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Cette thèse parle d’Hommes, d’art et de société. Elle traite de l’histoire d’un banquier Juif ashkénaze né à Bonn en 1804 et de ses descendants. À travers l’étude de douze demeures et de leurs collections, elle raconte l’histoire d’une... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchitectureAntisemitism (Prejudice)Urbanism
This is the comprehensive presentation of the first results of several years of research of the official participants lists of the Bilderberg conferences. I decided to publish it here so everyone can do his own research based on this... more
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      NATOBankingVenetian HistoryWorld Bank
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a critical approach of the identification and rejection strategies in discourses and practices of a “global elite” of business leaders and managers. Design/methodology/approach – A... more
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      SociologyInternational BusinessCritical Management StudiesCritical Discourse Analysis
Honores de la corona, honores de la comunidad. Monarquía, movilidad social y hegemonía local en tierras vascas (1700-1808) 
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      Basque StudiesLocal HistoryHistory of ElitesSpanish empire
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAfrican StudiesWorld Literatures
This paper examines critical aspects of the birth of the new generation of Myanmar’s emerging elite groups and their roles in the society based on in-depth qualitative research conducted in two universities in Yangon. It particularly pays... more
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      Higher EducationHabitusMyanmarElites and Society
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      Modern HistoryProsopographyHistory of ElitesSardinia
We address a largely neglected issue in contemporary research on cultural class divisions: economic capital and its associated lifestyles and symbolic expressions. Using qualitative interviews, we explore how adolescents from wealthy... more
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      Symbolic BoundariesPierre BourdieuLifestyle & ConsumptionSocial status
Members of Rundu's elite take pride in their history of distinction. They weave a subjective narrative, representing themselves as an educated intelligentsia who were once the vanguard of the country's liberation struggle. From apartheid... more
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      African StudiesPolitical AnthropologyElites (Political Science)Southern Africa
For social scientists undertaking critical research on elites in organisational contexts securing access is a challenging exercise that may rely on the use of several access strategies over extended periods. This process is further... more
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      Critical CriminologyFieldworkElitesSociology of elites
This paper reflects on key moments occurring during the course of a three-year study of elite girls’ education, with a focus on the power relations that emerged between researchers and elites within the context in which the study was... more
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      Qualitative ResearchReflexivity (Sociology)Elite educationSociology of elites
Comment intériorise-t-on des normes et des valeurs qui nous sont extérieures ? Comment des processus sociohistoriques sont-ils incar-nés par des individus et des institutions ? Posant ces questions fonda-mentales de la sociologie à un... more
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      Field TheoryInternationalisation of the curriculumHistory of EducationInternational Education
The paper focuses on transnational wealth elites buying residential properties in New York and London as an investment rather than as a primary residence. The transnational wealth elite is a group of people that have their origin in one... more
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      Real EstateTransnationalismGlobal citiesForeign Direct Investment
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
First-generation and low-income students have been an important subject of research in the sociology of higher education due to the particular struggles and needs that these groups face. Diversification of elite campuses have called into... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationSocial SciencesHigher Education
Vorstellung meines laufenden Dissertationsprojekts bei Manfred Groten, Bonn.

Presentation of my dissertation project (supervised by Manfred Groten, Bonn).
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryLanded NobilityHistory of Elites
1 Classes, élite(s), oligarchie ? Les professionnels de la politique La littérature concernant les élites en général, et les professionnels de la politique en particulier, est à la fois pléthorique [pour une synthèse : Coenen-Huther,... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Political ElitesSociology of elites
Title: A long march through cultural institutions. Politics of the United Right and the exchange of elites in the state’s new cultural order after 2015 Abstract This text aims to analyse the project of elite change implemented by the... more
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      Elites (Political Science)History of ElitesElite TheoryElites and Society
Ο όρος πολιτικές ελίτ, μολονότι κυρίαρχος στον σύγχρονο πολιτικό λόγο, στερείται μιας ξεκάθαρης ερμηνείας. Οι θεωρίες για τις ελίτ για ένα μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα δεν έτυχαν της δέουσας προσοχής ως αποτέλεσμα μιας σειράς ιστορικών,... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical SciencePolitical ElitesPolitical Representation
Tech-libertarian billionaires try to colonize Mars, they create sea-steads to avoid the juridical, physical and economical constraints of the nationstate and they build climate secured luxury bunkers in New Zealand to escape a coming... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySociologyEnvironmental SociologySocial Theory
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a produção nas ciências sociais que possuíram como objeto o Departamento da Polícia Federal. Se desde a década de noventa diversos saberes, como a sociologia, a criminologia, a história, a... more
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      Ciencia PoliticaCiências SociaisPolíticas PúblicasSociology of elites
Les élites arabes et leur rôles dans le développement-Large contribution d'un chef de file de la pensée arabe moderne : AEK ABID Préambule J'ai sélectionné ce travail d'équipe parce qu'il porte les empreintes de Aek Abid dont la... more
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      Information SystemsSocial ChangeSocial AnthropologySociology of Education
Despite generally being neglected in sociological research, the study of elite1 schooling provides valuable insights into how educational exclusion operates. The predominance of the privately educated in key leadership positions... more
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    • Sociology of elites
In recent decades, accelerating processes of globalization and an increase in economic inequality in most of the world's countries have raised the question of the emergence of a new bourgeoisie integrated at the global level, sometimes... more
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      SociologySociology of EducationSocial NetworksGlobalization
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      Argentina HistoryArgentinaHistory of ElitesElites and Society
Cet article étudie la structure financière actuelle du capitalisme marocain en vue de comprendre les transformations induites par des décennies de libéralisation économique. Pour cela, nous comparons nos résultats portant sur... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical EconomyMoroccan StudiesMorocco
How are top leaders selected in Communist China? Following an in-depth literature review of Elite formation and selection inside the Chinese Communist Party, this paper posits the existence of a “path” leading to the top of the leadership... more
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      SociologyPolitical SciencePoliticsChina
Les pauvres suscitent-ils aujourd’hui, chez les riches, une répulsion similaire à celle que le peuple inspirait aux bourgeois au xixe siècle ? Autrement dit, les démunis sont-ils encore considérés comme une classe dangereuse, immorale et... more
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      SociologyCultural SociologyFrench StudiesIndian studies
Many Dutch castles and noble houses are situated in high-medieval reclamation regions. In literature sometimes a relation is suggested between the castles and the reclamations, but empirical evidence is extremely rare as is scientific... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyHistory of ElitesCultural Historical GeographyCastle Studies
Twenty-five years after the emergence of the Other Serbia, this intellectual circle still remains an unexplored topic. It is often used as a mean for political disqualification, due to the fact that their ideas were never analyzed with... more
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      YugoslaviaSerbian historyIntellectualsElites (Political Science)
En montrant les transformations des curricula des “grandes écoles” de journalisme, cet article décrit la lutte que mènent les différentes fractions de l’élite professionnelle pour légitimer leur modèle de formation. D’un côté, les deux... more
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      Higher EducationInternationalization of higher educationSociology of elites
RESUMEN: Il saggio tratta dei Grandi di Spagna italiani. Un tema vasto e sfuggente ad ogni categorizzazione formale laddove s'intenda coglierne gli intrecci con la storia politica, la storia sociale del potere, la storia culturale. Sullo... more
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      Early Modern EuropeElites (Political Science)Political ElitesHistory of Elites
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      Sociology of EducationSociology of WorkSociology of FinanceSociology of elites
Nos proponemos ofrecer una imagen general de las principales características de la élite política en España y aportar algunas claves para un mejor entendimiento del papel de este grupo de actores en el sistema político español. Para ello... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Political ElitesSpanish politicsPoliticians
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
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      Sociology of EducationEthnographyMobility/MobilitiesHigher Education
Orgs: Sérgio Ricardo Rodrigues Castilho; Antonio Carlos de Souza Lima; Carla Costa Teixeira Antropologia das práticas de poder: reflexões etnográficas entre burocratas, elites e corporações volta o foco para a mudança do fazer... more
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      Antropología PolíticaSociology of elites
A lo largo de nuestra Historia, el concepto de Nobleza en España ha ido evolucionando y adaptándose a las circunstancias de cada periodo; Es por ello que, si analizamos la formación y evolución histórica de la nobleza española, podemos... more
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      NobilityPolitical ElitesMedieval NobilityCourts and Elites (History)
Anthropology tends not to be associated with the study of elites, notwithstanding that investigating elites ethnographically has much to contribute to our understanding of power. To facilitate this pursuit, however, a good understanding... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Political ElitesHistory of ElitesMauritius & the Mascarene Islands
Durante los tiempos medievales España se caracterizó por tener una nobleza guerrera que debe su posición a la fuerza de su espada. Tras culminada la Reconquista con la derrota del Islam invasor se instaura una monarquía cada vez más... more
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      NobilityElites (Political Science)Political ElitesCourts and Elites (History)
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
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      Sports HistoryElites (Political Science)Political ElitesAncient Sports/Athletics
An archaic dedication from Samos known as the Geneleos Group is considered by scholars to be one of the first family dedications in Greek art, or, to be more precise, the first archaeological record showing an elite family in form of life... more
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      AffordancesArchaic GreeceGreek sanctuariesSappho
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
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      FinanceReligionEconomic HistorySociology
Chapitre 2 L'oligarchie sucrière dans la consociation. Thèse pour le Doctorat en Science Politique, présentée par Catherine Boudet le 03 décembre 2004, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, Atelier National de Reproduction des... more
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      French colonialismHistory of ElitesNarrative and IdentityRace and ethnicity (Anthropology)
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      Human RightsUnited NationsConspiracy TheoriesElites (Political Science)
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      Human GeographyLawEconomic GeographyProfessional Services Firms
In the last decades, many elite schools, which were founded following national models of education, have been internationalising to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of neoliberalised late-modern societies and remain competitive in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMultilingualismCritical sociolinguisticsSocial Semiotics
The paper focuses on the identity building strategies of a minority group in Mauritius, the Franco-Mauritians, as they had to face ethnic competition in the Mauritian plural society. How was an ethnic identity shaped and how did the... more
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      Francophone AfricaIdentity politicsFrench colonialismHistory of Elites
In this introductory essay to our special issue on elites, we outline some of the major challenges to research in this area and propose a series of theoretical and methodological pathways to address them. Theoretically we make four... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologySocial TheoryAnthropology