فصيلة الكتابة الشذريَّة التي ينتمي إليها هذا الكتابُ. وإنما دفعني إلى تبني هذا اللون من الكتابة الرغبةُ في إطلاع القارئ على بعض مراحِلِ التطور التي يمرُّ بها المفكرُ، لا... more
This study seeks to discuss the problem of intra-Muslim prejudice among Muslims in Singapore, namely towards the Shiite and liberal Muslims. These Muslims are perceived to be the deviant Other. Such prejudices point towards an... more
Analysis on Islam and cultural diversity in the Malay world that covers the Islamic Southeast Asia with an empirical focus on Malaysia. Introducing the concept of 'knowledge baseline' to understand the evolution of plural society in the... more
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
This article begins to fill a gap in recent discussions of the future of Islamic studies with an account of the nature and significance of Anthropological and Ethnographic contributions to the study of Islam and Muslims. Drawing attention... more
A development of the research program sketched out here is in my book The Sociology of Islam:
جدول المحتويات المقدّمة الباب الأوّل. تجديد في العلوم الشرعية الفصل الأوّل. نحو إعادة بناء الدراسات الإسلامية: مراجعات نقدية، رضوان السيّد الفصل الثاني. العلوم الإسلامية: بعض أهمّ الإشكالات وآفاق التجديد، أحمد عبادي الفصل الثالث. تجديد... more
قبل أيام عن "الشبكة العربية للأبحاث"، وفيه يتنقّل الكاتب في مدى واسع من الدراسات النقدية والقضايا النظرية، تتناول الدين والأخلاق، العقلنة والتبرير والسلطة، في حقبة ممتدة من ولادة العالم الإسلامي وحتى الزمن المعاصر. يُعتبر العمل... more
In the mid-90s, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and the Iranian Ayatollah Khamene’i both banned bloody forms of self-flagellation such as tatbir (cutting the forehead with a sword), calling them backward and un-Islamic. They argued that... more
هذا الكتاب ليس للمتعة الذهنيّة المجرّدة، وليس الغرض منه نيل رضا القارئ وموافقته وتصفيقه واستحسانه؛ بل الغرض منه تعليمه التفكُّر، ومساعدته على تكوين ملكة للنظر والنقد والحكم. كل ذلك بطريقة غير مباشرة. فحين يُعاين القارئ المتفحّص منهج النظر... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando, 2016. The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power and Civility, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. This is the Introduction to the book The Sociology of Islam, which provides an accessible introduction to this emerging... more
“Kurdish Islam” – what is that? The adjective is derived from a noun that names a people and their languages living in Eastern Anatolia, Northeastern Syria, Northern Iraq, and Northwestern Iran. However, here it refers to only Iraqi... more
The anthropology of Islam aims to examine the ways in which religious, ethical, and theological teachings are instituted and work within the social world. For example, how these teachings are negotiated by Muslims within networks of... more
Mala-Mawlid literatures along with their collective reciting culture, have played a great role in the formation of sociocultural identity of Kerala Muslims. More than little religiously or locally considerable composition or presentation,... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando. 1997. Islam and the Political Discourse of Modernity, Reading: Ithaca Press. This is my first book, based on my PhD thesis that won the MESA Malcolm Kerr Award in the Social Sciences, 1994. The book... more
Preface Part 1 Conceptualising Modernity 1. Tradition and Modernity within Islamic Civilisation and the West, Armando Salvatore 2. Western Scholars of Islam on the Issue of Modernity, Muhammad Khalid Masud and Armando Salvatore Part 2... more
The Tablighi Jama'at (TJ) is widely regarded as the largest movement of grassroots Islamic revival in the world yet remains significantly under-researched. This thesis examines the British branch of the movement based on sustained... more
In 1979 Iran, the establishment of a durable Islamic state system demanded the utilitarian use of Ayatollah Khomeini's charismatic appeal with references to messianic sensitivities. However, to fulfil his own concepts of an ideal Islamic... more
Quote as: Dressler, Markus, Armando Salvatore and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (eds). 2029. Islamicate Secularities: Past and Present, in Historical Social Research 44(3). All papers are accessible through... more
À première vue, les récentes actions terroristes en Côte d’Ivoire et au Burkina Faso ont laissé croire à une radicalisation de l’islam dans ces deux pays. Cependant, la grande attention médiatique portée sur ces craintes et les nombreuses... more
Quote as:
Salvatore, Armando (ed.). 2011. Between Everyday Life and Political Revolution: The Social Web in the Middle East, Oriente Moderno, 91(1).
Salvatore, Armando (ed.). 2011. Between Everyday Life and Political Revolution: The Social Web in the Middle East, Oriente Moderno, 91(1).