Introduction. An important condition for the implementation of inclusion is to increase the inclusive culture of both teachers and parents of children with special needs, and parents of children with conditional developmental norms. The... more
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba refleksji nad barierami ograniczającymi pełne i satysfakcjonujące uczestnictwo osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchową,... more
Bu makale, yüzdeki sakatlıklara odaklanarak sakatlık çalışmaları ve duygular sosyolojisi alanlarının kesişim noktasında bir tartışma yürütmektedir. Makalenin ana argümanı, bir kişinin sakatlığı ile duyguları arasındaki ilişkinin yalnızca... more
Bu makale, yüzdeki sakatlıklara odaklanarak sakatlık çalışmaları ve duygular sosyolojisi alanlarının kesişim noktasında bir tartışma yürütmektedir. Makalenin ana argümanı, bir kişinin sakatlığı ile duyguları arasındaki ilişkinin yalnızca... more
Статья посвящена исследованию инклюзии в вузах г. Томска, проведенному в марте-ноябре 2020 г. Авторы исследовали состояние инклюзивного образования в томских вузах. Акцент был сделан на субъективной оценке состояния инклюзивной среды... more
The evaluation of the pedagogical-theatrical project Trolls is a source of data on the basis of which we propose the use of positive labeling categories. We expanded it by naming the stages of this form of labeling: bewilderment, taming,... more
RESUMO: O artigo, erigido mediante processo de revisão literária, objetiva apresentar as contribuições do grupo londrino denominado Disability Studies, arcabouço teórico pouco conhecido em terras brasileiras e cujos textos possibilitam... more
Disability studies and critical trauma studies are both deeply concerned with the social construction of meaning and identity. However, these disciplines often remain mutually disengaged, inadvertently overlooking shared mechanisms of... more
La política de integración educativa en México ha estado sujeta a diversas interpretaciones, algunas de ellas sin sustento ni argumento teórico,lo que ha originado confusión, tanto en sus usuarios como en el grupo de sujetos a los que... more
Доля людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) составляет около 15 % от общего населения, что делает инвалидов самым многочисленным меньшинством в мире. Однако их охват системой высшего образования продолжает оставаться... more
The paper presents the results of sociological research in the universities of the Tyumen Province, Russia (2081 questionnaires from 9 state institutions of higher education, 2016, April). In the paper, we consider only one aspect of... more
The term, disability encompasses a wide range of physical and cognitive impairments, which have been subject to various negative representations. Throughout history, disability has been regarded as a social stigma and disgrace, prompting... more
The article presents a relatively new practice of home education for Russia. A survey of numerous studies shows that the transition to homeschooling is characteristic of families with a high value of family cohesion, for those who want to... more
This article draws on discussions from three disability scholarships to examine discourses around wheelchair basketball tournaments in publicity campaigns in the past few years in Bangladesh, a country of the Global South. Nine texts have... more
The paper presents the results of sociological research in the universities of the Tyumen Province, Russia (2081 questionnaires from 9 state institutions of higher education, 2016, April). In the paper, we consider only one aspect of... more
Статья посвящена исследованию инклюзии в вузах г. Томска, проведенному в марте-ноябре 2020 г. Авторы исследовали состояние инклюзивного образования в томских вузах. Акцент был сделан на субъективной оценке состояния инклюзивной среды... more
This article explores twelve short narrative films created by women and trans people living with disabilities and embodied differences. Produced through Project Re•Vision, these micro documentaries uncover the cultures and temporalities... more
Доля людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) составляет около 15 % от общего населения, что делает инвалидов самым многочисленным меньшинством в мире. Однако их охват системой высшего образования продолжает оставаться... more
Disability ls Not Measles to the need for an ethical and moral framework to view this context and the social construction of disability, a framework that has been at odds with the positivist research tradition. It means that researchers... more
La temática de la discapacidad a nivel nacional ha permanecido alejada de perspectivas que abordan el tema desde políticas participativas de los sujetos discapacitados/as. El modelo médico y el modelo asistencial predominan en el campo de... more
In the present WorkAbility deliverable the results of the accessibility evaluation of important employers of the region of Central Macedonia are presented. These companies were considered by the project implementation team to be potential... more
The principal aim of the WorkAbility project was to apply a holistic approach concerning underemployment and unemployment in the case of people with disabilities in Greece. A questionnaire survey was undertaken in the framework of... more
Yes, we fuck! (2015) is a documentary that seeks to portray the sexuality of people with functional diversity that focuses on their empowerment and critiques ableism. Its filming has helped to generate alliances between Spanish activist... more
Lineamientos para la investigación jurídica brinda al lector diversos elementos para la elaboración y desarrollo de proyectos de investigación aplicables a diferentes áreas de las ciencias sociales, aunque de manera particular aterriza su... more
Лапин Дмитрий Васильевич кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры социальной работы и социальной антропологии Новосибирского государственного технического университета Машанова Анна Сергеевна старший преподаватель кафедры социальной... more
доктор психологических наук, профессор, академик РАО, главный научный сотрудник лаборатории специального и инклюзивного образования научноисследовательского института ГБОУ ВПО «Московский городской педагогический университет»; профессор... more
This book is a Modern-Historical Comparison between lived experiences in the current era by the author compared against the life of Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller`s teacher. The author draws on sociological & librarianship theories and... more
Conclusion Health care professionals need to be appropriately supported and trained so they can provide adults with diabetes with information about the risks of DR, support them in reducing their risk, and advocate for the provision of... more
Аннотация Актуальность исследования данной проблемы обусловлена проблемой социализации детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Успешная социализация и адаптация к новым условиям определяется сформировавшимся отношением к жизненно... more
The circumstantial understanding of the 'normal', ushered in by the spread of COVID 19, has been the practice of 'social distancing'. Exercising this 'new normal' has been a challenge in general for society. However, it is particularly... more
The circumstantial understanding of the 'normal', ushered in by the spread of COVID 19, has been the practice of 'social distancing'. Exercising this 'new normal' has been a challenge in general for society. However, it is particularly... more
Drug use continues to be one of the key public health problems, so it is particularly relevant to develop effective prevention programs targeted at different groups of young people. In this case, any preventive measure must necessarily... more
Disability studies and critical trauma studies are both deeply concerned with the social construction of meaning and identity. However, these disciplines often remain mutually disengaged, inadvertently overlooking shared mechanisms of... more
This paper explores the proposition that the world is shaped by language. It takes as axiomatic the notion, familiar to critical discourse analysis (CDA), that language (discourse) and society are mutually constitutive. It reviews several... more
Purpose – This chapter attempts to understand the impact of war, conflict, and forced migration in the northwest border of India on the security of the aged widows and the ways they respond, construct, and negotiate their lives.... more
Disability ls Not Measles to the need for an ethical and moral framework to view this context and the social construction of disability, a framework that has been at odds with the positivist research tradition. It means that researchers... more
доктор психологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры методологических проблем криминальной психологии факультета юридической психологии Московского городского психолого-педагогического университета, ведущий научный сотрудник НИЛ... more
The article presents the results of the main directions of the exposition activity of the Moscow State University of Psychological and Education (MSUPE) presented at the 5th Moscow International Education Fair (MIEF), which was held April... more
Disability studies and critical trauma studies are both deeply concerned with the social construction of meaning and identity. However, these disciplines often remain mutually disengaged, inadvertently overlooking shared mechanisms of... more
Na perspectiva marxista, a pessoa com deficiência é um corpo fora da ordem capitalista, por ser um corpo de “menor valor” e “incapaz” para o trabalho e por isso um obstáculo para a produção. De fato, as pessoas com deficiência são um... more
New developments in biotechnology and their implications for criminal justice have brought the nature vs. nurture debate into poignant relief in recent years. Poorly articulated and for many years biased towards the knowledge traditions... more
The subject of the present survey, conducted in the frame of WorkAbility project, is the employment status of persons with disability in the region of Central Macedonia. The present report consists of descriptive statistics, crosstabs... more
Sosyal organizasyonun azınlıkları da kapsamak yerine çoğunluğun istek ve ihtiyaçlarına göre tasarlanması, engelli bireylerin hayatları boyunca birbirinden farklı dezavantajlılık durumuyla karşı karşıya kalmalarının ana etmenlerindendir.... more
Elena Gaetana Faraci Title of Ph.D. in "Political Thought and Institutions in Mediterranean Societies" (XXI cycle) received on 26/02/2010 at the Faculty of Political Science, University of of Catania. Degree in Philosophy... more
Nesta peça ensaio um breve panorama sociológico sobre algumas possibilidades de compreensão do termo deficiência emergentes ao longo do Século XX. Passando por discussões sociológicas e históricas, em diálogo com o campo dos disability... more