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      ObesityGlobal HealthLife StylePhysical Activity
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      Social ChangeTechnologyResearch MethodologyBehavior
Objective To estimate the prevalence of obesity and diabetes among US adults in 2001.
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      ObesityDiabetes mellitusUnited StatesBody Mass Index
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      Mental HealthAfghanistanPrejudiceInformation Policy
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      Climate ChangeGlobal HealthScienceAgriculture
Using 6 longitudinal data sets, the authors estimate links between three key elements of school readiness-school-entry academic, attention, and socioemotional skills-and later school reading and math achievement. In an effort to isolate... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyMathematics
A theoretical framework for viewing health services utilization is presented, emphasizing the importance of the (1) characteristics of the health services delivery system, (2) changes in medical technology and social norms relating to the... more
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      Social ChangeDemographyTechnologyPrimary Health Care
This paper presents preliminary evidence on the internal consistency and validity of a scale designed to measure the degree to which one believes women managers experience a greater number of obstacles and more critical judgments about... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducationHealth Behavior
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      PersonalityBehaviorForecastingSelf Control
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      AdolescentHepatitis CEnglandItaly
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      DemographyEpidemiologyChild DevelopmentGlobal Health
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHealth BehaviorLife Style
The Prevention of Maternal Mortality Program is a collaborative effort of Columbia University's Center for Population and Family Health and multidisciplinary teams of researchers from Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Program goals include... more
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      SociologyProgram EvaluationGeographyDemography
Physical inactivity is an important contributor to non-communicable diseases in countries of high income, and increasingly so in those of low and middle income. Understanding why people are physically active or inactive contributes to... more
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      Global HealthAdolescentChildYoung Adult
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      PovertyGlobal HealthSocial JusticeSocial Determinants of Health
This systematic review of population-based studies of the incidence and early (21 days to 1 month) case fatality of stroke is based on studies published from 1970 to 2008. Stroke incidence (incident strokes only) and case fatality from 21... more
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      Global HealthDeveloping CountriesStrokePopulation based study
Surveys of risk behaviors have been hobbled by their reliance on respondents to report accurately about engaging in behaviors that are highly sensitive and may be illegal. An audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (audio-CASI)... more
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      TechnologyViolenceResearch MethodologyPrivacy
This article argues for the value in socialization research of focusing explicitly on the construct of parental psychological control of children-control that constrains, invalidates, and manipulates children's psychological and emotional... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDepressionParenting
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      StatisticsHealth BehaviorEpidemiologyChild Development
This study examined the process of how socioeconomic status, specifically parents' education and income, indirectly relates to children's academic achievement through parents' beliefs and behaviors. Data from a national, cross-sectional... more
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      PsychologyParentingStructural Equation ModelingFamily Psychology
Large samples of data from the World Values Survey, the US Benchmark Survey and a comparable Canadian survey are used to estimate equations designed to explore the social context of subjective evaluations of well-being, of happiness, and... more
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      ReligionDemographyTrustSocial Capital
To estimate the global illness and deaths caused by rotavirus disease, we reviewed studies published from 1986 to 2000 on deaths caused by diarrhea and on rotavirus infections in children. We assessed rotavirusassociated illness in three... more
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      Global HealthMedical MicrobiologyDeveloping CountriesHome Care
Objective. To compare the language abilities of earlier- and later-identified deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Method. We compared the receptive and expressive language abilities of 72 deaf or hard-of-hearing children whose hearing... more
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      PediatricsIntellectual DisabilityHearing disordersInfant
The 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) is a practical self-report anxiety questionnaire that proved valid in primary care. However, the GAD-7 was not yet validated in the general population and thus far, normative data are... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsychometricsPrimary Health CareAdolescent
The method of generalized estimating equations (GEE) is often used to analyze longitudinal and other correlated response data, particularly if responses are binary. However, few descriptions of the method are accessible to... more
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      ChildMathematical SciencesAmericanLongitudinal Studies
Hippocampal volumes of subjects with a history of major depressive episodes but currently in remission and with no known medical comorbidity were compared to matched normal controls by using volumetric magnetic resonance images. Subjects... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMultidisciplinaryHippocampusBrain
A large body of epidemiologic data show that diet quality follows a socioeconomic gradient. Whereas higher-quality diets are associated with greater affluence, energy-dense diets that are nutrient-poor are preferentially consumed by... more
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      EngineeringHealth PromotionFoodDiet
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      EconomicsEarly ChildhoodIncome inequalityUnited States
Using comparative data from five countries, this study investigates the psychometric properties of the effort-reward imbalance (ERI) at work model. In this model, chronic work-related stress is identified as non-reciprocity or imbalance... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPsychometricsOccupational Health
Problems with measuring socioeconomic status (SES)-frequently included in clinical and public health studies as a control variable and less frequently as the variable(s) of main interest-could affect research findings and conclusions,... more
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      Health Services ResearchSocial ClassBiomedical ResearchIncome
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceNursing
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      Decision MakingFamily PracticeLinear modelsMultivariate Analysis
A high body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) is associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, but the precise relationship between BMI and... more
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We provide a systematic review of epidemiological surveys of autistic disorder and pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) worldwide. A secondary aim was to consider the possible impact of geographic, cultural/ethnic, and socioeconomic... more
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      PsychologyAutismGlobal HealthDeveloping Countries
BACKGROUND.Tumor markers are becoming increasingly important in breast cancer research because of their impact on prognosis, treatment, and survival, and because of their relation to breast cancer subtypes. The triple-negative phenotype... more
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      CancerBreast CancerHealth DisparitiesSurvival Analysis
Our objective was to obtain national data of the estimated prevalence, sociodemographic relationships, and health impact of persons with functional gastrointestinal disorders. We surveyed a stratified probability random sample of U.S.... more
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      Health CareAdolescentAbsenteeismDigestive and Liver Diseases
CONTEXT. Environmental factors are suggested to play a major role in physical activity (PA) and other obesity-related behaviors, yet there is no national research on the relationship between disparity in access to recreational facilities... more
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      PediatricsObesityHealth DisparitiesPhysical Activity
Objective.\p=m-\To describe the magnitude and distribution of the public health problem posed by migraine in the United States by examining migraine prevalence, attack frequency, and attack-related disability by gender, age, race,... more
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      AdolescentUrban HealthRural HealthChild
Study objectives: To investigate the strength of the relation between the amount of green space in people's living environment and their perceived general health. This relation is analysed for different age and socioeconomic groups.... more
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      Human GeographyEpidemiologyCommunity HealthAdolescent
Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with widespread regional and social inequalities. In this report, we examine the historical development and components of the Brazilian health system, focusing on the reform process during the... more
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      HistoryPoliticsDeveloping CountriesBrazil
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Children and Parents (ALSPAC) was established to understand how genetic and environmental characteristics influence health and development in parents and children. All pregnant women resident in a defined... more
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      StatisticsHealth BehaviorEpidemiologyAnthropometry
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To assess the cancer risk in children and adolescents following exposure to low dose ionising radiation from diagnostic computed tomography (CT) scans. Population based, cohort, data linkage study in Australia. COHORT MEMBERS: 10.9... more
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      AustraliaAdolescentChildYoung Adult
This paper reports the results of a`cost-of-illness' study of the socio-economic costs of back pain in the UK. It estimates the direct health care cost of back pain in 1998 to be £1632 million. Approximately 35% of this cost relates to... more
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      Primary CarePainCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesChiropractic
Background: Major depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, yet epidemiologic data are not available for many countries, particularly low-to middle-income countries. In this paper, we present data on the prevalence,... more
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      Mental HealthDepressionGlobal HealthDeveloping Countries
Childhood pneumonia is the leading single cause of mortality in children aged less than 5 years. The incidence in this age group is estimated to be 0.29 episodes per child-year in developing and 0.05 episodes per child-year in developed... more
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      PhysiologyEpidemiologyNutritionResearch Methodology
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OBJECTIVES: To examine the effectiveness of a transitional care intervention delivered by advanced practice nurses (APNs) to elders hospitalized with heart failure. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled trial with follow-up through 52 weeks... more
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      Quality of lifeTreatment OutcomeComorbidityHeart Failure