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En prenant appui sur une expérience inédite de rapprochement de deux logiques d'enquête conçues comme antinomiques dans les raisonnements épistémologiques en sciences sociales, cet article explore les modalités d'articulation d'une... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArtificial IntelligenceDigital HumanitiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
A Suzuki Marine orgulha-se de apresentar o NOVO DF300B, o seu mais recente e exclusivo motor fora de borda, que encontra um equilibrio incrível entre potência e impulsão, com uma economia de combustivel impressionante e a confiança e... more
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      HistoryGeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsMilitary Science
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional melalui pemberdayaan dan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat . Salah satu upaya pemberdayaan dan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat... more
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      Information Communication TechnologyInternet & SocietyInformation and Communication Technology for Development and Education (ICTE)SocioInformatics
More and more people are used as “weapons of mass migrations” - now it is obvious that this kind of weapon can be built up anywhere, everywhere. So, what is the difference between Greece and Belgium today?
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismEuropean UnionUrban Violence
Research activities related to social informatics (SI) are expanding, even as community fragmentation, topical dispersion, and methodological diversity continue to increase. Specifically, the different understandings of SI in regional... more
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      Sociotechnical SystemsSocial Study of Information & Communication TechnologySocial InformaticsSocial Computing
Prenant le Sommet de la Terre Rio+20 comme fenêtre d’observation, ce chapitre entend faire un état des lieux des discours actuels sur l’agriculture, des acteurs qui les portent au niveau international, et des réseaux dans lesquels ils... more
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      Environmental StudiesSustainable agricultureFood Regime TheorySocioInformatics