Sociology of Entrepreneurship
Recent papers in Sociology of Entrepreneurship
The purpose of this article is to assess the mentoring impact in an experiential learning entrepreneurship program. We did three-year participant observation in the major business school incubator of the Paris area with the aim to... more
Peut-on parler d'une sociologie de l'entrepreneuriat ? Quelle est-elle et comment la pratiquer ? Sur la base de ces questions essentielles, l'auteur propose un regard scientifi que en présentant les fondements épistémologiques de la... more
RÉSUME Mueller (2004) démontre que les intentions entrepreneuriales des femmes sont moindres que celles des hommes surtout dans les pays en voie de développement. Qu’en est-il dans un pays en économie de transition comme l’Égypte? Tout... more
Published as part of "Istanbul's Cultural Inventory Project," book series which was commissioned and funded by the Turkish Ministry of Culture, Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency and... more
Many people will agree on the idea that entrepreneurship is one of the most important business concepts in recent days. In addition, it is said that we are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution (or " Industry 4.0). Information and... more
Revue Terrains et Travaux Scandales financiers, catastrophes sanitaires, désastres écologiques... beaucoup de situations ont donné lieu, ces dernières années, à la mise en cause d'entreprises, de leurs patrons... more
Objectives. Previous studies on agritourism entrepreneurship have identified a variety of economic and non-economic motivations driving farm operators to start the agritourism activity. Nonetheless, local heritage preservation and... more
Quels rapports y a-t-il entre l’idéal type des sociologues et la fiction des cinéastes ? Cette question n’a été abordée ni par la recherche sociologique, ni par le monde cinématographique. Cet article vise précisément à interroger la... more
[PL poniżej] On January 1, 2016, the Law of 15 May 2015 new Restructuring Law entered into force in Poland, introducing a number of changes in bankruptcy law. The most important innovation enabled Polish entrepreneurs to take advantage of... more
The purpose of this article is to assess the mentoring impact in an experiential learning entrepreneurship program. We did three-year participant observation in the major business school incubator of the Paris area with the aim to... more
The network approach plays an important role in the sociological study of enterprises and of the process of becoming an entrepreneur. In our analysis we examine the role of social relations in the setup process of enterprises by the aid... more
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The article discusses the experiences of self-employment among immigrants from Turkey living in Finland. The immigrants are mainly active in the restaurant and fast food sector in Finland, primarily in small kebap and pizza businesses.... more
The Faculty of Business, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, in partnership with NWU School of Business & Governance, North West University, South Africa; The Centre for Strategic & International Entrepreneurship, Cracow... more
Abstract Entrepreneurship is a manifestation of change and is regarded as vital sources of jobs, business dynamism and innovation. However, entrepreneurship is a social activity which occurs in time and space (not just in a geographical... more
Un consultant du 16 e arrondissement Angelo Moro Michel Offerlé, Patrons en France La Découverte | « Hors collection Sciences Humaines » 2017 | pages 481 à 494 ISBN 9782707190734 Article disponible en ligne à Distribution électronique... more
The importance of the makers’ projects at the universities has significantly increases because they open new dimension in innovation and technological development. By involving in different makers’ projects the university students as... more
Not a long time that entrepreneurship training has found its place in Iran. Hence, not many researches have been performed on efficiency and damages facing entrepreneurship training. Present study tries to review damages facing... more
The article describes the type and form of entreprising that characterised Soviet rural inhabitants and proposes that the definition of entrepreneurship in common and academic use contrasts the Soviet and neoliberal, post-Soviet... more