SummaryThe purpose of the present commentary is to discuss the nature and correlates of workplace commitment across cultures. We asked six organizational behavior scholars, who are intimately familiar with Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany,... more
The unintended negative consequences of the drive towards open access publishing are becoming increasingly apparent. This paper examines the nature of open access publishing from the perspectives of authors and readers, considering issues... more
Please check the manuscript for details of any other licences that may have been applied and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. You may not... more
The paper briefly reviews recent research that adapts and extends the Tiebout model of residential choice, paying special attention to those studies which utilize Hirschman's exit, voice and loyalty model. The paper argues that these are... more
A dominant assumption in social science is that shared similarities are the foundation for social categorization and identification. Accordingly, heterogeneity should hinder social identity formation. This paper argues the opposite can... more
Comprendre Le debat sur l'insecurite n'est pas un fait nouveau, mais revet aujourd'hui une acuite toute particuliere dans la societe francaise, notamment en Ile-de-France. Il s'est installe sur le devant de la scene... more
In contexts of institutional crisis, conflicts arise in which different pressure groups try to maximize their influence, seeking to adjust a political reality in line with their own interest. This article analyzes the changes in the... more
El capital político es una categoría muy presente tanto en la vida social como en la literatura en las ciencias sociales. En el mundo social, el ‘capital político’ funciona como expresión a través de usos ordinarios, mientras que en el... more
This paper focuses on the development of Hong Kong's cultural economy and its translation into urban space. On the one hand it focuses on recent economic development and planning strategies to develop a post-colonial identity based on the... more
Comparative studies often highlight the negative effects of federalism for welfare state expansion. We examine Brazil and India, which have both enhanced their welfare effort despite political fragmentation. We argue that federalism's... more
This paper explores some of the difficulties involved in defining satire. Neither the formal characteristics of satire nor its informing purposes, including its variable associations with humour and the provocation of amusement allow for... more
United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) supporters and non-voters in England participate respectively in forms of engaged and disengaged anti-political activity, but the role of individual, group-based, and collective emotions is still... more
In the period November 2013-April 2014 more than 160,000 Ethiopians were deported from Saudi Arabia after a seven months amnesty period for undocumented migrants came to an end. This large-scale regularization campaign of the Saudi... more
London's successful bid for the 2012 Olympic Games presented a diverse, cosmopolitan city opening its arms and ''welcoming the world.'' This article explores the apparently benign gesture of hospitality contained in London's official... more
This article builds on the current critique of urban neoliberal strategies for global competition that make instrumental use of arts and creativity. This paper moves the debate forward by providing a more holistic overview of why cities... more
Comprendre Le debat sur l'insecurite n'est pas un fait nouveau, mais revet aujourd'hui une acuite toute particuliere dans la societe francaise, notamment en Ile-de-France. Il s'est installe sur le devant de la scene... more
In the USA, scholars have developed theories to explain the role of legislative committees, but these theories have not been widely tested outside the USA. This ambivalence results from the perception that the strength of political... more
The course will consist in a close reading of the two volumes of Tocqueville's Democracy in America. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Tocqueville's moderate defense of liberal democracy, the political order founded on... more
The participation of women in Chinese society over past decades has been shaped by the shifting relationships between state, market and society as these have impacted on public and private spheres of life. The paper looks at these... more
We argue that leader-member exchange (LMX) standing relative to the LMX relationships of other coworkers (RLMX) in workgroups may influence employees' job performance. Based on social comparison and social identity theories, we develop a... more
Multiple aspects of intergenerational programs present challenges for evaluators. Broader measures and perspectives are needed particularly with respect to informing economic evaluations of intergenerational programs. The study aims to:... more
Purpose Colombia presents with one of the largest armed conflicts in the world. Children exposed directly or indirectly to armed conflicts live the emotional footprints left by war. This paper aims to identify mental health problems among... more
Evidence suggests that certain migrant populations are at increased risk of abusive behaviors. It is unclear whether this may also apply to Thai rural-urban migrants, who may experience higher levels of psychosocial adversities than the... more
Evidence suggests that certain migrant populations are at increased risk of abusive behaviors. It is unclear whether this may also apply to Thai rural-urban migrants, who may experience higher levels of psychosocial adversities than the... more
In many cases, government institutions insufficiently consider the traditional land use of community areas in spatial planning policy. Although numerous investigations into the participatory mapping of community lands have occurred, their... more
This essay examines Jane Austen's Mansfield Park in the light of classical understandings of political theology. It does so by placing the novel in its Anglican and Erastian contexts as well as by showing that it belongs to a lineage of... more
Precarity is a double condition. On the one hand, it denotes a socioeconomic position of insecurity and poverty, often particularly associated with statelessness. On the other, as is here argued, it denotes an anthropological or... more
In mixed oligopolies, technology licensing from a cost-efficient firm to a cost-inefficient firm has been widely observed. This paper examines the relationship between privatization and licensing (by public or private firms) with the... more
Background: East Jakarta City experienced the largest increase in the number of students in DKI Jakarta Province. The large number of students participating was followed by the many problems experienced by students such as the cost of... more
Dementia has been identified as one of the major challenges in the 21 st Century. The detrimental effects of dementia can jeopardise personhood, thus person-centred interventions including reminiscence and arts practice have been... more
Nous abordons dans notre thèse de doctorat la question des performances des corps dans des rassemblements de protestation en Tunisie révolutionnaire. Nous avons constaté, au tout début des journées de la révolution entre 17 décembre 2010... more
This research assesses how low-income households in rural Kenya coped with the immediate economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It uses granular financial data from weekly household interviews covering six weeks before the first... more
Multiple aspects of intergenerational programs present challenges for evaluators. Broader measures and perspectives are needed particularly with respect to informing economic evaluations of intergenerational programs. The study aims to:... more
1 Literally ''built overnight'', the term gecekondu is used to describe the shantytown neighborhoods constructed by poor migrants, usually on the outer fringes of Turkey's largest cities. A distinction can be made between ''inner... more
An image of drowned Syrian toddler, Aylan Kurdi, was popularly shared through social media and this promoted a surge of solidarity with Syrian refugees in September 2015. However, this response was not sustained. We explore the role of... more
The Western-based utopian dream of internet-enabled technology was to overcome distance, allow widespread participation, and forge a shared view of core political issues on complex matter such as justice, economy, and the environment.... more
Si fa un gran parlare, negli ultimi anni, della cosiddetta «Agenda 2030»: tralasciandone le pur rilevanti implicazioni sanitarie, securitarie, ecologiche ecc., mi limiterò nella presente sede ad analizzarne la declinazione squisitamente... more
Regional studies globally has a strong focus on understanding the causes of variation in the economic performance and well-being of regions and this emphasis acknowledges that the strength of the local or regional economy plays a... more
v 5.2.3 Making fun of religious parties in Balak and Red Carpet ________________ 5.2.4 Divinity and political legitimacy ___________________________________ 5.3 Summary __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 6:... more
The hypothesis that soldiers took pleasure in killing during the first world war is assessed in the light of particular forms of evidence and the reports of military psychiatrists. The impersonal nature of combat and motives of snipers... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
There is an increasing volume of literature on the positive effects of outdoor natural landscapes on health and well-being. However, to date, there is a paucity of research on the effect of outdoor natural landscapes designed for people... more