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The idea of public sphere is defined as a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed (Habermas 1964). Literature irrespective of genres has always constituted an important part of the public... more
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      Civil Society and the Public SpherePublic SphereMalayalam LiteratureMalayalam Novel
EDEBİYAT VE TOPLUM BAĞLAMINDA TOLSTOY’UN KAZAKLAR ROMANI Kamil ÖNAL Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türkçe Okutmanı ÖZET Edebiyat toplumsal olguları yansıtması açısından her zaman değerli bir sosyolojik araç olmuştur. Edebiyat sayesinde toplumu... more
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      LiteratureLiterature and SocietyLeo TolstoySociology and Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureMax Weber (Philosophy)Max WeberLiterature and Sociology
Статията разглежда възникването и ранните употреби на популярното в испанската литературна критика понятие "литературно поколение". Анализират се импликациите му и се правят изводи за предимствата и недостатъците му.
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      Spanish LiteratureSociology and Literature
This paper is about the interconnections between sociology and literature. It focuses on the contributions to the topic of such authors as Florian Znaniecki, Robert Nisbet and Robert Redfield. The brief historical reconstruction is... more
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      Social TheoryQualitative Research MethodsSociology and LiteratureSociology of the Literature and Culture
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      Cultural StudiesFeminist TheoryTransnational migrationIdeologies of Motherhood