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A deep study of the magical aspects of ritual, both anthropological, social as wel a psychological. Various models about how rituals works, how the mind deals with magic, how rituals help to overcome time and space limitations, can help... more
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      RitualMagicWitchcraft (Magic)Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      Social transformationCitiesSocilogy
Gerade erst vor ein paar Jahren hat das neue Jahrtausend begonnen, und bereits jetzt waren und sind einige globale Krisen zu verzeichnen. Die „Dot-com Bubble“ (2001), die Finanzkrise (2008), die Corona-Pandemie (2020) und die Klimakrise –... more
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      Economic policyTechnological InnovationLabour EconomicsSocial transformation
Was unterm Strich bleibt, wenn sich all die Milliarden in Luft aufgelöst haben, ist ein gebrochenes Versprechen. Nachdem mit den Autos, Fernsehern und Kühlschränken der letzten industriellen Revolution kein Geld mehr zu verdienen ist,... more
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      Political ScienceRevolutionsSocial transformationPublic Uprising
The more our societies diversify into a loose network of lifeworlds, the more important it becomes to find a platform to hold them together. This common platform cannot be made out of a potpourri of policies, but needs to be built around... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial SciencesPolitical ScienceDiscourse
Climate change has been at the centre of the environmental debate for three decades. Despite international agreements, humanity has not been able to stop the global increase in temperature. The coronavirus crisis has relegated the climate... more
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      Climate ChangePoliticsEnvironmental CitizenshipCitizenship
Srilatha Batliwala captures the rich and complex discussion of the AWID Forum on the Power of Movements. She divides her impressions in five areas looking at the currents, undercurrents, seen and heard, absences and silences and big leaps... more
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentHuman RightsHuman Development
We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more
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      Social TheoryEuropean StudiesConstitutional LawContract Law
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      PostsocialismUrban StudiesSocial transformation
Cet article évalue la part croissante du secteur privé chinois en Afrique. Actuellement l’attention se porte sur les entreprises publiques chinoises qui investissent dans le secteur minier et peu d’intérêt est accordé aux entreprises du... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
Prevod eseja Petera Wagnera: “COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, and the ‘Spanish flu’: historical moments and social transformations”,  Thesis Eleven, koji je  emitovan na Trećem programu Radio Beograda, 9. IV 2021.
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      PoliticsSocial transformationSociology of Health and IllnessSocial Imagination
Монография посвящена изучению специфики развития на протяжении последнего столетия культурных и языковых процессов, а также их региональных и локальных особенностей на примере Костромского края и других регионов Верхнего Поволжья и... more
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial transformationFolkloristics
This chapter reflects upon and summarises the theoretical evolution of the research project “Me. The World. The Media” as a path from the initial structural-functionalist model of post-communist transition to the social constructivist... more
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      Social transformationSocial StructureAgencySocial Differentiation
The introductory chapter provides a theoretical context for the empirical chapters of the volume. On the macro level, the theoretical framing of the research project has shifted from the concepts of transition and transformation,... more
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      Social transformationEstoniaTransitional SocietiesSocial acceleration
This introductory essay situates the subsequent special issue within a comparative framework that helps to unpack the new global politics of development. It argues that there is a set of countries beyond Brazil, Russia, India and China... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
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      Social transformationSubjectivity
This paper is designed to explain the role of education in changing the society in Iran from Pahlavi up to Khomeini's period with special reference to women. Education as an instrument for social transformation and social development is... more
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      EducationEducational ResearchModernizationPahlavi
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsSocial PolicyPolitical Theory
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      CommonsSocial transformationConvivialityIván Ilich
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      Social transformationEducation System
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      GenderUnemploymentGenerational ConflictSocial transformation
Internationale Zusammenarbeit ist im Kulturbetrieb und in der Kulturpolitik selbstverständlich. Kultureller Austausch muss auf Augenhöhe geschehen, um wirklich fruchtbar zu sein. Doch geschieht das? Sind es „faire“ Kooperationen? Dr.... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsIntercultural CommunicationPerforming Arts
Page 1. Local/Global Encounter Technologies of Existence: The indigenous environmental justice movement DANA E. POWELL ABSTRACT Dana E. Powell argues that the Indigenous Environmental Justice Movement in North ...
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentHuman RightsHuman Development
This edition of Window on theWorld presents a survey of the key websites dealing withWater, from research institutions to water fora and networks. Organizations promoting campaigns against water privatization are highlighted as well as... more
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentHuman RightsHuman Development
In this letter to the editors of Visions for Sustainablity, we offer a degrowth perspective on the coronavirus crisis, making three key arguements: the coronavirus crisis does not equate to degrowth; the coronavirus crisis provides... more
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      DeGrowthSocial transformation
¿Cómo transformar? Es la pregunta que se plantea este libro, no para proponer alguna receta, sino, al contrario, para ir abriendo toda una gama de preguntas e invitar a un debate alrededor de las búsquedas estratégicas de los movimientos... more
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    • Social transformation
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEthnohistorySociology
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      Participatory ResearchPaulo FreireSocial transformation
The South African education system is still letting down a vast number of South Africans. And it is questionable whether a satisfying solution is to be realised by the government in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the finding of... more
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      EducationLiteraturePostcolonial StudiesSpace and Place
Статья представляет собой краткий экскурс в историю масштабных эпидемий, известных человечеству. Сравнение различных пандемий в контексте социальной философии призвано выделить основные сходства и различия социальных трансформаций,... more
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      HistorySocial transformationSocial StructurePlague
In this paper, we report some reflections on science and education, in relation to teaching and research in the field of complex and controversial socio-environmental issues. Starting from an examination of the literature on the... more
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The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesSociology of the MilitaryWar Studies
Hit by dramatic membership decline in recent years, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is initiating multiple processes of religious renewal to revitalize its worshipping and outreach culture. This paper examines the... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionLiturgical StudiesLiturgy
This paper explores the politics of agency expressed through child participation in development. Empirically it focuses on Bangladesh, highlighting in particular the experience of one children's organisation. It asks how dynamics have... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentHuman RightsHuman Development
Since the mid-1990s, Marxist educational theory, research, and policy analysis has experienced an upturn. By exploring Marxist theory in the age of neoliberalism, this edited collection examines the dialectic between race and power in... more
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      EducationMarxismCritical PedagogyEducational Research
Entrepreneurship, TechnologyCommercialisation, and Innovation Policyin Africa
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      EntrepreneurshipTechnologyHigher EducationSystems Engineering
This chapter analyses inter-generational differences and their dynamics in Estonia in 2002-2014, focussing on generational identity, social and cultural space, media use, civic and political activity and social positioning. The chapter is... more
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      Karl MannheimSocial transformationGenerationsEstonia
Indian Psychology (the applied aspects of Indian Philosophy) has withstood the test of time. In one sense, it is more 'scientific' than actual science because the theories of science have been proved and then disproved, in light of new... more
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      HinduismPositive PsychologySpiritualityYoga Meditation
Una reflexión acerca de la capacidad transformadora de las intervenciones artísticas en espacios públicos.
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      Performance ArtSocial transformationFeminismoArte
Awino Okech describes the work of GROOTS Kenya. She argues there is need for deeper problematizing of what a feminist organization is. In looking critically at whether GROOTS is a grassroots feminist organization and how it links with... more
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentHuman RightsHuman Development
Today, not only communication, shopping, work, travel has got a new form by digital technology but also privacy, security, art and as many things like these got a new from and changed. All of these are depend on digital technology. So, it... more
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      ArtNetwork SecurityDigital CultureNew Media Art
Providing detailed information on South Africa's transitional justice process, this article calls for a look not only at the agenda and impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission but also at the role played by state and other... more
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      AccountabilitySocial JusticeTransitional JusticeReconciliation
London: Zer0 Books, 2020. Edited with Corinna Burkhart and Nina Treu Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons and transition towns,... more
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      Social MovementsDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalization
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The political ecology of water shapes environments and human responses. Water also plays a prominent role in Science Fiction, either by its abundance or its absence. Floods destroy cultures and necessitate them to adapt, such as in... more
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental ScienceClimate ChangeWater
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityPolitical PartiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
Maria Tatar states that the fairy-tale Beauty and the Beast depicts, “The transformative power of empathy, that encodes messages about […] romance, marriage, and ‘The Other’” (9). Because of these coded messages, the story and its many... more
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      Gender StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaIntertextualityFeminism
Los desafíos socioambientales que el mundo enfrenta hoy requieren más que respuestas técnicas, jurídicas y políticas. Para salir de la grieta estéril entre una política tecnocrática, por un lado, y una política reaccionaria y demagógica,... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment Studies