Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
Chap 1 (pages 1-24) excerpted from the book, Venezuela´s Polarized Politics: The Paradox of Direct Democracy Under Chavez. Ana L.Mallen and Maria Pilar Garcia-Guadilla . First Forum Press. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 2017. How... more
This interview of Àngel Ferrero with sociologist József Böröcz (Rutgers University) was carried out for the newspaper El Salto and first appeared there in Spanish on the 7th of April 2018. LeftEast reprints the English original with the... more
In this study, I set out to explore the role media plays in reinforcing national identity and belonging. Through this study I aim to contribute to the wealth of literature on the sociology of nationalism, particularly in relation to... more
This book analyses the institutional development that the Peruvian state has undergone in recent years within a context of rapid extractive industry expansion. It addresses the most important institutional state transformations produced... more
This review article goes back to shed light on an article that was written and published since 24 years. It reconsiders various aspects of the crisis that Algerian society went through. In so doing the author tries to bring out the... more
Il metodo e l’oggetto dell’osservazione “ 21 La sociologia è un mondo di relazioni “ 23 Le paure di una società in crisi. Conflitto tra libertà e sicurezza “ 27 Lo spazio attorno all’Europa si restringe e il mondo appare più minaccioso “... more
Cet article vise à faire une lecture analytique, objective des violences politiques au Cameroun à la loupe de la crise anglophone de 2016-2017 à travers une mobilisation d'outils à la fois sociologiques et politologiques. Abstract This... more
The article tries to predict the post Corona world from the social, economical and political perspective. It tries to explore the probable changes in human society due to expected economic disaster and indicates that fascism would gain... more
Se o proveito das divisões disciplinares entre as Ciências Sociais pode ser questionado de um modo geral, não temos dúvida de que no Brasil a Ciência Política tem sido especialmente pouco beneficiada pela imposição de fronteiras... more
Un día, cuando su grupo-compromiso considera que se reunen ciertas condiciones domésticas e internacionales, el Presidente de un país transmite masivamente un mensaje a sus gobernados. Lo hace, típicamente en cadena nacional y a la hora... more
This article aims to show how experts in European law shaped the direction and content of European public policy in the area of criminal justice. Putting policy experts at the core of our analysis allows us to examine the meso level of... more
The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has spent millions to create an agency solely dedicated to protecting the physical facilities that provide Abu Dhabi with wealth and essential utilities. A large portion of that sum has been spent on training, but... more
The political landscape in Sweden has undergone considerable changes in recent decades The number of political parties in the Swedish parliament has increased from five to eight, and the socio-economic issues of the traditional political... more
World economic and geopolitical outlook Workshop annuale -XI edizione MONTAGNAGA DI PINÉ (TN) -SABATO 5 LUGLIO 2014 ROMANTIK HOTEL AL POSTA 1899
El presente artículo busca una posible explicación al fenómeno de rupturas en los partidos políticos chilenos en el debilitamiento de la convención colaborativa en las élites partidarias. Se considera el supuesto de que la conformación de... more
Książka Aviezera Tuckera The Legacies of Totalitarianism. A Theoretical Framework wpisuje się nurt prac, które podejmują kwestię zwycięstwa liberalnej demokracji w krajach o totalitarnej przeszłości i postsowieckiej dominacji po 1989... more