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Although patient satisfaction has been given considerable attention in health care, analysis of the conceptual and measurement limitations of existing measures indicates that a more elemental approach to obtaining patients' perspectives... more
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      NursingPsychometricsMethodologyPublic Health
Despite the dominant role of the hormone oxytocin (OT) in social behavior, little is known about the role of OT in the perception of social relationships. Furthermore, it is unclear whether there are sex differences in the way that OT... more
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      FamilyFace recognition (Psychology)Social PerceptionSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience
The aim of any health care service is to provide optimal quality care to clients and families regardless of their ethnic group. As today's Australian society comprises a multicultural population that encompasses clients with... more
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      NursingEducational MeasurementAustraliaSocial Perception
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      LeadershipSocial PerceptionBelgiumMotivation
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionBehavior
Objective A qualitative study examining women's perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence in a maternity service.
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      Program EvaluationPerceptionDomestic ViolenceResearch Methodology
Successful self-regulation is defined as the willingness to exert effort toward one's most important goals, while taking setbacks and failures as opportunities to learn, identify weaknesses and address them, and develop new strategies... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceResearch DesignPersonality
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      SociologyPsychologyEconomicsHealth Economics
For guidance on citations see FAQs.
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      Counseling PsychologyQualitative methodologyPsychotherapy and CounselingEating Disorders
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      SchizophreniaCognitionSocial CognitionSocial Interaction
Guided by the model of social category salience proposed by M. Blanz (1999), the present paper explores factors affecting the salience of skin tone-based subcategories among Blacks in the United States. Adapting the group discussion... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Cognition
This research provides evidence for the role of self-esteem in social influence; it demonstrates that the positions taken by self-relevant social groups can threaten people's self-esteem. Participants who wished to align themselves with a... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
We investigated the relation between appearance-based impressions of hon-esty and individuals' willingness to engage in deceptive behaviors. The data reveal that people who were thought to look dishonest were more likely to volunteer... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceFace
This study assessed the relation between mother mental state language and child desire language and emotion understanding in 15 -24-month-olds. At both time points, mothers described pictures to their infants and mother talk was coded for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationCognition
This study was designed to examine participants' perceptions of targets who varied in Likelihood to Sexually Harass (LSH; scores. Ninety-four Caucasian participants were shown videotapes of male targets who had scored either high or low... more
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      PsychologyPersonalityVictimologySocial Perception
Who killed whom?: victimization and culpability in the social construction of murder ABSTRACT Based on in-depth interviews with relatives of people convicted of murder, this article examines the ways in which everyday understandings of... more
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      SociologyHomicideSocial JusticeFamily
4clo P s~i h i u t r Scund I Y 9 Y : 100: 65 69 Prinlcrl in UK. AN rights rrscrvrd Copjright ( Munk\guurd I Y Y Y ACTA P S Y C H I A I R I C A SCANDINA VICA ISSN 0902-4441 ~~~ Awareness and attitudes of a rural Ethiopian community toward... more
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      PsychiatrySuicideSocial PerceptionEthiopia
Objective. The identification of the determinants of physical activity (PA) among older adults is an important avenue of research. To date, although the health action process approach (HAPA) has proven to be a valid framework for the... more
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      ChristianitySociologyPsychologyHealth Psychology
Objective: To examine the neural basis and dynamics of facial affect processing in schizophrenic patients as compared to healthy controls. Method: Fourteen schizophrenic patients and fourteen matched controls performed a facial affect... more
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      SchizophreniaVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingEmotion Regulation
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      Social PerceptionBiological SciencesSocial Dominance
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityDepression
... A number of fMRI studies have shown that patients with ASD have reduced levels of activity to images of the human face in this specialized face region of the right hemisphere (see eg, Critchley et al., 2000; Pierce, Muller, Ambrose,... more
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      PsychologyEye trackingAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
There is limited information about African American students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the areas of health behavior, health knowledge, and attitudes. To fill this gap, a comprehensive examination of... more
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      Health BehaviorDomestic ViolenceHealth CareSocial Perception
This study explored how nursing practitioners perceived inpatients' anxiety, self-esteem, purpose-in-life and multidimensional health locus of control. Seventy-three nurses, 60 third-year and 70 first-year nursing students, and 61... more
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      Social PerceptionMedicineAnxietyGoals
"That's so gay," a popular expression on campuses, is a sexual orientation microaggression that can contribute to a hostile environment for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students. Using data from a campus climate survey conducted at a... more
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Pairs of young and elderly Ss participated in a short play and were then instructed to talk about factual or affective aspects of the play or to talk about the play without any particular focus suggested. In both the affective and control... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAgingAttention
Philosophers, psychologists, and religious teachers have suggested that imagining yourself in another's place will stimulate moral action. The authors tested this idea in two different situations. In Experiment 1, participants had the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalitySocial Perception
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionSocial PerceptionBrain Mapping
The biggest barrier to treatment of common mental disorders in primary care settings is low recognition among health care providers. This study attempts to explore the explanatory models of common mental disorders (CMD) with the goal of... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPrimary Health CareQualitative ResearchSocial Perception
While neuroimaging studies implicate medial rostral prefrontal cortex (mrPFC) in self-referential processing, simulation accounts of social cognition suggest that this region also supports thinking about other people. This study tested... more
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      PersonalitySocial CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRI
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionTheory of MindSocial Perception
In visual search, an angry face in a crowd "pops out" unlike a happy or a neutral face. This "anger superiority effect" conflicts with views of visual perception holding that complex stimulus contents cannot be... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyAnger
A developmental model of subjective group dynamics suggests that social identity is sustained first by intergroup biases and later by intragroup biases. In this study 476 English children 5 to 11 years old evaluated the English and German... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceIndividualityChild Development
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
Objectives-School tobacco use policies are part of a comprehensive strategy for preventing or reducing adolescent cigarette smoking. This study examines the relationship between perceived tobacco policy enforcement at the school level and... more
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      TobaccoPreventive medicineRisk TakingHealth Policy
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      Social ChangeDemographyAgingSocial Perception
This study examined aggressive, depressed, and aggressive-depressed children's peer relations from the children's own and from their peers' perspective. Participants were 819 fourth through sixth graders (50.2% girls) who were assessed... more
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      PsychologyDepressionSocial InteractionPersonality Assessment
18-and 24-month-olds' ability to discriminate gender-stereotyped activities was assessed. Using a preferential looking paradigm, toddlers viewed male and female actors performing masculine and feminine-stereotyped activities. Consistent... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceChild DevelopmentSocialization
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      TreatmentPublic HealthSocial PerceptionMedicine
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as representações sociais dos usuários de grupos operativos sobre saúde e a atuação da fisioterapia no processo saúde/doença, além de verificar como as representações dos usuários relacionam-se com... more
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      Health PromotionSocial PerceptionMedicinePhysical Therapy
The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence against married women in Edirne, Turkey. This is a cross-sectional study which included a representative sample of the married women living in the... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceSocial Perception
Violence against women in close relationships is one of the most worrying and controversial situations in modern society. The main goal of this study was to identify the social perception that people generally have of gender violence in... more
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      Violence Against WomenSocial PerceptionQuestionnaire designClose relationships
To develop and validate a patientbased instrument to measure both facial impairment and disability, the Facial Clinimetric Evaluation (FaCE) Scale. Study Design: Prospective instrument validation. Methods: Eighty-six patients with a... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisStatistical AnalysisFacial ParalysisQuality of life
Objective: This study investigated the extent to which selflabeling as a victim of workplace bullying mediates or moderates the relationship between exposure to bullying and the target's health outcomes. Methods: Data were collected by... more
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      BullyingHealthSocial PerceptionWorkplace
Drawing from an approach-avoidance perspective, we examine the relationships between subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision, fear, defensive silence, and ultimately abusive supervision at a later time point. We also account... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyFear
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      PsychologySocial PerceptionAdolescentGender Identity
AbstractÐThis article examines the economics of abortion safety in Egypt. Under Egyptian law induced abortion is restricted to cases in which two physicians certify that the pregnancy presents a danger to the health or life of the mother.... more
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      SociologyEconomicsAnthropologyHealth Care
Numerous studies suggest a cognitive bias for threat-related material in delusional ideation. However, few studies have examined this bias using a memory task. We investigated the influence of delusion-proneness on identity and expression... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAngerCognition
Attentional biases in the processing of threatening facial expressions in social anxiety are well documented. It is generally assumed that these attentional biases originate in an evaluative bias: socially threatening information would be... more
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      PsychologySocial AnxietyCognitionFace
HAYDEN-WADE, HELEN A., RICHARD I. STEIN, ATA GHADERI, BRIAN E. SAELENS, MARION F. ZABINSKI, AND DENISE E. WILFLEY. Prevalence, characteristics, and correlates of teasing experiences among overweight children vs. non-overweight peers. Obes... more
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      PsychologyObesityEating DisordersBody Image