Body language and facial expressions are powerful indicators of a person's emotions, intentions, and thoughts. However, their meanings can vary widely across cultures. Misinterpretation can lead to misunderstandings, especially in... more
Nota Biográfica do querido e saudoso Bruno Zavataro
Italian Parish Records is a project of Players Philanthropy Fund Inc., a Texas nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178,... more
This study aims to explore the concept of tarbiyah in the Qur'an through a qualitative approach and text analysis of relevant verses. Tarbiyah, which is rooted in the nature of Allah as Ar-Rabb, includes a holistic educational process... more
From time immemorial, not only gender inequality, students' academic performance, their effectiveness and quality, but also the capacity of the institutions which hold sway over these students, are at the center of discourse among... more
The presence and capabilities of religious groups in Turkey, particularly in terms of their propaganda power, is an undeniable reality. These groups have a well-established institutional infrastructure in magazine publishing, and the... more
Küreselleşme ve artan hareketlilikle birlikte dünyada kültürel çeşitliliğin arttığı görülmekte ve özellikle Türkiye gibi çeşitli etnik ve dini grupların bir arada yaşadığı ülkelerde sosyal hizmet uygulamalarının önemi vurgulanmaktadır.... more
This paper explores the intricacies of domestic violence (DV) and the role of mediation as a tool for conflict resolution, emphasizing the need for a safe environment for victims during the mediation process. It begins by outlining the... more
Background COVID-19 has inundated the entire world disrupting the lives of millions of people. The pandemic has stressed the healthcare system of India impacting the psychological status and functioning of health care workers. The aim of... more
This study was conducted to examine how various task types affect the extent to which learners engage in form-related changes(FRC) and meaningrelated changes(MRC).To this end,15 Iranian language learners (9 female and 6 male) participated... more
Il ne faut pas opposer la netteté et le flou, comme si ce dernier n'était que défaut technique ou absence de maîtrise. L'histoire de la photographie montre qu'il a au contraire fait l'objet d'une élaboration minutieuse.
A nation's culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people Blog Details: Mahatma Gandhi poignantly stated, "A nation's culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people." Assuming this is true, what does it say about the United... more
- A Trailblazing Initiative: Digitizing Parish Records Enabling Intergenerational Identity & Healing Suzanne E. Greco, Founder & Director - Preserving the Heritage of Rende Calabria, A Collaborative Endeavor: The Church, A Museum, &... more
Background COVID-19 has inundated the entire world disrupting the lives of millions of people. The pandemic has stressed the healthcare system of India impacting the psychological status and functioning of health care workers. The aim of... more
Kendini yetiştirme meselesi Müslim için önemlidir ve farklı gündemler arasında değişmez gündemlerden biridir. Zira kulluğun hakikati, kendini yetiştirmeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Şöyle ki; "Yalnızca sana ibadet eder ve yalnızca senden yardım... more
This study was conducted to examine how various task types affect the extent to which learners engage in form-related changes(FRC) and meaningrelated changes(MRC).To this end,15 Iranian language learners (9 female and 6 male) participated... more
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fear of failure dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi atau tugas akhir. Partisipan penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa... more
İnsan eksikliğiyle malumdur. Attığı adımlarda, tuttuğu işlerde, söylediği sözlerde noksanlık bulunması fıtrattandandır. İnsanın, bu düzelmesi elzem eksikliklerini tamamlaması ve cemiyet içerisinde bir misyon edinerek milletine faydalı... more
Introduction Technologies provide a brilliant opportunity to promote social-emotional competences, wellbeing and adjustment in adolescence. Game-based programmes and serious games are digital tools that pursue an educational goal in an... more
Bulgar edebiyat kuramcısı ve Rus Biçimciliğinin en önemli yayıcılarından biri. Sofya'da doğan Todorov, lisans eğitimini burada tamamladıktan sonra Julia Kristeva gibi lisansüstü çalışmalar yapmak üzere Paris'e taşındı. Sorbonne'da... more
This study was conducted to examine how various task types affect the extent to which learners engage in form-related changes(FRC) and meaningrelated changes(MRC).To this end,15 Iranian language learners (9 female and 6 male) participated... more
Background COVID-19 has inundated the entire world disrupting the lives of millions of people. The pandemic has stressed the healthcare system of India impacting the psychological status and functioning of health care workers. The aim of... more
Batı ile karşılaşmalarında eski dönemlerde üstün konumda olan İslam, modern dünyada üstünlüğün Batı'ya geçmesiyle siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel olarak bir "öteki" konumuna düşürülmüştür. Orta Çağlardan beri gelen önyargılar günümüzde... more
This scholarly inquiry undertakes an exploration of the paradigm of ‘Adult Play Equity’, challenging prevailing notions that restrict play to the domain of childhood. Through an analysis of its definition, importance, and inherent... more
Traducción de dos textos pertenecientes a Scritti Vari (Opere, 1958): "El camino de la salud y la voz de la philopsykhía" y "Pesimista es el imperfecto pesimista".
Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue." ~ Anna Maria Chavez. There had been series of research on cyber bullying which are unable to provide... more
Bu calismada ogretmenlerin derslerinde teknoloji kullanim duzeyleri ve psikolojik sermaye duzeyleri arastirilarak aralarindaki iliski ortaya konulmaya calisilmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda veri toplamak icin Ogretmenlerin Teknoloji... more
Günümüzde hemen bütün toplumlarda çok önemli bir yer iflgal eden futbol, seyircilerinin fliddet olaylar›yla da sürekli haber gündeminde yer almaktad›r. Sosyal psikoloji disiplini, baflta ‹ngiltere olmak üzere Avrupa'da "futbol... more
Children's drawings, fundamental contributions on themes and structure M.ª Pilar Quiroga Méndez RESUMEN: Cualquiera de los temas relativos al análisis y estudio de los dibujos infantiles han de partir en la actualidad del pensamiento y de... more
The implementation of competency-based curriculum is a great step towards ensuring that Kenya develops future generations that are compliant with Vision 2030 goal of having skilled personnel who possess practical skills that will drive... more
Aktiviti ko-kurikulum badan beruniform di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi untuk para mahasiswa menjadi salah satu keperluan dan tumpuan utama dalam merealisasikan matlamat untuk melahirkan graduan yang kompeten, berdaya saing, serta... more
Objective: Understanding the drivers of political violence is critical, given the destructive consequences it has on the fabric of society. Prior work has established the importance of situational and dispositional predictors of political... more
ÖZ: Bu çalışmada öğretmenlerin derslerinde teknoloji kullanım düzeyleri ve psikolojik sermaye düzeyleri araştırılarak aralarındaki ilişki ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda veri toplamak için Öğretmenlerin Teknoloji... more
Er-Rahmân ve Er-Rahîm Olan Allah'ın Adıyla...
Er-Rahmân ve Er-Rahîm Olan Allah'ın Adıyla...
Er-Rahmân ve Er-Rahîm Olan Allah'ın Adıyla...
Santri adalah sebutan bagi seorang individu yang sedang melaksanakan pendidikan. Santri sama halnya dengan siswa, yang membedakan adalah lingkungan mereka belajar. Biasanya sebutan santri sering di dengar di lingkup pendidikan pesantren.... more
A mother goes several changes during the post-partum period. Looking around various clinical setups provided us with the observations that reflect lack of understanding on the holistic care concepts for mothers in order to bring a healthy... more
Background COVID-19 has inundated the entire world disrupting the lives of millions of people. The pandemic has stressed the healthcare system of India impacting the psychological status and functioning of health care workers. The aim of... more
Hollandalı Politikacı Geert Wilders’ın “Fitna” Filmi Çerçevesinde Bir Algı ve İmaj Olarak İslamofobi
Örneği) adlı Yüksek Lisans Tez çalışması hareket noktası alınarak, Geert Wilders'ın "Fitna" filmi ve o tarihten sonra Hollanda basını (internet üzerinden) taranarak, içerik analizi tekniği ile İslamofobi kavramı değerlendirilmektedir.... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Background COVID-19 has inundated the entire world disrupting the lives of millions of people. The pandemic has stressed the healthcare system of India impacting the psychological status and functioning of health care workers. The aim of... more
Hakan Yılmaz Galatasaray Lisesi'nde sekiz yıl yatılı okudu. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi ekonomi bölümünden mezun oldu. ABD'de Columbia Üniversitesi'nde yüksek lisans ve doktora yaptı. Halen Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası... more