Sociology of Education
Recent papers in Sociology of Education
The university is often celebrated as a site for critique where intellectual laborers, protected by academic freedom, may address the pressing social issues of their time and thus contribute to public opinion and to the advancement of... more
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
While many educators acknowledge the challenges of a curriculum shaped by test preparation, implementing meaningful new teaching strategies can be difficult. Active Learning presents an examination of innovative, interactive teaching... more
Normore, A. H. & Brooks, J. S. (Eds.) (2014). Educational leadership for ethics and social justice: Views from the social sciences. Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC.
In contemporary classrooms, it is crucial for teachers to have a thorough understanding of sociological issues in education. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices addresses sociological theory, highlighting its... more
Highly differentiated educational systems constitute a common organizational form of schooling in which youth are sorted into secondary schools that stress either vocational or academic training and between which movement is rare. With... more
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
L’educazione, la pedagogia e l’intervento sociale godono di brutta fama fra i sinti. Ne hanno sperimentato il lato violento, forzatamente assimilazionista. I sinti sono un «popolo resistenza» che è stato capace di fronteggiare i... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
Critical Race Theory (CRT) revolutionized how we investigate race in education. Centralizing counterstories from people of color becomes essential for decentralizing white normative discourse-a process we refer to as realities within the... more
Este artículo estudia el papel del programa de educación compensatoria en la construcción y gestión del fracaso escolar en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Basándose en un trabajo etnográfico, revela las luchas alrededor de los alumnos... more
Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between... more
Readers of a certain age will undoubtedly remember Choose Your Own Adventure children's books. In a normal novel, the author leads the reader through a series of fixed events and experiences lived by some other person. Choose Your Own... more
How do we socially negotiate what is seen or not seen in an institution? This dissertation posits the idea that educational institutions reproduce social exclusions and inequalities both through verbal exchanges and through practices of... more
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
A lecture given to EdD students at the University of East London on strategies to employing education policy discourse analysis.
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
The volume focuses on consciousness in different disciplines, and the article on sociological approaches.
Since the turn of the millennium there has been a clear rise in the implementation and research of mindfulness across primary, secondary and postsecondary education. These implementations, however, hardly constitute a uniform phenomenon.... more
(Cet exposé n'est qu'une esquisse sans pretention) (This presentation is simply an unpretentious sketch) (revisé/Revised 2024) Métis Unions & Weddings in Quebec; is an analysis of researches conducted from 2006 to 2009 containing the... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Recension de l'ouvrage collectif : Sébastien Fleuriel, Jean-François Goubet, Stéphan Mierzejewski, Manuel Schotté (dir.), Ce qu'incorporer veut dire, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, coll. « Épistémologie des... more
In this study, a historical and international analysis of early childhood education in Turkey is made. More specifically, we explore the trend in preschool enrolment, compare Turkey's enrolment rate with other countries, study whether... more
Dans le courant des années 1980-1990, le processus de massification de l’enseignement supérieur s’est traduit par une forte augmentation des flux d’entrants dans l’enseignement supérieur. La croissance constante des taux de réussite au... more
Resumo A partir das distinções estabelecidas por Hannah Arendt entre as esferas privada, pública e social o trabalho pretende identificar alguns reflexos derivados das formas de ingresso no sistema educacional. Utilizou-se o ensino... more
This paper presents a frame work for hardware acceleration for post video processing system implemented on FPGA. The deblocking filter algorithms ported on SOC having Altera NIOS-II soft core processor.SOC designed with the help of SOPC... more
(Last paragraph) This is actually a meta-interactional structure as students and teachers adjust to each other and try to find out what their different perceptions are of what they all think are the same events. It behooves us to remind... more
This chapter assesses the impact of new forms of schooling in London. It debates whether London education is currently in an unsettled phase which may be an early indication of a future post-competition era for education in England. The... more
Ao abordarmos os problemas da escolaridade constatamos que coexistem hoje diversas formas para designar algo que começou por ser apenas básico e universal. Denominações como escola única, para todos, integradora ou inclusiva surgiram e... more
This study focuses on urban school children in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh who came from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, adjusting and negotiating with each other within the school spaces. The primary objective of the... more
The main goal of this study is to verify the effects of cultural capital on students' performance in an official test applied by the Brazilian government, as part of the National Assessment of Basic Education (Saeb). The data set used is... more
The main aim of the text is to discuss the expected consequences of the reform of education and of higher education from the perspective of implementing the welfare state. The welfare state is the main promise of the Law and Justice... more
Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more
Е.В. Аржаных, зав. лабораторией Е.М. Новикова, научный сотрудник Лаборатория мониторинговых исследований ГБОУ ВПО МГППУ Место духовно-нравственного образования и воспитания в школьной программе обучения Аннотация доклада на XV Апрельской... more
O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) é atualmente a principal prova de acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, contando desde 2013 com uma regra que estabelecia que redações de candidatos que desrespeitassem os direitos humanos receberiam... more
The video is available here: Abstract: Degrowth is the literal translation of 'decroissance', a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in... more
TVÅ SIDOR AV SAMMA MYNT? Tabell 2. Söktryck efter namn på folkhögskolan, Ht 2009 Folk-Antal Antal N Profiler Söktryck St. d högskola sökande platser(medelvärden) Fridhem 450 25 1 Jazz 18, 0 Skurup 340 20 1 Jazz 17, 0 Billströmska 230 20 1... more
Background Social capital, defined as the people one knows and the resources available through that network of people, has been a key variable in research examining the participation of women and underrepresented minority students in... more