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    • Sociology of Social Problems
Cet article analyse les dynamiques de globalisation qui affectent le déroulement d'une controverse transnationale. Il étudie trois conflits croisés : les protestations provoquées par la loi anticontrefaçon au Kenya, les manifestations en... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesPolitical ScienceSociology of Globalization
The question of when and how international orders change remains a pertinent issue of International Relations theory. This article develops the model of pragmatic ordering to conceptualise change. The model of pragmatic ordering... more
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      Social ChangePragmatismInternational Relations TheoryPractice theory
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the social problem of depression from a multi-theoretical perspective. It explores depression through the lens of two psychologically based theories of human behavior, existential theory and... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySociology of CulturePsychology
the paper examined the relevance of knowledge management and knowledge sharing in the delivery of primary healthcare services in Nigeria, as an advocacy for the implementation of KM in primary healthcare development agency in Hadejia... more
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    • Sociology of Social Problems
This paper examined socio-cultural determinants of health care services utilization in northern Nigeria. The paper argues that, health is bedrock through which a society progresses, and it is cherished by all human species. Health care... more
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      Rural SociologySociology of Social ProblemsMedical Sociololgy
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
This PhD dissertation addresses changes that have taken place in recent years in the People’s Republic of China regarding the image, fate and value of discarded electrical and electronic equipment (DEEE, also known as “e-waste”) and of... more
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      Development StudiesPolitical EcologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyDiscard Studies
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın en temel amacı, psikolojik etkileri olan mobbing davranış türünün sosyolojik olarak ele alınabilirliğini sorgulamakla birlikte, görünen ve bilinen anlamı ile ''psikolojik taciz'' olarak adlandırılan bu davranış türünün;... more
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      SociologySocial ProblemsBullyingSociology of Social Problems
Cet article aborde une norme très peu analysée dans la littérature sur la protection sociale, largement dominée par les analyses sur l’activation ou sur les contreparties. Cette norme est celle de l’inconditionnalité, qui stipule une... more
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      PragmatismHuman RightsSocial ProblemsHomelessness
Reviews the literature and states that appropriate research describing initial use of illicit drugs suggests that disruption of normal child-parent relationships, lack of involvement in organized groups, and few effective peer... more
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      Drugs And AddictionSociology of Social Problems
This study documents the child welfare experiences of youth who are LGBTQ and their perspectives on how these experiences influenced their housing instability and homelessness. Youth detailed incidents of gender segregation,... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderFamily studies
Child Labour is a social evil that is persistent in the society for a very long time. Children under the age of 14 are employed to work under hazardous conditions in various industries and businesses. Firstly, this research paper deals... more
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      SociologyMass mediaSociology of Social ProblemsJournalism And Mass communication
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      Environmental SociologySocial ChangeDevelopment StudiesSociology of Social Problems
Presentation. Simone Bonnafous et Malika Temmar 1 I. l'analyse du discours en Europe, Johannes Angcrmüller 9 II. Analyse du discours et sciences de l'information et de la communication. Au-delà des corpus et des méthodes, Claire Oger. 23... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArgumentationSociology of Social ProblemsInterdiscursivity
Despite presenting similar records in terms of HDI and general state caacity by the HIV epidemic outburst, Brazil was far superior to South Africa until a decade ago (it is still the case, to some extent) in responding effectively to the... more
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    • Sociology of Social Problems
There is a commonsense assumption that 'teenage pregnancy' constitutes some sort of a social problem. A neglected aspect of this social construction is explored. It is suggested that ideologies of reproduction go only so far in... more
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    • Sociology of Social Problems
Gefängnisse sind Institutionen, denen ungewöhnlich restriktive Handlungs- und Lebensbedingungen zu eigen sind: Neben der Bewältigung diverser (im-)materieller Entbehrungen sind Inhaftierte mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert, sich in... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial ProblemsJuvenile Delinquency
In recent years we have witnessed public opinions are formed on general assumptions rather than any critical engagement. This has phenomenally affected the quality of open debates in the public sphere. Opinions and consents are... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationHigher EducationSociology of Social Problems
«Se la gente è in grado di definire condizioni inesistenti come problemi sociali, ne consegue necessariamente che può definire anche qualunque condizione esistente come un problema sociale. […]. Se una qualunque serie di condizioni... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceSociology of Crime and DevianceSocial ProblemsSymbolic Interaction
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      Social MovementsSocial ProblemsMoral PanicMedia
Recent research has called upon scholars to develop pedagogical interventions to address issues of media literacy. This teaching note answers that call by describing a media literacy project designed for use in social problems classes.... more
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      Social ProblemsMedia LiteracyMedia Literacy EducationSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
Con base en dos entrevistas biográficamente orientadas, este trabajo investiga una de las dimensiones más criminalizadas y despolitizadas del consumo, cultivo, regulación y comercialización del cannabis: la perspectiva de los consumidores... more
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      Social MovementsSocial NetworksSocial SciencesHuman Rights Law
"Résumé L’expertise psychiatrique est un instrument d’évaluation devenu indispensable dans le champ judiciaire tout en étant régulièrement contesté. Comment comprendre ce paradoxe apparent ? En décrivant, répond l’article, comment le... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Social Problems
Bu yazıda sosyolojinin giderek sığ ve teknik bir alana dönüştüğü ve bu nedenle de toplumu anlamaktan/çözümlemekten uzaklaştığı sorunu ele alınmakta ve bu sorunu aşmaya yönelik öneriler geliştirme çabasında bulunulmaktadır.
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      SociologySociology of KnowledgeHistory of SociologySociology of Social Problems
On:e of the many challenges W.E.B. Du Bois faced in the study of African Americans was the pervasive racism that affected how social scientists acquired data on people of African descent. Moreover, the historical reality in which such... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesSocial SciencesRace and Racism
The welfare state refers to a concept of a state that focuses on ensuring that a broad range of social rights is provided for all citizens by acting on the social mechanisms and consequences of the market economy. In such a state... more
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      Welfare StatePovertySocial ProblemsSocial Justice
Abstract Media often report about circumcision of girls, or ‘female genital mutilation’ (FGM), in ways that present this practice as a burning social problem, albeit secretively performed among African immigrants in Europe. In this paper... more
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      Social ProblemsFemale CircumcisionStereotypes and PrejudiceFemale Genital Mutilation
The present article analyzes potential and limits of crowdsourcing software (mobile and web applications) as tools for civic participation. Based on an empiric study of six Russian and French civic applications, developed in response to a... more
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      SociologyDesignSoftware StudiesUser Interface
Abstract HIV/AIDS continues to be a major global public health issue. In 2015, an estimated 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS virus. An estimate of more than 25.5 million people living with HIV lives in Sub-SaharanAfrica.... more
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      Public/Social Problems TheorySociology of Social ProblemsConspiracy TheoryGlobal Issues
В статье представлены результаты исследования риторики Федеральной службы по контролю за оборотом наркотиков России (ФСКН). Конструкционистские работы показывают, что силовые ведомства занимаются тонкой риторической игрой, одновременно... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesDrugs And AddictionConstructivism
The article discusses the intellectual biography of sociologist Howard S. Becker taking into account his contribution to the sociological study of social problems. Becker believes in the possibility of an objective study of the properties... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceSociology of Crime and DevianceConstructivismSocial Problems
Il volume presenta per la prima volta al pubblico italiano la teoria socio-logica radicale di John I. Kitsuse. Tra i primi fondatori della prospettiva della reazione sociale, Kitsuse propone una delle riflessioni più originali... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceJapanese StudiesSociology of EducationSociology of Crime and Deviance
The present demographic scenario of the country shows the increasing trend of mature population. According to census 2011, there are 60.3% people belonging to 15 to 59 years of age group and the percentage of people above 60+ ages is... more
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      Sociology of YouthSociology of Social ProblemsDeviant Behaviour and Social problems
مسائل اجتماعي عبارت از فاصله پديد آمده بين استانداردها و واقعيتهاي اجتماعي كه با واكنش آحاد جامعه روبرو شده مي باشد. اين واكنش تحت تاثير زياد ساختار اجتماعي و فرهنگي جامعه قرار دارد، مي باشد. مسائل اجتماعي از دو بعد قابل ملاحظه مي باشند:... more
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      SociologyCultural SociologySociology of Social Problems
One of the many challenges W.E.B. Du Bois faced in the study of African Americans was the pervasive racism that affected how social scientists acquired data on people of African descent. Moreover, the historical reality in which such data... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesSocial SciencesRace and Racism
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      Discourse AnalysisMoral PanicNewspapersSociology of Social Problems
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
The concept of vandalism is analyzed as a symbolic act. An analysis of vandalism from a situational-positivistic, or a motivational-psychological, approach hardly gives an understanding of vandalism as a meaningful individual and social... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceVandalismSociology of Social ProblemsSociology of Deviant Behavior
The social map of Ro.maJJia is delineated in terms of cultural and historical cultural ·areas. These are more meBIJ.ingful rmits of analysis than bistorics.J regions. The grouping of cou:nties by cultural areas is generated function of... more
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      Romanian StudiesSociology of Social ProblemsCultural areas
In this paper, I explore how knowledge about Canada’s health care system was constructed by both opponents and proponents of American health care reform, and how this knowledge was subsequently used. I use a constructivist social problems... more
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      SociologySocial ProblemsSocial Constructionism/ ConstructivismSociology of Social Problems
Learning Objectives At the end of this section, students should be able to:  Clarify different concepts in social problem  Identify the causes of social problem  Discuss the consequences of a social problem  Identify control mechanism... more
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      Development StudiesSociology of Crime and DevianceSocial ProblemsSociology of Social Problems
The article attempts to apply the Ibarra-Kitsuse constructionist model of rhetorical idioms, counterrhetorics, motifs and claims-making styles to the LiveJournal posts about police brutality in Russia. The analysis of the blog posts... more
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      SociologyCriminologyRhetoricSocial Sciences
This qualitative study examines the role of clients in petty corruption by analyzing actual corrupt exchanges between ordinary citizens and low level public and private employees in post-communist Hungary. Using a grounded theory... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational Behavior
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorCriminology
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      SociologyCriminologyReflexivityQualitative Research
The undeniable fact is that the various social sciences and other disciplines constitute the research perspective, which relates to the practice of multidimensional phenomenon. The welfare state is an excellent example of such one, which... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Policy
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
This article analyses how the dynamics of globalisation affect the development of a transnational controversy. It examines three linked conflicts: protests against the Anti-Counterfeit Act in Kenya, demonstrations against the... more
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      Sociology of GlobalizationSociology of Social ProblemsSociologie Des Mouvements Sociaux