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Goran JOVANOVIC, Predrag DRAGOJEVIC Seitdem die Weltöffentlichkeit das Verhalten der serbischen Seite im Zerfallsprozess der Jugoslawischen Föderation scharf verurteilt und sie immer wieder zur allein schuldigen Partei erklärt, haben die... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIntellectualsExperience of WW1 for artists and intellectualsSociology of Intellectuals
Kiss Árpád Emlékkonferencia, 2019. 09. 21.
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      EducationHigher EducationIntellectualsSociology of Intellectuals
By analyzing the broad research of different types of 'folk' music in former Yugoslavia, the paper explores the different forms of interpretation and representations created by scholars in social science and humanities. Tracing back their... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusic
Il semble que la période où les professeurs universitaires peuplaient les rangs des formations politiques au Maroc soit révolue.
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    • Sociology of Intellectuals
This paper presents results from a collaborative research project investigating European scholars from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) who acted as public intellectuals during the 2014 European Parliament (EP) election campaign.... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesSociology of IntellectualsPublic Intellectuals
This article proposes a new understanding of the constraints and opportunities that lead intellectuals engaged in different political and social fields to create alternative modes of resistance to domination. The study of the Algerian... more
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      Public SociologyImmigrationPierre BourdieuMigration Studies
Trí thức là một từ thông dụng trong đời sống xã hội nhưng thường được hiểu theo nhiều nghĩa khác nhau, kể cả trong giới nghiên cứu khoa học xã hội. Bài này điểm lại một cách khái lược những quan niệm đáng chú ý về khái niệm trí thức của... more
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      SociologyIntellectualsSociology of IntellectualsXã hội học
Эта краткая переписка — всего три письма — свидетельство разрыва, который произошел между Жан-Полем Сартром и Морисом Мерло-Понти в июле 1953 года. В ней философы обсуждают (не)ангажированную позицию, которую (не) должен занимать... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyMaurice Merleau-PontyIntellectuals
Drawing upon activist interviews and framing theory this article proposes that the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) is better understood not by focusing on the objective status of its leadership as middle-class intellectuals, but by... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsCultural SociologySociology of Intellectuals
POVZETEK: V prvem delu članek prikazuje značilnosti nacionalsocialistične koncepcije znanosti z oporo v ideologiji völkisch in navaja nekatere njene regresivne družbene učinke, kot so okrepitev antiintelektualizma, degradacija temeljnih... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsTransformation of University SystemsHistory of Universities
Russia, Hungary and Poland have been at the forefront of the illiberal counter-movement to neoliberalism. However, while there is increasing knowledge about how ‘populism’ as a discursive strategy has brought illiberals to power,... more
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      Russian StudiesConservatismPopulismSociology of Intellectuals
"Drawing loosely on positioning theory, this article proposes two new claims about intellectuals and their public engagement. Firstly, we argue that the modern notion of the intellectual incorporates four core tensions or contradictions.... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Este trabajo procura responder dos preguntas centrales: ¿Hasta qué punto el acceso y la participacion legítima de los autores latinoamericanos en el campo academico internacional responde a una division internacional del trabajo... more
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      Latin American StudiesSociology of KnowledgeSociology of IntellectualsHistory of Publishing
This chapter surveys the career of the Egyptian filmmaker Yousry Nasrallah (born 1952). Through an analysis of the eight feature-length films he directed between 1988 and 2012, it considers the relationships between his social background... more
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      Sociology of CultureFilm StudiesPierre BourdieuAutonomy
История интеллектуалов во Франции приобрела статус самостоятельного направления в рамках исторической науки относительно недавно, в середине 1980-х гг. Отказавшись от традиционных подходов истории идей и истории философии, новая... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasFrench HistorySociology of Intellectuals
ABSTRACT This article investigates how Gabriele D’Annunzio’s The Triumph of Death brings together Nietzsche’s ideas and Wagner’s music and interweaves them with the motifs of literary Decadence and the author’s own particular sexual... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
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      Arabic PhilosophySociology of IntellectualsMuhammad Abid Al-Jabiri
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      Critical TheorySocial TheorySociological TheorySociology of Intellectuals
This book offers an analysis of the identity of the contemporary intelligentsia. It delves into the world of young Polish intellectuals and activists striving to find more profound justifications for their actions. It is the outcome of... more
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      Intellectual HistorySociologySelf and IdentityHistory of Ideas
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      History and MemorySociology of Intellectuals
This article examines the dilemma of exiled Arab intellectuals and their relationship to home in the work of the Syrian novelist, journalist, and feminist, Ghada al-Samman. It argues that for Samman, a writer of multiple exiles, home and... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryArabic Language and LinguisticsImmigration
This chapter critically assesses the various sociological and historical contributions to the study of intellectuals.It also explores the affinities betwen the sociological and historical studies in this area.
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology
This article offers a new explanation for the sudden rise in popularity of French existentialism, in particular of Sartre’s version, in the mid-1940s. It develops a multidimensional account which recognises both structural and cultural... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
RESUMEN La obra sociológica de Francisco Ayala, prácticamente desconocida, sobrepasa el interés meramente historiográfico. Al estudiar sus obras —algunas de las cuales presentamos en este texto— encontramos ideas, conceptos y teorías que... more
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      Intellectual HistorySociologySocial TheorySpanish Literature (Peninsular)
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      European StudiesCultural SociologyItalian StudiesRace and Racism
This article is one of the first to employ positioning theory to analyse an intellectual product. After introducing the theory itself, it explores how Sartre’s book Réflexions sur la question juive enabled him to locate himself within, as... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      Greek HistoryIntellectualsModern GreeceModern Greek History
This conversation between a private security guard, Dharmendra Panchal, and Irfan Ahmad serves as a window to understand contemporary India from the perspective of an “ordinary” or “common” man, an ardent and articulate supporter of the... more
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      Intellectual HistorySociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsWar Studies
This article unpacks reasons why the Propaganda Model represents a critical sociological approach to understanding media and society, explores the model’s potential within the sociological field, and considers the trajectory of its... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
Transformacja oraz związana z nią nadzieja powrotu do Europy nie unieważniły problemów wynikających z położenia geograficznego – w pewnych wymiarach nawet je uwypukliły – nie unieważniły automatycznie wyzwań, przed którymi stoi warstwa... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEast European intelligentsiasIntellectualsSociology of Intellectuals
[English below] Artykuł jest propozycją powrotu do pojęć fetyszyzmu i reifikacji jako klasycznych, ale nadal aktualnych narzędzi krytycznej teorii społeczeństwa. W ramach szeroko pojętej analizy nowoczesności wskazywały one na odwrócenia,... more
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      Guy DebordSociology of IntellectualsKarl MarxSocjologia
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      Critical Discourse StudiesAcademic WritingCritical Discourse AnalysisNeoliberalism
This book is a collection of essays that address a wide range of cultural, intellectual, historical, and political issues pertaining to contemporary Islam and Muslim societies.
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      Indonesian StudiesIslamic Contemporary StudiesIndonesiaIntellectuals
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration [email protected] Studia S o c io l og ia is the peer-reviewed journal of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, published bi-annually (June and December) as part... more
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      Social NetworksRomanian StudiesSociology of IntellectualsReputation
Este libro analiza la interacción entre el nacionalismo y la política de la historia en la Argentina del siglo XX. Ambos conceptos, el de "nacionalismo" y el de "política de la historia", son objeto de debate, pero el segundo es más... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      Intellectual HistoryIntellectualsSociology of IntellectualsSpain (History)
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      Intellectual HistorySocial Research Methods and MethodologyNarrativeQualitative methodology
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      ColonialismIntellectualsSociology of IntellectualsIreland
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      Political SociologyHigher EducationSociology of KnowledgeHistory of higher education
Sociology of Intellectuals, Turkish Sociology,
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    • Sociology of Intellectuals
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of IntellectualsStuart Hall
The central question addressed by this thesis is: what political roles can intellectuals play as agents of security? It attempts to answer this in two stages. First, by developing a typology for thinking about the political roles that... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Security StudiesApartheidIntellectuals
Εισαγωγή Ερευνητικού Έργου
Η ελληνική λογιοσύνη της Κωνσταντινούπολης από τον Αλέξανδρο Μαυροκορδάτο τον εξ απορρήτων στον Μανουήλ Γεδεών. Προσωπογραφική θεώρηση
Συντομογραφίες & Πίνακες
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      History of EducationProsopographyModern Greek HistoryChurch History
Through similar works of Mircea Eliade I tried to identify common features of feminine figures.
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      CommunismRomanian LiteratureSociology of IntellectualsTheory of Literary Character
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      Intellectual HistorySociologyHistorical SociologyProsopography
Određenje intelektualca kreće se između doslovnosti i bezobalnosti; od definicije prema kojoj je reč o svakom čoveku koji intelektualnim radom zarađuje za život, do uverenja da se njegove granice pružaju do svih onih koji iz različitih... more
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    • Sociology of Intellectuals
The Jewish intelligentsia and Russian Marxism I. Communism and intellectuals 2. Party affiliation Russia 3. Socialist parties 4. Jews in Russia I. Title 30 1 .5'g2 JN65g8.A I ISBN 0-333-23206-2 This book is sold subject to the standard... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryIntellectualsHistory of the Jews
Petrarch stands at the top of Mount Ventoux and proclaims his longing to return home. His soul turns toward Italy. Yet Petrarch has no “home” as such, and Italy does not exist at this time except as a post-imperial territorial... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval History