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Invitation to the Sociology of Emotions guides students through some of the most interesting concepts and findings in the sociology of emotions. The text includes scores of empirical examples from the literature, is written in an engaging... more
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      Sociology of EmotionEmotions (Social Psychology)Anthropology of emotionsSocial emotions
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      Social emotionsAncient Iran
Holmes, M., Greco, S. (2011), ‘Introduction: Friendship and Emotions’, Special Issue on Friendship and Emotions, Sociological Research Online, 16 (1) 16 <> 0.5153/sro.2316 (with peer review),... more
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      Social emotionsFriendshipEmotions
In this article, we present, assess and give reasons to reject the popular claim that shame is essentially social. We start by presenting several theses which the social claim has motivated in the philosophical literature. All of them,... more
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      EmotionShame TheoryValue TheorySocial emotions
Even though the current media landscape allows to choose between very diverse platforms, sources and means to get information, there are users who decide to avoid the news. This article explores the reasons behind this news avoidance,... more
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      JournalismAudience StudiesDigital JournalismSocial emotions
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      NarrativeSocial emotionsInternaitonal Relations
History has got the monopoly of legitimate representation of the past, above all due to its privileged academic position. Its accounts operate as true and valid and often label all the rest as fiction. There are nevertheless some other... more
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      Emotions (Social Psychology)Memory StudiesSocial emotionsComics and Graphic Novels
a b s t r a c t metaphor of the neo-tribe is useful for analyzing the emotions and spatial dynamics of group life. However, the idea of neo-tribes is not explicitly designed for making sense of the work of scientists in laboratories. To... more
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      Emotions (Social Psychology)Anthropology of emotionsSocial emotionsEmotions
Researchers frequently disagree about the latent structure of emotions. Taxometric analysis—a method for determining whether the latent structure of a construct is best defined as categorical or purely dimensional—can be a useful tool for... more
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      Envy (Psychology)Social emotionsTaxometrics
This article explores the meaning of “resistance” and suggests a new path for “resistance studies,” which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous. Resistance... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsCultural SociologySocial Networks
Reading of Health Metaphysics by Valcapelli Health Metaphysics searches present the psycho-emotional causes of diseases that affects the body. This study was published in a series of 5 volumes entitled "Health Metaphysics". Book Publisher... more
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      CancerSocial emotionsCancer TherapySomatization
(Article language German, English Abstract) Facticity, Identity, and Emotionality: Cultural Strategies addressing Genocide Denial in the Case of Srebrenica. Twenty-six years after the Srebrenica genocide, the topic remains a discursive... more
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      Popular CultureGenocide StudiesHuman SecuritySocial emotions
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisAestheticsCritical Discourse Studies
All’ interno del capitolo, dopo aver indicato le relazioni assai recenti tra teorizzazione sociologica contemporanea e sessualità umana, cercheremo di comprendere in che modo le emozioni possano essere considerate prodotti intrinsecamente... more
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      SexologySexualityGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
Le bonheur se construirait, s’enseignerait et s’apprendrait : telle est l’idée à laquelle la psychologie positive prétend conférer une légitimité scientifique. Il suffirait d’écouter les experts et d'appliquer leurs techniques pour... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologyPositive Psychology
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      PhilosophyPolitical PsychologyEmotions And Political TheoryPhilosophy of the Emotions
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeEmotions (Social Psychology)Social emotions
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismAngerCultural Psychology
To put it simply, meta-emotions are our feelings about our feelings. This information is for group therapy
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyVeterinary MedicineAddiction
Theoretical and moral philosophers traditionally consider anger to be something irrational, undesirable and unsociable. In this study, I present anger as a social and moral emotion. I point out that, like other emotions, anger brings... more
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      PhilosophyAngerSocial emotionsMoral emotions
Social neuroscience has documented cultural differences in emotional brain functioning. Most recently, these differences have been extended to include cultural effects on the real-time neural correlates of social–emotional feelings. Here... more
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      NeuroscienceBehavioral SciencesAdolescent DevelopmentStress
Se trata del Relevamiento de Infancias y Adolescencias trans de Río Negro y Neuquén, realizado durante el año 2020 y parte del 2021, y coordinado por el Observatorio de DDHH de Neuquén, dependiente de la Subsecretaría de DDHH de la... more
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      Transgender StudiesSocial emotionsTransgender HealthDerechos Humanos
This paper presents a new approach to the demarcation of social emotions, based on their dependence on social appraisals that are designed to assess events bearing on social concerns. Previous theoretical attempts to characterize social... more
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      SociologyPsychologyEmotionSocial Perception
The problems of contemporary states are in large part “affective disorders”; they are failures of states to properly understand and coordinate the emotions of the individuals within and in some instances outside the state. By excluding,... more
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      Social TheoryEmotionPolitical PhilosophyMoral Psychology
It seems that quite often we don’t even get a chance to ask ourselves that question before a purchase makes its way into our shopping trolley. The urge to posses can be an unexpected, sudden and exciting force, very much tied with... more
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      MarketingBrand ManagementConsumerismMerchandising
van de Velde (2021). Trois portraits de la colère chez les jeunes adultes. In: Tom Chevalier & Patricia Loncle (dir.). Une génération sacrifiée ?. Collection Vie des idées. Paris :
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      Political ParticipationYouth StudiesAngerEmotions And Political Theory
1 Einleitung 1 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 2 2.1... more
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      Social emotionsAdaptive behaviorArbeitssoziologieAdaptive Business Intelligence
This review identifies a common thread in the description of color-emotion associations: when colors are represented with light hues and high levels of brightness, they tend to be associated with positive emotions. Furthermore, warm... more
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      AestheticsNeuroaestheticsSocial emotionsColors
This article is part of the continuous effort to understand human emotions and its replication in animated characters. Previous contributions to this matter concluded many interesting aspects like the power of non-verbal communication,... more
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      EmotionAnimationComputer AnimationEmotions (Social Psychology)
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      CommunicationTrustPublic RelationsBehavioral Economics
""In his « little Treatise in English» on Human nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647 – 1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his argument upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts:... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
Konstruktivistische Ansätze in den Internationalen Beziehungen (IB) betonen häufig die Bedeutung von Sprache für die Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit, Identität und Machtverhältnissen. Dabei wird mitunter übersehen, dass diskursive... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsConstructivismSocial emotions
Def. 1 Per corpo intendo un modo che esprime in maniera certa e determinata l'essenza di Dio in quanto si considera come cosa estesa.
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      EmotionAffective NeuroscienceBaruch SpinozaSocial emotions
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryCultural History
En este capítulo realizaremos una revisión bibliográfica de la evolución, función y mecanismos neurales de las emociones sociales como parte de los procesos de cognición social. Por ello, pondremos las emociones sociales como parte de los... more
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      Social CognitionSocial emotionsSocial Cognitive Affective NeuroscienceSocial Emotional Competencies
En consonancia con la línea de trabajo que venimos recorriendo desde el año 2008 en el GESEC (Grupo de Estudios sobre Sociología de las Emociones y los Cuerpos-IIGG, coordinado por Adrián Scribano), y los resultados de las indagaciones... more
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      Research MethodologySocial emotionsBodiesSENSIBILIDADES SOCIALES
“Chapter 6” systematizes and analyzes Kierkegaard’s insightful remarks on human affectivity in relation to moral emotions, body, contagion, and collectivity. Following a brief outline of the conceptualization of affects and human... more
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      PhilosophyMoral PsychologyViolenceMimesis
Tout au long du travail d’observation sur le terrain, nous avons gardé en mémoire une question principale : la classe, en tant que lieu physique dans lequel se déroule une interaction humaine, peut-elle déclencher des émotions ? En... more
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      AnthropologyEmotions (Social Psychology)Social emotionsCurriculum and Instruction
Social media has been found to have created a paradigm shift in the digital marketplace by giving a new technological face to marketing highlighting the concepts of brand awareness and brand effectiveness. Social media is now the most... more
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      PsychologyEmotions (Social Psychology)Social emotionsDecision Trees
This introduction to a special issue outlines the significance of Randall Collins’s contribution to sociology. The first section briefly reviews Collins’s main books and assesses their impact on social science. The second section offers a... more
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      ViolenceGeopoliticsNationalismSociological Theory
Les métaphores de la colère ont été documentées et analysées dans de nombreuses langues du monde, et ces travaux ont mis à jour leur remarqua-ble uniformité (et même leur quasi-universalité) à travers les continents. Cet article apporte... more
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      EmotionAnthropological LinguisticsIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAnger
This research examines the impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in business leaders and its application as a tool for workforce motivation. An attempt has been made to explain what leadership is, considering that everyone talks about... more
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      Emotional intelligenceIntelligenceLeadershipEmployee Motivation
Capitulo dentro de la Compilación Aportes a una sociología de los cuerpos y las emociones desde el Sur. Compiladores: Adrián Scribano y Martín Aranguren
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      SociologySocial emotionsBodiesSouth America
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      Political SociologyEmotionEmotions And Political TheoryPhilosophy of the Emotions
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      EmotionMuseum learningMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
[open access:] Taking inspiration from responses in focus groups and an on-line survey in which feminists shared their experiences about antifeminism in their daily life, this paper demonstrates that everyday... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesWomenSocial emotions
Se pueden identificar palabras cargadas de emoción en un grupo de clase, debido a la construcción social que dichas palabras han obtenido a través del uso cotidiano, de manera coloquial. En el lenguaje se dan palabras que contienen una... more
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      NeuroscienceEmotionPragmaticsCognitive Semantics
Disgust kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığına baktığımızda iğrenme, nefret, tiksinme, kusturma kelimeleriyle karşılaşıyoruz. İğrenme, tiksinme ve kus(tur)ma edimleri fiziksel ya da biyolojik çağrışımlar yapsa da aslında hepsi ennihayetinde... more
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    • Social emotions
Investigación cualitativa enmarcada en el campo de la sociología del delito, los estudios de género de los hombres y la sociología de las emociones, que aborda las trayectorias delictivas de veinte jóvenes varones privados de la libertad... more
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      Men's StudiesMasculinity StudiesSociology of Crime and DevianceSocial emotions
The concept of power is central to understanding the links between emotions and discourse in international politics. Emotions can support and mask prevailing power structures and the discourses associated with them. Emotions are... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorySociologySocial Theory