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A Escola Aberta, ou AESCOA foi idealizada por Pedro Debiazi 17 e Diego Brasil 18 2 e foca na educação continuada on-line em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e áreas afins. O objetivo é construir conhecimento através da ampliação dos debates sobre... more
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      Social RepresentationsMultidisciplinary approach in architectural education and practicesArchitecture EducationArquitectura y urbanismo
L’idéologie est partout, le mot est si galvaudé que le concept s’est comme évaporé : on dit qu’une grève est idéologique pour éviter de dire qu’elle a d’autres raisons qu’une stricte revendication. On dit qu’une réforme est idéologique... more
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      MarxismSocial RepresentationsPoliticsIdeology
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      EpistemologySocial RepresentationsCultural PsychologyAutopoiesis
This paper presents a view of semiotics that provides some theoretical elements for bridging some of the gaps between post-Vygotskian cultural psychology and social representation theory. This is done, firstly, through an exploration into... more
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      Social PsychologySocial RepresentationsPsicologia CulturalPscilogia
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismFashion Theory
Authenticity occupies a central position in sociology and those social science fields, which deal with subcultures and racial identity. When considered alongside music and culture, aspects of legitimacy and imagery emerge and are debated.
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      SociologyMusicologyPopular CultureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
This book provides an introduction to political psychology through a focus on European politics and topics. It describes a style of doing political psychology in Europe that has developed out of dialogue with as well as critique of North... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsPersonality PsychologyPersonality Psychology
Analysis of how Jeanette Winterson deconstructs notions of women in fairy tales to establish a more truthful portrayal of women, turning the passive female into an active one.
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      Gender StudiesSocial RepresentationsGender EqualityFeminism
En un país como Argentina, cuya identidad nacional se configuró bajo el ideal de “blanquedad”, la invisibilización de la población de ascendencia africana (a la cual se consideró “desaparecida” -una y otra vez- desde fines del siglo XIX)... more
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      Social RepresentationsArgentinaAfricanosAfrodescendientes
Esta obra, editada por Nikos Kalampalikis, reúne, pela primeira vez, alguns dos principais escritos de Denise Jodelet, referência obrigatória no campo das re-presentações sociais desde a criação do Laboratório de Psicologia Social na... more
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      Social TheorySocial PsychologyGender StudiesSocial Representations
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      Film StudiesRace and RacismSocial RepresentationsColonialism
Climate change is one of the most important global challenges in the twenty-first century, given that a changing climate is likely to have negative and potentially irreversible consequences for the environment and human beings. Drawing... more
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      SociologyCommunicationSelf and IdentityClimate Change
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the content and structure of social representations of the body among adolescence and early adulthood, performed using the prototypical analysis of Vergès. The study showed... more
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      Social RepresentationsRepresentaciones SocialesReprésentations Sociales
A presente dissertacao tem como proposito apresentar os resultados obtidos por meio da analise de dezoito cancoes dos rappers Criolo e Emicida que fazem referencia direta aos orixas. Em relacao aos objetivos da pesquisa buscou-se... more
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      Social RepresentationsContent AnalysisAfrican ReligionsRepresentações Sociais
Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung «Die italienische Renaissance in 100 Objekten», Universität Bern, Prof. Dr. Urte Krass im HS 2019
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMaterial Culture StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Social RepresentationsGenderScience Fiction Television
Les hommages rendus à Serge Moscovici ont insisté, à juste titre, sur l’œuvre du savant et du penseur. Toutefois, si nombre de chercheurs ont été influencés, à titre personnel, par ses travaux, si ses modèles ont stimulé des groupes de... more
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      Social PsychologySocial RepresentationsHistory of ScienceSerge Moscovici
espanolEste trabajo estudia las representaciones sociales sobre un barrio socialmente vulnerable del extrarradio de Palma, el analisis se lleva a cabo a traves de articulos publicados en los medios de comunicacion. La presentacion que se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySocial Representations
Resumo Este estudo propõe analisar as capas da revista ELLE Brasil, ao longo dos seus 28 anos, de forma objetiva e comparativa, mensurando a frequência das aparições de modelos de representação e interpretando qualitativamente os dados.... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial RepresentationsSocial Communication
This article investigates the reception of two of the most popular TV programs depicting Italian American mafiosi: The Untouchables (1959-63) and The Sopranos (1999-2007).  Italian American organizations protested against both these... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies1960s (U.S. history)
RESUMO. A análise prototípica das evocações é uma das principais técnicas que permite a exploração da estrutura das representações sociais a partir de dados verbais. O presente trabalho visa avaliar o efeito de variações no tamanho da... more
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      Social RepresentationsSocial representations (Psychology)Representaciones SocialesRepresentações Sociais
The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPsychologyPsychoanalysis
In March 2012, Bravo released a new reality television show called Shahs of Sunset, which received much criticism for producing content that mimics various other reality television programs already broadcast globally. This article... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMedia StudiesSocial RepresentationsReality TV
""L’objectif est de mettre au jour la construction de l’événement dans sa rhétorique et sa performance, sa diffusion médiatique et sa reconnaissance sociale. Comment la production discursive autour de la Marche des Fiertés 2011... more
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      SemioticsHistoryCultural StudiesGender Studies
We present the goals, the methodology and the findings of a research aimed at analysing the Immage of the Public Relations Department (URP) of the Health Territorial Services (ASL) of an Italian Southern City. According to the findings we... more
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    • Social Representations
Swedish screens are challenging the idea that two women talking to each other is diametrically opposed to film quality
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
One of the implications of globalization for education is the introduction of teacher evaluation models worldwide based on managerial notions such as cost rationalizing, system efficiency and quality, accountability, professionalism and... more
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      SociologySocial RepresentationsSocial representations (Psychology)Accreditation and Quality Assurance
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial WorkSocial RepresentationsChild Protection Social Work
Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing Municipality represents a relatively new political and administrative entity since it was established only in 1997, with the purpose of revitalizing this economically depressed area and... more
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      Social RepresentationsCultural LandscapesUrban StudiesChina
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyNarrativeSocial Representations
L’histoire actuelle du champ de la santé est marquée par des transformations profondes qui affectent aussi bien les définitions officielles de la santé que les objectifs assignés aux institutions de santé ou les relations entre soignants... more
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      Social PsychologyHealth SciencesSocial Representations
Este trabajo busca mostrar cómo la teoría de las representaciones sociales comparte elementos en común con algunas posturas del realismo. En tal sentido, se revisaron las propuestas que en el campo de las representaciones sociales han... more
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      PhilosophyArtSocial Representations
Au moment où le Covid 19 se répand partout dans le monde, il peut être intéressant de voir comment le thème de la pandémie mortelle s'inscrit dans une vieille tradition apocalyptique. En effet, depuis les origines du genre, l’apocalypse a... more
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      Social RepresentationsBiblical StudiesUrban StudiesScience Fiction
What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive framework of insecurity politics. It argues that governments act on... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
d'Antropologia Social i Cultural 1 Resumen Existeix un ampli debat sobre la pràctica de nomadisme històric i contemporani als estats europeus. El que ens ocupa però, no és la tradició nòmada de diversos grups gitanos, ni les... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesSocial RepresentationsNomadismMobility
Apostolidis, T., Santos, F. & Kalampalikis, N. (2020). Society against covid-19: challenges for the socio-genetic point of view of social representations. Papers on Social Representations, 29(2), 3.1-3.14. Today we are experiencing a... more
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      Social SciencesSocial RepresentationsRepresentaciones Sociales
In Italy law has accepted “honour crimes” perpetrated by men until little more than 30 years ago. As cultural dimensions are often slower to change, it is interesting to analyze the capacity to account for femicides in the press in a... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesSocial RepresentationsFrame Analysis
Bringing together this work's different dimensions and perspectives, this book seeks to challenge both the accepted status quo of Black young people's negative overrepresentation in most aspects of life - including education, criminal... more
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      Social PsychologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesIntercultural CommunicationYouth Studies
As Tajfel realised over twenty years ago, "we live in a world in which the processes of unification and diversification proceed apace, both of them faster than ever before" (Tajfel, 1978). As a consequence questions of identity, group... more
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      Social RepresentationsIdentityRaceAgency
Bizumic et al. (2013) have recently shown that attitudes towards peace and war reflect two distinct constructs rather than two poles of a single dimension. We present an attempt at validating the French version of their 16-item Attitudes... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial RepresentationsPacifismAdolescent
Nosso objeto de estudo são cenas de “Onde nascem os fortes”, supersérie exibida pela TV Globo em 2019, e rodada no cariri paraibano, na qual o silêncio do sertão grita tão forte que semelha um personagem. Partimos da pergunta “Até que... more
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      Gender StudiesNarrativeSocial RepresentationsPortuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesWomen's Studies
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      Social RepresentationsSigillographyChivalry (Medieval Studies)Seals
Shifting from representationally-oriented analysis of images to analysis of practices—the production, circulation and consumption of tourists’ images, and from photos created by tourists to photos staged, produced and displayed by the... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesVisual StudiesTourism Studies
O artigo tem como intenção analisar as associações comumente feitas entre representação e representatividade, que supõem que a representatividade entre produtores leva necessariamente à representação positiva de determinados grupos e... more
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      MulticulturalismFilm StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFilm Analysis
Na análise das representações de posição social ou de status social (capítulos 6 e 7) uma das convicções mais amplamente difundidas pelo conjunto de estudantes de licenciatura tende a atribuir à passagem pela universidade o alargamento... more
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      Higher EducationSocial RepresentationsStudent Motivation And EngagementSocial status
The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the diffusion process of social representations of justice by the press and their appropriation by readers. Two simultaneous cross-sectional studies were carried out. Study 1... more
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    • Social Representations