Sociology of Journalism
Recent papers in Sociology of Journalism
La interactividad y el multimedia son dos de los pilares fundamentales del periodismo digital, junto a la hipertextualidad. Dado su carácter relativamente incipiente, analizamos empíricamente el uso en cabeceras internacionales. En este... more
Making News at The New York Times is the first in-depth portrait of the nation’s, if not the world's, premier newspaper in the digital age. It presents a lively chronicle of months spent in the newsroom observing daily conversations,... more
Twitter makes visible some of the most fundamental divides in professional journalism today. It reveals tensions about what constitutes news, the norms guiding journalists providing it, professional identity, and public service. This... more
Hitler, bir süre sonra kendisini doğuran II Wilhelm'i zehirletip Führer oldu. Meclisi yaktı, başkan oldu. Orduyu korkuttu. Kontrol bitti ve yıkımı kimse engelleyemedi. Allah, Malikül Mülk'tür. Gasp ettiğiniz mülk sizin değil, Allah'ın... more
Mass media studies, covering journalism, news and facts. Its dynamic coverage is growing rapidly, starting from the era of the invention of the printing press to the industrial revolution 4.0. The presence of digital media or online... more
Critique de la raison journalistique. Les transformations de la presse économique en France Liber 384 pages Date de parution 24/09/2004 Disponible en version numérique E-Pub 18.99 € TTC EAN 9782021284294 26.40 € TTC, EAN 9782020679220 Le... more
Cette étude trouve son origine dans un double étonnement. En effet, les années 1680-1740 sont marquées par la publication aux Provinces-Unies de nombreux ouvrages en français qualifiés d’« historiques » et consacrés à l’actualité... more
Ce qui nous intéresse dans le présent article est l’autonomie perçue des journalistes face à leur source principale, le relationniste. Des entrevues avec 21 journalistes montrent qu’ils sont obligés de travailler avec les professionnels... more
THIS IS the third issue Pacific Journalism Review has published on the theme of investigative journalism in recent years. Our first issue (PJR, 2011) followed the first regional Investigative Journalism conference held at the Pacific... more
The positive sense of Internet application to the journalism in nineties is becoming a negative image nowadays. Our communication analizes in depth the results of a fieldwork Radiografia prèvia al Llibre Blanc de la Professió Periodística... more
Political control is one of the central and conditioning aspects of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Through the perceptions of journalists and politicians, this article analyzes the validity, characteristics,... more
research report will seek to define opinion and response of the viewers against the portrayal of women in these advertisements. Survey research method has been used for the analysis. The respondents for the survey were categorized on the... more
The manuscript proposes a theoretical overview of editorial journalism in the contemporary media landscape by addressing aspects ranging from definitions to its alleged political effects. We also discuss the characteristics and routines... more
Ch. 6 in Aeron Davis, ed., The Death of Public Knowledge (Goldsmiths Press, 2017), pp. 69-85
Zarówno próby typologizacji, jak i opisu gatunków dziennikarskich realizowano w Rosji w specyficzny, rzecz by można: wyjątkowy sposób. Specyfika owa wiąże się nie tyle z "wyjątkowością " rosyjskiej kultury (особый путь), której dynamika... more
Owing to aesthetic components that advertisement texts generally have, advertisements are sometimes perceived as a genre of art by some circles. The study is based upon a perspective presented by an interdisciplinary background and it... more
Based principally on verbal data collected through interviews with journalists, journalism educationists, journalist trainers, and curriculum analysis, this study notes some progress made in the field of Malawian journalism since... more
The Irish Times published a letter from me on 28 January 2020. It pointed to errors and contradictions in Irish Times reports on how many former residents of institutions the Committee to Investigate Child Abuse (CICA) had interviewed.... more
Resumen: La presente comunicación se inscribe en el área de práctica cualitativa proponiendo una experiencia determinada de un método de enseñanza integrado en la metodología de Grado. Con ello lo que se propone es aumentar las... more
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
This article contributes to the emergent literature on the use of social media at advocacy organizations. Much of this existing literature focuses on these organizations’ production of social media information; this article, however,... more
Previous research has consistently documented a hostile media effect in which people see bias in balanced reporting on political controversies. In the contemporary fragmented media environment, partisan news outlets intentionally report... more
Este texto pretende problematizar a noção de construção social da realidade pelo jornalismo, conforme tem sido apresentada nas teorias da área da Comunicação. Parte da constatação das abordagens correntes na literatura acadêmica sobre... more
La manera en que los nuevos dispositivos móviles afectan a la dinámica de las familias. Escrito en formato periodístico, la nota se redactó a partir del estudio de numerosos casos específicos.
In Democracy Without Journalism? Victor Pickard argues that we’re overlooking the core roots of the crisis. By uncovering degradations caused by run-amok commercialism, he brings into focus the historical antecedents, market failures, and... more
Quelles sont les premières conséquences de la crise du Covid-19 sur les conditions d’emploi et de travail des journalistes belges francophones et germanophones ? Quels regards portent-ils et elles sur leur rôle et leur couverture de la... more
Le livre de Grégory Derville aborde la question du « pouvoir des médias » à partir des principaux travaux sociologiques sur le sujet. L’auteur retrace d’abord les débats théoriques qui ont accompagné les recherches sur les effets des... more
L’éthique des journalistes varie selon de multiples modalités, que ce soit l’identité du journaliste et le titre pour lequel il travaille, l’identité de la source et le lien qu’elle entretient avec le journaliste ou encore le cadre dans... more
News aggregation has become one of the most widely practiced forms of newswork, as more news is characterized by information taken from other published sources and displayed in a single abbreviated space. This form of newsgathering has... more
This article argues that the perception of a crisis in German-Greek relations that began with the „Greek crisis“ in the autumn of 2009 is the result of media coverage on both sides that indulged in football-style „us“ against „them“... more
--- L’insertion par le stage : analyse croisée de l’expérience de stage de jeunes entrants dans la profession journalistique et des attentes des employeurs à leur égard --- Pour pouvoir se faire engager dans des rédactions... more
Éléments pour une sociologie politique de la presse féminine
A number of high-profile corporate scandals were reported in Japan in 2011, and the accounting scandal of the Olympus Company was among them. During 2011, suspicions surfaced that Olympus had been engaging in improper accounting practices... more
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more