Social Protection
Recent papers in Social Protection
Instead of the proposed Global Fund for Social Protection, this paper proposes increased technical assistance for social protection services and general budget support for qualifying countries under normal circumstances and a revitalized... more
Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and... more
This study was commissioned by Practical Action Nepal Office, under the PRISM (Poverty Reduction of Informal Workers in Solid Waste Management Sector) project. Practical Action aims to reduce poverty in developing countries by introducing... more
Social programmes in Peru have been plagued historically by a culture of dependency, clientelism and corruption. Juntos, a conditional cash transfer programme targeting children under the age of 14, was initiated in 2005 to provide a new... more
Les programmes de transferts sociaux monétaires sont de versements en espèces aux groupes les plus vulnérables de la population, avec l’objectif majeur de satisfaire les besoins de base et d’assurer le niveau minimal de consommation aux... more
More often than not, the existing modes of contribution collection and benefit payment of social security organizations are adapted to the collective arrangements that characterize employer-employee relationships. Extending coverage to... more
En este artículo se argumenta que se pueden crear sinergias positivas entre la protección social no contributiva, el empleo y los principios del trabajo decente. Al asegurar un mínimo de bienestar, se permite a las personas realizar... more
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board - Region X issued Wage Order No. RX-08 Providing for New Minimum Wage Rates and Cost of Living Allowance in Region X
The main objective of this paper is to examine the opportunities, difficulties andchallenges of an effective social protection for the elderly population. The articleemphasizes the public policies of income and long term care, as well as... more
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board - Region X issued Wage Order No. RX-12 Providing New Minimum Wage Rates in Region X
Myanmar has a very strong traditional village based social protection system, with a typical village having 4 different schemes, delivering an average of $26.50 per household per year in grants in cash and kind, with over 80% of funding... more
In recent years policies for social protection initially designedfor purposes of income maintenance have come to place increasing emphasis on the reintegration of welfare beneficiaries into the labour force. This paper describes a range... more
Key messages • If appropriately designed, social protection can play a critical role in promoting women's empowerment and gender equality, including in the world of work. However, social protection policies and systems may also replicate... more
Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”. Tackling issues with Respect to... more
This article examines the sustainability of China's Urban Employees' Pension Programme-the main component in China's overall old-age support system. It looks at the sustainability of the programme generally and, in particular, at case... more
Social Justice and Systemic Change: three articles on why progressive forces should look at the social justice agenda, how to strengthen the movements and look for allies, and the strategies one might develop: social commons and obstinate... more
After the introduction of Law no. 24 year 2011 regarding Executive Assembly for Social Protection, Indonesia is on the verge of running a universal social protection, starting in 2014. The author describes the current condition of... more
How the European Commission, the World Bank and the OECD plan to reshape global labour markets to intensify the extraction of surplus value from households - and how households play along.
In early 2012, the South African government deployed a new electronic payment system for the nearly 10 million recipients of the state's welfare program. These monthly cash transfers reflect the constitutional right to social security and... more
The number of street children in existence globally is increasing and with that, the vulnerabilities they face multiply. This dissertation has examined the lives of street children in Sierra Leone and the social protection measures put in... more
Financing of social protection in North Macedonia is a reflection of not only the economic developments in the country, but also the result of political and social changes that happened during the period 2005-2016. Apart from the low... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board - Region X issued Amendments to New Wage Order No. RX-10 Providing for New Minimum Wage Rates in Region X
Twenty years have passed since conditional cash transfer programs were first implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean. This book takes the opportunity to critically review the design options and operational solutions employed by the... more
This paper analyzes the issue of social protection for migrants by looking at formal and informal social protection provisions. In particular, it presents the latest global data on the social protection status on migrants, including... more
This article analyzes the process of compensation and benefit sharing for persons displaced by Thiba dam irrigation development project. It also highlights the level of stakeholder engagements in the negotiations and implementation of... more
This article analyzes the issues of social protection empire of Amir Temur and the Temurids
"What are the possible impacts of social protection benefits on economic growth? Although the main objective of these benefits is to protect people from poverty, shocks and social risks—and not promote economic growth—this question... more
Understanding the relationship between migration, social protection and doing family in transnational settings is important, both at academic and policy level. Migration disturbs safety nets and it created new realities such as... more
Table ronde avec Lucien Durand et Jean-Michel Serouart, Informations sociales 5/ 2011 (n° 167), p. 96-101
In most Western liberal democracies, state economic responses to COVID-19 have done little to protect the incomes of self-employed individuals. The COVID-19 global pandemic has helped provide renewed focus upon the social need, for a... more
This article makes an entrée into the social protection arena by exploring the political, technical, social, economic, legal and environmental dimensions of social protection using the ecology of human development as a foundation. As a... more
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs were developed in the mid to late 1990s in Mexico and Brazil in response to the economic upheavals that affected the poor and vulnerable in Latin America following the imposition of structural... more
a persistencia de la necesidad de protección social ha vinculado a los individuos no solo con el Estado, sino también con la Iglesia, con los sindicatos y con otras formas de organización de la sociedad civil en occidente. Este libro... more
Abstract The experience of sub-Saharan Africa with social development in the period between 1981 and 2005 has been grim, indeed. Over the period, policy focus has turned from a wider vision of social policy to narrow social protection... more
In recent years diplomatic and economic relations between China and many African countries have deepened. This has been driven largely by China's remarkable economic growth, which has increased demand for energy and commodities, thus... more
This paper provides a meaning for the term chronic poverty 'in a nutshell' and explores the concepts of poverty, vulnerability and poverty dynamics that underpin this meaning.
Довідник захищених дисертацій на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата і доктора юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.05 – трудове право; право соціального забезпечення в Україні (1991- 2012 рр.) : довід. / укл., передмова, вступ Г. І.... more
This 2014 review was prepared with Stephanie Brockerhoff and Sithabiso Gandure as part of a review of two Ford Foundation programmes in Southern Africa