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In this article, Dafney Blanca Dabach highlights how little is known about undocumented youth’s political socialization in formal school settings. Like all students, undocumented students are routinely placed into citizenship courses in... more
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      Social Studies EducationImmigrationCivic EducationUndocumented Immigration
ABSTRACT Utilizing a critical whiteness studies framework, the authors analyzed the experiences of a cohort of predominantly White pre-service social studies teachers discussing race and Whiteness in relation to education. The pre-service... more
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      Teacher EducationSocial Studies EducationCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theoryCritical Whiteness Studies
STEAM is a developing educational model of how the traditional academic subjects (silos) of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics can be structured into a framework by which to plan integrative curricula. It includes... more
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      Science EducationEngineering EducationMathematics EducationSocial Studies Education
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      Social Studies EducationPost-9/11 discourse and cultural productionChilhdood, political violence, and trauma Ethics and pedagogy (Benjamin, Levinas, Derrida) Classics of educational science (Durkheim, Dewey, Piaget) Theories of justice Children’s literature Intercultural and interreligious education and integration
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationSosyal BilimlerSosyal Bilgiler öğretimi
ABSTRACT Plagiarism that is defined as stealing someone’s idea is an important issue in all educational levels. Several studies have reported that university students particularly those who prepare projects have high levels of plagiarism... more
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      Social Studies EducationSocial StudiesSosyal Bilgiler öğretimiSosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi
One way for teachers to use engaging and relevant social studies curriculum is by delving into local history to help students understand the influence that community activists have had on national policies and events. In this article, we... more
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      SociologySocial Studies EducationLocal HistoryMulticultural Education
This article focuses on the impact of international research collaboration on individual research productivity in 11 European countries. Research productivity and international publication co-authorship of “internationalists” and “locals”... more
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      SociologyEducationSocial Studies EducationInternationalization
A practical guide to teaching education for sustainable development using six case studies of work done in different primary schools. Sections include Forest school, gardening, energy and travel & transport. Sample PDF available below,... more
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      Social Studies EducationEarly Childhood EducationGeography EducationEducation for Sustainable Development
This mixed-methods study investigated teachers’ perceptions and implementation of professional development in writing instruction at a United States public high school campus. A layered approach to professional development was utilized:... more
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      PsychologySocial Studies EducationHigher Education Studies
Hartlep, N. D., & Baylor, A. A. (2016). Educational leadership: A critical, racial, and theoretical examination of the “we-need-more-leaders-of-color” discourse. In T. Marsh & N. Croom (Eds.), Envisioning a critical race praxis in K–12... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationTeacher EducationHigher Education
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ParticipationDigital HumanitiesCommunity Engagement & Participation
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      Social Studies EducationCurriculum IntegrationSocial StudiesCurriculum Integration and the Social Studies
La sociedad actual a la luz del concepto estetización. En las últimas décadas se ha puesto de moda el concepto estetización, ampliamente utilizado en los espacios académicos, al punto que ya lo encontramos en adecuaciones y conjugaciones... more
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      Social Studies EducationArts EducationGraffitiVisual Arts
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      Social Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesSocial JusticeTeaching Methodology
The Daily Record contains the curriculum (standards, syllabus, student handouts, and readings) for a newly developed high school level Philosophical Inquiry Course. Philosophical Inquiry is a brand new secondary level social studies... more
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      PhilosophySocial Studies EducationSocial StudiesPHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN
Bu çalışmada Öğretmen Adaylarının Bağımsız Türk Cumhuriyetleri Bayrak ve Başkent Bilgisini ölçmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır kaynak Tokcan, H., KARACA, A. (2016). Öğretmen Adaylarının Bağımsız Türk Cumhuriyetleri Bayrak ve Başkent... more
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    • Social Studies Education
Music has been an integral part of humanity’s culture for millennia. Like many other artifacts of culture, songs have: expressed a range of feelings, informed listeners of historical and political issues, and provoked social awareness and... more
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    • Social Studies Education
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      Social PsychologySocial SciencesSocial Studies Education
This article introduces the social studies field to Dorothy Heatchote’s Mantle of Expert (MOE). MOE is a dramatic inquiry approach used in several subject areas and can work at all levels in the social studies curriculum. The authors go... more
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    • Social Studies Education
Learning includes what a student obtains from the school, home and the other social environments. While preparing a learning task, most teachers aim to formulate their problems modelled from the real life situations. However, most of the... more
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    • Social Studies Education
Few studies have employed experimental designs adequate for documenting the value added of studying abroad; that is, learning outcomes above and beyond that which may be achieved in domestic or traditional campus-based courses. Using a... more
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      EducationSocial Studies EducationHigher Education Studies
The purpose of this qualitative study is to evaluate how the aesthetic value is handled in social studies textbooks. In this study, document analysis was used. Firstly, the sections devoted to the teaching of aesthetic value in the social... more
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      Values EducationSocial Studies Education
Held annually, the Teaching Black History Conference aims to improve Black history curriculum decision-making and instructional practice. Individual sessions are led by classroom teachers as well as university professors. This year’s... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
The study is entitled “Influence of Gender on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Undergraduate Social Studies Students of Ahmadu Bello University-Nigeria.” The study is specifically aimed at determining the entrepreneurial intentions of... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTeaching and LearningSocial Studies Education
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationInitial teacher educationInvestigación
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawSocial SciencesSocial Studies Education
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      AssessmentSocial Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesCivic Education
This qualitative study examines how critical reflexivity is manifested in and enacted by seven Social Studies teachers, in the Singaporean context of ethnic diversity, increased affluence and socio-political constraints. The cases show... more
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      Social Studies EducationSocial StudiesCritical Reflexivity
The purpose of this article is to empower those interested in teaching students powerful and engaging social studies. Through the lens of Supreme Court simulations, this article provides educators with a viable, classroom-tested lesson... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningSocial Studies EducationProblem Based LearningSupreme Court
full paper in Norwegian) This paper examines some of the complex questions that "super-diversity" and migration raise in relation to schooling, focusing on education for democratic citizenship and human rights. It considers challenges to... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationSocial Studies EducationRace and Ethnicity
In contrast to the eight U.S. states with laws that restrict teachers and staff from even discussing LGBT issues at school, California’s FAIR Act affords teachers in the state the latitude to teach about LGBT history; LGBT civil rights... more
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      EducationLGBT Issues (Education)Social Studies EducationLibrary and Information Science
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAfrican StudiesWorld Literatures
Resumo Este texto é parte de um estudo cujo objeto de análise é o escotismo brasileiro, mais especificamente a pedagogia escoteira. A questão central que o orientou foi compreender como o escotismo se realiza por meio de sua pedagogia.... more
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      EducationSocial Studies EducationEtnographyAntropology of Education
Bu araştırmanın amacı, kuantum öğrenme modelinin ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler ders başarılarına, kaygılarına ve üst bilişsel farkındalıklarına etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırmada öntest-sontest deney ve kontrol gruplu... more
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      Social Studies EducationSocial StudiesQuantum LearningKuantum öğrenme
is an important alternative for students not likely to participate in semester-long or yearlong international study abroad programs. The authors present an assessment of their short-term study abroad program, Environmental and Cultural... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationSocial Studies EducationService Learning
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      Social Studies EducationSocial studies teacher education
ÖZ Bu araştırma; Vatandaşlık ve Demokrasi Eğitimi dersinde yer alan değerlerin öğrenilme düzeylerinin öğrencilerin içinde yaşadığı çevre ile olan ilişkisini öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın... more
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      Social Studies EducationEducation for CitizenshipSocial StudiesCitizenship
Literacy is the key word here, because the teaching of history should have reading and writing at its core.
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      HistorySocial Studies EducationWritingSocial Studies
This study explored the effectiveness of a science camp on children's views of the tentative nature of scientific knowledge. The method used to do so was a synthesized methodology of explicit reflective guided-inquiry, and several... more
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    • Social Studies Education
Westheimer, J. (2015). What kind of citizen? Educating our children for the common good. New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN 978-0-8077-5635-5
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      Teaching and LearningEducationSociology of EducationYouth Studies
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    • Social Studies Education
This paper aims to investigate the mediation role of fear of negative evaluation (FNE) in the relationship between perceived autonomy support (PAS) and academic risk-taking (ART) in the context of social studies course. A total of 339... more
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      PsychologyMultivariate StatisticsSocial Studies EducationMiddle School/Level Education
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      Science EducationSocial Studies EducationInterdisciplinary Teaching and Learning
Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century and into this new century of the American republic, the characteristics desired in the citizen have reflected distinct eras in late American history. Schools were not necessarily... more
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationCivic EducationEducation for Citizenship
Junior/Intermediate teacher candidates were introduced to a geocaching activity (a high-tech scavenger hunt using hand-held GPS devices) that addressed the two principal strands from the Social Studies curriculum in Ontario, Canada,... more
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      Educational TechnologySocial Studies EducationGeocaching
Social sciences course (Gesellschaftswissenschaften) which has been taught since 2017-2018 academic year in 5th and 6th grades in Berlin state of Germany is a citizenship course which investigates the sophisticated aspects of living... more
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationCurriculum and InstructionCurriculum
La promoción del pensamiento crítico es un objetivo importante pero escurridizo en la enseñanza de la historia, las ciencias sociales y la educación ciudadana. A muchos docentes les cuesta traducir las definiciones generales de... more
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      Critical PedagogySocial Studies EducationCritical ThinkingCivic Education
Helping ESOL students find their voice in social studies
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageCritical PedagogySocial Studies EducationWorld History