Social Studies Education
Most cited papers in Social Studies Education
In a study of international student security, consisting of 200 intensive interviews with students, resident onshore in Australia, it was found that two thirds of the group had experienced problems of loneliness and/or isolation,... more
Global university rankings have cemented the notion of a world university market arranged in a single "league table" for comparative purposes and have given a powerful impetus to intranational and international competitive pressures in... more
At no time since the Middle Ages has higher education been more international 1 in nature. Indeed, we face profound changes as universities adapt to the new international era. Internationalization is absolutely inevitable. It is a... more
In research in cross-cultural psychology, international education is largely understood as an "adjustment" to host country norms and institutions, a notion that prioritizes social order and stability. The student is seen as in deficit in... more
"Presents a substantive overview of the issues faced in social studies curriculum design, development, and implementation, with an emphasis on diversity of purposes and forms of knowledge within social studies as a school subject. This... more
Social studies teacher education faculty members who effectively integrate technology in methods courses provide students opportunities to explore applications for the K-12 classroom and to consider how technology is changing the way we... more
This study sought to examine students’ attitude towards learning of Social Studies in the Accra Metropolis of Ghana. It investigated the factors that affect students’ attitude towards Social Studies and assessed how students’ attitude... more
A conceptual framework, adapted from the Value-Belief-Norm theory, is proposed for understanding the role of studying abroad in nurturing global citizenship. The framework is oriented in concepts of justice, the environment, and civic... more
This quantitative study uses survey data to test connections between 735 teachers’ civic education ideology (CivID) and their self-reported instructional practices. Analysis demonstrates teachers’ beliefs in relation to conservative,... more
Few studies have employed experimental designs adequate for documenting the value added of studying abroad; that is, learning outcomes above and beyond that which may be achieved in domestic or traditional campus-based courses. Using a... more
In this article, Julian Vasquez Heilig, Keffrelyn Brown, and Anthony Brown offer findings from a close textual analysis of how the Texas social studies standards address race, racism, and communities of color. Using the lens of critical... more
One of the strongest predictors of political participation is political efficacy, the belief that individuals’ action can influence governmental processes. Prior research indicates that political efficacy is higher for individuals who... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the argumentation-based science learning approach on students' academic achievements and examine student views about use of this approach in social studies. We used a mixed... more
This qualitative study examines the perceptions that Latino students have of middle school social studies. Twelve Latino/a middle school students provided written narratives recounting their experiences in social studies and participated... more
RÉSUMÉ. L'article s'intéresse à la manière dont les élèves traitent les contenus liés au féminisme dans les manuels d'histoire. Un questionnaire a été distribué à 575 élèves québécois de quatrième secondaire afin d'identifier leurs... more
Drawing from Black Critical Theory (BlackCrit) as a theoretical framework, this study examined how Afro-Latin@s are represented in U.S. world history textbooks alongside global narratives of race and anti-Black systemic racism that are... more
This qualitative case study research explores the discursive practices of three White secondary US history teachers while teaching about the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision. Using critical discourse analysis... more
Some education practices can impede learning democratic citizenship agency by reinforcing injustices or omitting dissenting perspectives. Other practices may help address conflict issues through problem-posing inquiry activities. This... more
Understanding local context and effective collaboration enhances teaching practice. Common preservice teacher training supports inservice teacher collaboration. Provision and research of post-TEP supports enhances TEP practice. Resistance... more
The public history museum holds an inherent pedagogical purpose to define the nation through a history considered collectively supported by its citizenry. Widely acknowledged criticism often accompanies such exhibits and prompts calls for... more
This comparative case study presents one key challenge two experienced teachers face when using simulations: Control. Simulations are activities that place high demands on teachers, including the ability to anticipate pitfalls in advance,... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
In this article I examine the extent to which, given how critical thinking has been most commonly conceptualized and taught in schools, the subject indeed develops modes of thinking, relating and reasoning that allow individuals to... more
In our global age, educational researchers and practitioners need tools that can be applied in a range of contexts and scales: local, national and international. This paper argues that human rights education (HRE) is a site of struggle in... more
Drawing on data from a multi-sited study examining making and makerspace technologies’ impact on early social studies education, this article explores how two 1st-grade children mobilized digital media to write (right) a personal issue of... more
Westheimer, J. (2015). What kind of citizen? Educating our children for the common good. New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN 978-0-8077-5635-5
Advisors provided students with intellectual, administrative, and personal support. Over time, advisors shifted many responsibilities to skilled student members. Advisors and students co-designed many club activities and conference... more
The 2004 Turkish primary school curriculum based on the principles of constructivist theory is intended to bring different educational viewpoints into teachinglearning process. As a consequence of the integration of constructivist theory... more
This paper aims to determine the predictive relationships between achievement goals and learning approaches in the context of social studies teaching and to compare the goal orientation models (3x2, 2x2) in the context of their... more
In efforts to create "good" and "responsible" citizens, social educators have sought solutions (assimilation, acculturation, etc.
This study presents an analysis of the relative internationalization of 77 research universities in the United States. Institutions enrolling undergraduate students were selected from the 2003 national report, The Top American Research... more
In this article, the author uses the critical race theoretical construct of master narrative to explore historical and ideological assumptions about the Civil Rights Movement held by two Black youth in an urban community. Master narrative... more
This study investigates the visual representation of ethnic minority groups in Chinese elementary social studies textbooks. The author conducts a content analysis to examine the extent to which ethnic minority groups are visually... more
Adolescent learners stand to benefit when history teachers center their practice on investigating open-ended questions, interrogating evidence, and constructing persuasive arguments. Taking up this kind of teaching requires professional... more
This paper uses the concept of stories of peoplehood to examine how the Singapore government has constructed a story of harmony and to consider how this story has influenced two important school subjects focused on civic education: Social... more
El desarrollo epistemológico, disciplinario y profesional de la educación social ha traído consigo la evolución del concepto. Los objetivos de este artículo son: determinar cuáles son las claves actuales para una reinterpretación y... more
Öz Bu araştırmada 2005, 2017 ve 2018 sosyal bilgiler öğretim programlarının karşılaştırmalı analizinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu öğretim programları; programların genel yapısı, kazanımlar, içerik, eğitim durumları ve değerlendirme... more
... 1University of Haifa Corresponding Author: Ayman K. Agbaria, Department of Education, Education Building, 4th Floor, University of Haifa, Mount ... Burbules & Torres, 2000; Gabbard, 2003; Green, 1997; Marsh, 1999;... more
Winner of the Critics Choice Award from the American Educational Studies Association in 2001. In 1932 George Counts, in his speech, "Dare the School Build A New Social Order," explicitly challenged teachers to develop a democratic,... more