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      Non Fiction WritingBlack Studies Or African American StudiesDemocratic EducationRacial and Ethnic Politics
Philantropy or disinterested love for the human being has always been the vocation not the purpose of the Orthodox Church. If it is not efficient and visible, this is either due to the unknown facts i.e. intentional lack of publicity or... more
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      Social TheologyPhilosopy, Theology, Social Studies
Buku “Kontekstualisasi Filsafat Transformatif” ini tersusun dari tulisan-tulisan reflektif, yang bisa disebut sebagai buah dari gagasan filsafat kritis-transformatif. Sebenarnya, rasa kepedulian sebagai manusia, sebagai sarjana, sebagai... more
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      Liberation TheologyIslam in IndonesiaSocial TheologyIndonesian Islam
Un resumen de la Encíclica Laudato Si´del Papa Francisco para información general.
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      Community EcologySocial TheologyTeologiaEcologia
Απόπειρα σε βάθος ανάλυσης της θεολογικής σκέψης του Αποστόλου Παύλου σε ορισμένες μόνον επιμέρους πτυχές της καθόλου θεολογίας: την σωτηριολογία, την εκκλησιολογία και κατ επέκταση την ευχαριστιολογία, και την κοινωνική θεολογία.
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      Biblical TheologyEcclesiologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersSoteriology
Wacana, praksis sosial, tradisi dan kebudayaan adalah wilayah dan cara sekaligus yang paling memungkinkan, untuk diapresiasi secara optimis bahwa memperjuangkan agama pembebasan adalah trend baru. Jelas, hal ini bernilai jauh lebih utama... more
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      Liberation TheologyIslam in IndonesiaSocial TheologyIndonesian Islam
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      Ukrainian StudiesPolitical TheologySocial TheologyPostsoviet studies
This article would like to introduce a new element into the Spanish theological context interested in the social implications of theology: the philosophical trend denominated as public theology that developed in the U.S. in the 70’s. Our... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingPublic TheologyChristian EthicsChristian Social Ethics
In Europe and the United States, the idea that one may examine theological teachings on social issues as the focus of attention of a certain branch of theology seems to have arisen as Christian theologians sought to formulate religious... more
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      ProtestantismSocial TheologySocial Gospel
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchRomanian StudiesEcumenical Theology
Церковь всегда пребывает в поиске. Она уверена в истинах своего вероучения, помнит о своем призвании, но всегда ищет актуальные пути присутствия в мире и влияния на него. Так что при всей внутренней, догматической убежденности поиск... more
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      ProtestantismPost-Soviet StudiesChurch HistoryEvangelicalism
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      Political TheologySocial TheologyJohn Howard Yoder
Bu makalede kelamî açıdan doğal kötülük inceleme konusu yapılacaktır. Kelamcılar, bu problemin çözümü sadedinde farklı görüşler ileri sürmüşlerdir. Eş’ariyye ve M’aturidiyye “doğal kötülüklerin ve elemlerin” Allah’ın fiillerinden... more
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      TheodicyProblem of EvilTheology of Suffering and EvilSocial Theology
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      AtheismSchleiermacherHistory of AtheismDietrich Bonhoeffer
Recent Western scholarship in social theory has seen a renewed interest in questions of theology and its relationship with other disciplines. For instance, what does sociology have to do with Christian theology? This is a significant... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionNiklas LuhmannSocial Theology
Kniha zkoumá metody a témata pravoslavné teologie, jak se rozvinuly ve 20. století na Západě. Soustředí se na novopatristickou syntézu, hesychasmus, slavjanofilství a soviální angažmá, na sofiologii. Odkrývá pluralitu pravoslavných hlasů... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodoxy19th and 20th Century Theology
Esta es una síntesis en diapositivas de la Doctrina social de la iglesia, o lo que hoy se denomina Teología moral social de la iglesia católica. En una forma síntética se muestra la historia, el método, y los principios de la Enseñanza... more
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      Christian HumanismSocial TheologyDoctrina Social de la iglesia y Ciencias HumanasChristian Social Teaching
This article considers the possibility of enriching the Temple tradition of Anglican social theology. The enrichment in question would involve an increased focus on the role of social enterprises, such as mutuals, co-operatives, community... more
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      TheologyRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)Anglicanism (Anglicanism)Political Theology
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      Social TheologyGenerative Theory
№ 6 (149) листопад-грудень 2014 6 [•] тема номера Рік минув з часу страшних подій на Майдані. Вони скінчилися, та потягнули за собою інші, не менш моторошні події. Що це таке? Коли, в який момент був початок цьому: створення Партії... more
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      MissiologyUkrainian StudiesProtestantismEvangelicalism
Summary Prerequisites for social friendship. Contemplation and fundamental attitude as foundational aspects of political community This article aims to shed some light on how spiritual friendship (the deepest form of friendship that... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyTheologySocial Philosophy
Schleiermacher's system of liberal-naturalistic theology considers religious experience as a natural aspect of human life, consisting mainly in an opening of the individual being towards wider and wider levels of being, the highest one... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistory of Christianity
The nation totters along the abyss of ruination. In “Which Way, America?”, theologian and social critic Frederick Meekins examines a number of the ideological threats arrayed against our way of life and the dangers set before us if we... more
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      LiberalismConservatismPolitical IdeologySocial Theology
В статье рассматривается опыт использования Ватиканом в своей информационной политике различных медиаресурсов в контексте развития социального богословия Римско-Католической Церкви в ХХ веке. Представлен анализ непрерывности миссионерской... more
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      ReligionTheologySocial MediaCatholic Theology
The voice of the Church, as fulfillment of the Great Commission viewed in-terms of the theological construct of discipleship, is a socio-theological view of the Church as an agent of the Kingdom of God, tasked with the responsibility to... more
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      PhilosophyModernityPolitical TheologySocial Theology
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      Ukrainian StudiesSocial EthicsSocial TheologyReligious Freedom
The essays collected in this volume are a selection of papers presented over a period of three years at several symposia held in Evanđeoski teološki fakultet, Osijek, Croatia. The authors, a group of postgraduate students coming from... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
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      Social TheologyEcumenism and Interreligious Dialogue Theology of Reception Receptive Ecumenism Church History Pentecostalism and neo-Pentecostalism Catholic Charismatic Renewal Catholic Social Teaching Judaism Theology of the Laity Natural Law Yves Congar
Wezwanie człowieka do czynienia ziemi sobie poddanej (por. Rdz 1,26-28) sprawia, że praca staje się powołaniem i jednym z głównych zadań człowieka. Od początku towarzyszy jednostce w jej życiu. Potrzeba spokojnej i owocnej pracy zajmuje... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesTheology
Maurizio Lazzarato argues that contemporary capitalism functions through two central apparatuses: Social subjection and machinic enslavement. Social subjection equips individuals with a subjectivity, assigning them identities, sexes,... more
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By resorting to the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an important religious and cultural personality of the 20th century, the author tries to emphasise the aspects of political theology that defined her way of acting... more
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      SpiritualitySocial TheologyTeresa of Calcutta
This draft paper, delivered as a talk to a church audience in Hampshire, begins with reflection on the payday lending boom in the UK from 2011-2013, as a case where poor business practice harmed the common good. It then adapts the 2001... more
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      Business EthicsSocial EntrepreneurshipCatholic Social TeachingEconomic Theory And Catholic Social Documents
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      Russian StudiesOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Religious Philosophy
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Religious PhilosophyPolitical Theology
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      Philosophical TheologyInterreligious DialogueSocial TheologyMarcel Mauss
Summary Christian social theology under the conditions of modernity: From Ernst Troeltsch to John Milbank Modern Western societies present many challenges to the church regarding the latter's social and political role, challenges which... more
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      SecularizationPolitical TheologyPolitics of SecularismSocial Theology
Demasiado a menudo caemos, de forma inconsciente, en lo que se llama la religión teórica, o la religión de Sábado nada más. Somos Adventistas del Séptimo Día, exclusivamente. O dicho de otro modo, somos Adventistas el séptimo día... more
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      ReligionBibleSocial TheologyTeologia
Das Ökumenische Patriarchat veröffentlichte kürzlich ein Dokument mit dem Titel "Für das Leben der Welt. In Richtung eines Sozialethos der Orthodoxen Kirche"-eine Sammlung von Positionsbestimmungen zur Haltung der Kirche zu aktuellen... more
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      Ecumenical TheologySocial TheologyEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueEcumenism
A reflection on Remembrance. In 1940 Dick Howard turned the bombing of Coventry Cathedral into an opportunity for commitment 'to build a kinder, more Christ-like world'. The Community of the Cross of Nails became a movement of peace and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheologyPreachingRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)
Maurizio Lazzarato argues that contemporary capitalism functions through two central apparatuses: Social subjection and machinic enslavement. Social subjection equips individuals with a subjectivity, assigning them identities, sexes,... more
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      EthicsPosthumanismVirtue EthicsCapitalism
In this essay social theology is analyzed as a phenomenon of modern religious thought. Social theology is actualized in the Global Age due to the crisis of the policy of state atheism and secularism, as well as the growth (prosperity) of... more
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      AtheismGlobal HistoryPolitical TheologySocial Theology
This article written for a broader audience, concentrates on the question of what role the experience of pandemic plays and can play for the church as one diversified people of God living in different churches. First it offers a... more
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      Franz BrentanoPolitical TheologyChristian SpiritualitySocial Theology
Archbishop Justin Welby's commitment to 'compete Wonga out of existence' indicates that there are ways of challenging unjust lending through supporting alternatives as well as campaigning for regulation. This essay explores the short-term... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipLiberation TheologyCatholic Social TeachingCredit Unions
The Malvern Conference of 1941 brought together leading Anglican social thinkers of the day to explore the Christian basis for involvement in society and Christian responses to pressing social, political and economic issues, some of which... more
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      History of ChristianityPublic TheologyChurch HistoryAnglican Church History
Iglesia Adventista como elemento canalizador, catalizador y contextualizador de movimientos migrantes en España.
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      ReligionEuropean integrationAdaptationMigration Studies
Baptists generally disapprove of placing the church and the state side-by-side. King had a different view of the relationship between the two. The church is the beloved community, and its work among the secular society is the work of God... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyBaptist TheologyCivil Rights