Social Sculpture

77 papers
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Social sculpture is an artistic concept that emphasizes the role of art in shaping social relationships and community engagement. It posits that art can influence societal structures and promote social change, viewing the process of creation as a collaborative and participatory act that extends beyond traditional artistic boundaries.
This is a report on a peace project done at New York University, following the events of 9/11. The authors set their discussion into the framework of activist art and describe the social as well as artistic outcomes of their project.
This paper investigates socially engaged art criticism and its transmission in the Chinese context. It examines how Chinese art professionals over the past decade have sought valuable ways to evaluate this art phenomenon in local... more
This paper analyzes the socially engaged art project Au milieu des bureux empilés and investigates if it can be possible to create open discursive spaces within schools for students to collectively develop conversations about the... more
Public art and urban renewal have become integral to reconstructing urban landscapes. In this essay we assess how these two spatial practices converge and diverge in the historically and predominately Black community of the Third Ward in... more
This thesis project is rooted in relationships─ the deep bonds which we share with one another, with our more-than-human kin, and our relationship with the abundant animate life that exists in the natural world. After losing several loved... more
Suzanne Lacy's three decades of performance and writing about her art and process have encompassed some of the most dynamic years of American political history and have deepened public awareness of issues of violence, rape, race,... more
It is important to know that when I talk about participatory monuments in my reflection I am referring to Folkets Hus and Kammer.
Апстракт: Познато е тоа дека поранешните социјалистички општества тежнеат кон тоа да направат крупни промени во изгледот и да го заборават социјалистичкото минато, притоа свртувајќи се кон некое подалечно минато. Градот Скопје предничи... more
Nicolas Bourriaud's Relational Aesthetics (2002) provides a sophisticated critique of interactive aesthetics. His focus, however, is not literally interactive electronic art, but rather Conceptual Art of the 90s that deliberately reduces... more
Mekânın Üretimi" kitabında mekanı sosyal bir kategori ve bir üretim şekli olarak değerlendiren Lefebvre, sosyal mekanı, hem bir eylem sahası hem de bir eylem tabanı olarak tanımlar. "Sosyal bir 'özne' tarafından 'yaşanmış bir deneyime'... more
En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en América, surgió un método en las ciencias sociales conocido como investigación acción participativa, el cual busca desdibujar la barrera entre el investigador y el objeto de estudio para que la... more
The gallery or museum space has two sitting chairs facing each other. Visitors find two people talking there, sometimes. Sometimes the chairs are empty. On the blackboard are polaroids and statements on stickies left there by... more
Let’s step back for a moment and think about images and where they come from, both personal and collective. Think about your iPhone, Google, and other search engines and think about all this electronic data, everywhere, including your... more
Art Education at the Periphery of the CenterIt is not a matter of perception that the current educational landscape of K-12 schooling and universities has positioned the teaching of visual arts education at the margins of these... more
The open principles of socially-engaged arts practice frequently come into conflict with ethical considerations despite positive intentions on the part of the artist or commissioning body. When confronted by crises in society,... more
This article offers an approach to an analysis of the work of Espaliu, based on his reflections on the body, the presence of disease and death, and the attitude adopted by the creative artist towards these facts. At the same time it is a... more
The notion of social sculpture (Harlan, Rappmann, and Schata, 1984:56-61) was a theory created by Joseph Beuys in the 1970s, based on participatory community projects that would produce a change in society through creative processes. The... more
Let’s step back for a moment and think about images and where they come from, both personal and collective. Think about your iPhone, Google, and other search engines and think about all this electronic data, everywhere, including your... more
Ивана Хаџиевска, „Институции на културна меморија - практични проблеми“, во Изложување на минатото – музеолошкиот пејзаж во Западен Балкан и справувањето со минатото, ур. Александар Војвода, бр. 21 (2022):... more
The emerging paradigm of sustainability represents a challenging field in terms of new technologies, market regulations, and business models. Limits of both linear industrial development and consumerist way of living have been clearly... more
After humans destroy the world we have created for ourselves, what will be left are the jellyfish. At least, this is the suggestion of the biologist Jeremy Jackson, who argues that the synergistic effects of mass extinction lead to the... more
In this paper, we are considering the social aspects of the object "Porta Macedonia" as a part of the project "Skopje 2014", its political and cultural meanings, its symbolic aspects and its reflection on identity policies in contemporary... more
In Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art (1994) the author called for a new language of critique for the transient and publicly located art practices known today as social, or public, practices. Since that time authors have taken up... more
Live projects have a long-standing history in architectural education (Brown, 2012). The practice of live projects has increased substantially over the past twenty years and is currently being adopted in many other disciplines (“Live... more
Современите принципи на проектирање, преку користење на Building Information Modeling (BIM) можат да овозможат изведба на комплицирани конструктивни системи, без можна колизија во различните фази на објектот, олеснувајќи и убрзајќи го... more
The concept of spectatorship has evolved from a particular patriarchal perspective on the world that rejects embodied experience and allows the eyes to stand in for the body as a whole. What happens to the idea of the screen when we, like... more
Wer kennt nicht die chinesische Weisheit »Wenn viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten viele kleine Dinge tun, können sie das Gesicht der Welt verändern«. Darum geht es auch in unserem Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Apostolischen Vikariat... more
Since the early 1990s, Social Innovation (SI) has developed as a field of research, with advancements being applied to management, entrepreneurship and policymaking. In exploring SI processes, we realize that aspects of them have much in... more
Since the industrial revolution, the earth's environmental health has steadily grown worse, arguably approaching a critical state. While science and technology offer innovations to help move towards a sustainable planet, another less... more
Предмет на нашиот интерес е културното наследство во КатлановскоСкопско Блатечката област. Оваа област се наоѓа на исток од Скопје, во Скопската Котлина и го опфаќа течението од двете страни на реката Пчиња, левата страна на реката Вардар... more
©2010 Duke univerSity PreSS All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper ♾ Designed by Amy Ruth Buchanan Typeset in Whitman by Tseng Information Systems, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication... more
Directions of the development and strategies of cultural policy tend to be determined by temporary preferences or even particular vogues for certain models of culture-making and culture promotion. To say that this is so because culture... more
An expanded conclusion, divided into two parts: MANOEUVRING SCULPTURE articulates the ways that sculpture has been manoeuvred towards becoming an event through a series of methodologies, thereby addressing the first research question,... more
material adventures, spatial productions: manoeuvring sculpture towards a proliferating event
Con questo breve lavoro si è proposto di analizzare l’opera 7000 Querce del maestro tedesco Joseph Beuys e come questa sia stata una delle più alte e compiute realizzazioni della sua scultura sociale. Fu realizzata nel 1982 in occasione... more
This paper investigates the interaction between reality and imagination in the architectural design process. It engages with four inter-related inquiries. First, the interplay between reality and imagination in the architectural design... more
Reflection Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Artistic Research at the Faculty of Arts and Craft, Oslo National Academy of Arts. Supervisor: Mary Jane Jacob. Second... more
збирка колумни 2010-2021
Essay and typographic-algorithmic experiment in the context of the exhibition catalogue for “swarming + networking” (“schwärmen + vernetzen”). Leporello, inserted at page 42.
This paper examines the role of participatory, performative forms of art that incorporate new media technologies as educational tools, in a wider social context. In particular, using paradigms from technology-based artistic performative... more
and yet you are called to represent your country in an international art exhibition? Los Angeles-based artist Mark Bradford tried to tackle this question in his presentation at the United States pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale.... more
Published on the occasion of 'Life Instinct', Anne Percoco's solo exhibition at Nurture Art in Brooklyn, New York City, in 2012. This body of work presented at NURTUREart celebrates makeshift solutions, survival instincts, and reuse of... more
As New York Arts Magazine correspondent I have met and interviewed artists Michael Rees and Robert Gero on the occasion of their exhibition 'Tactical Play Exchange' in New York City. Michael Rees is an American artist practicing... more
"The French contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe enjoys international acclaim, witness the many one-person and group exhibitions in which his work has been featured, and the prizes he has been awarded. His workplace in New York City, where... more