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Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If... more
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      Festival TourismEvent-Related PotentialsSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsSocial Networking & Social Media
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationEvents managementEventsSocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
The increasing number of events has generated a growing research interest in assessing impacts of the events. So far, most empirical studies have analysed economic impacts, whereas social, political or cultural impacts have been taken... more
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      Cultural SociologyEvent ManagementEvent impactsCurrent Events Analysis
With festivals more attuned to consumer/production typologies, and festival audiences now overwhelmed by choice, competition for funding amongst festival organisers is high and the need to prove worth for funding higher still. This paper... more
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      Festivals and musicEvent ManagementSport TourismFestival Tourism
In international business various factors are there which influence the success of any multinational enterprise. The international business environment consists of internal and external factors affecting the business at a given point of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
Cities are increasingly using cultural events to improve their image, stimulate urban development and attract visitors and investment. As part of its event-led regeneration strategy, Rotterdam staged the 'Cultural Capital of Europe' event... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationEvents managementTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentSocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
Reality T.V programs are now invading the Arab world and are attracting viewers of all ages, most specifically Arab teenagers. Being live programs taken from real life situations, Reality TV shows feature and monitor the emotions and... more
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
With thanks and gratitude to the author for permission to post this important article. Challenging the Myths of Art History: A Symposium in Honor of Linda Seidel,’ was held at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus, February 13,... more
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      Early Netherlandish PaintingJohan HuizingaHistory and Theory of Historiography, Cultural and Intellectual History, NationalismHuizinga and performative play theory
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      Socio-Cultural Impacts of EventsCreative And Cultural Events
Whilst the environmental impacts of biological invasions are clearly conceptualised and there is growing evidence on the economic benefits and costs, the social and cultural dimensions remain poorly understood. This paper presents the... more
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      Well-BeingInvasive SpeciesEnvironmental SustainabilityEthiopia
This study investigates the impacts of the London 2012 Olympic Games and their related cultural programme on local small creative organisations in East London. It contributes to unpacking the elusive concept of legacy thorough an in-depth... more
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      Creative IndustriesUrban TourismFestivals2012 London Olympics
There is ample literature on residents' perceptions of the costs and benefits of tourism activities. Much less attention has been provided to residents' perceptions of transformational cultural events redefining local identity and tourism... more
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      TourismSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsCultural HeritegeCultural Events and Festivals
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorHistoryEuropean History
Cities are increasingly using cultural events to improve their image, stimulate urban development and attract visitors and investment. As part of its event-led regeneration strategy, Rotterdam staged the 'Cultural Capital of Europe' event... more
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      Human GeographyEvent ManagementMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationTourism Geography
The development of the organization of the event now starts to vary and provides a valuable and impressive experience for many people. So, from that along with its development, the event appeared increasingly unique both in terms of... more
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      Tourism ManagementDestination ManagementEvent impactsTourism and local communities
Tanulmányunkban megvizsgáltuk az általános iskola 4. osztályos tanulóinak tanórán kívüli művészeti tevékenységeit, valamint részvételi lehetőségét kulturális és művészeti rendezvényeken. Elemzésünk során feltártuk, hogy az aktív... more
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      MusicMusic EducationCultureCultural Studies of Consumption
Reality T.V programs are now invading the Arab world and are attracting viewers of all ages, most specifically Arab teenagers. Being live programs taken from real life situations, Reality TV shows feature and monitor the emotions and... more
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
The paper examines the rapid industrialization had brought about complete disintegration of the pre-industrial culture which was characterized by forest ecology and homogenous folklife. These traditional tribal... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SustainabilitySocio-Economic StatusIndustrialization
The development of the organization of the event now starts to vary and provides a valuable and impressive experience for many people. So, from that along with its development, the event appeared increasingly unique both in terms of... more
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      HistoryTourism ManagementDestination ManagementEvent impacts
Garland, C. (2014) ‘As Barriers Fall, Contingency Becomes Possibility: Protest Resisting and Escaping Containment and Categorization’, Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorisation in Eds. Lamond, I. and Spracklen, K. 'Protests as... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorCollective Behavior
In her study, Penina Mezei gives an insight of the social behavior, its origins, development, organization, and institutions. Trying to explain the phenomena, Ms. Penina Mezei gives a thorough inside on what sociology means, and what it... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySociology of CultureCultural Sociology
This study employed ethnographic fieldwork building on cultural theory and dramaturgy to examine and explore a major celebratory event that takes place in a rural community in southwest Texas as a consolidating device for building,... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunity DevelopmentSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEvent Management
Reality T.V programs are now invading the Arab world and are attracting viewers of all ages, most specifically Arab teenagers. Being live programs taken from real life situations, Reality TV shows feature and monitor the emotions and... more
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
La antigua Aduana albergó del 24 al 27 de octubre la tercera edición del principal evento fotográfico que se realiza en el país. En esta nota, una lectura de lo que fue.
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      PhotographyArt CriticismCulture IndustrySocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
This article investigates the relation between festivals and their destination cities. We examine what festival attendees think about the festival experience and the host city, and how the online image of the host city is shaped through... more
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      Festival TourismEvent Related PotentialsSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsSocial Networking & Social Media
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      Urban PlanningUrban RegenerationSustainable Urban Regeneration and DevelopmentSocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
Reality T.V programs are now invading the Arab world and are attracting viewers of all ages, most specifically Arab teenagers. Being live programs taken from real life situations, Reality TV shows feature and monitor the emotions and... more
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
Reality T.V programs are now invading the Arab world and are attracting viewers of all ages, most specifically Arab teenagers. Being live programs taken from real life situations, Reality TV shows feature and monitor the emotions and... more
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      Reality TVSocio-Cultural Impacts of EventsReality Tv Effects on Teenagers
di Andrea Cuman, Media researcher and consultant [email protected] "Tutti sappiamo cosa intendiamo quando parliamo di una 'stanza' in un appartamento, di un 'angolo' di strada, un 'mercato', un 'centro' commerciale o... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceUrban StudiesUrban Sociology
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyEvent ManagementFestival TourismSocio-Cultural Impacts of Events
Event dramaturgy and cultural performance have not been examined in the literature from a strategic standpoint of fostering the social value of events. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the case of the Water Carnival, a... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunity DevelopmentEvent ManagementCulture