The purpose of the paper is to study the role of social media in journals and the impact of journals on social media in the six subject areas of OECD. Methodology: This applied research was conducted in 2023 with scientometric indicators... more
Classification and regression as data mining techniques for predicting the diseases outbreak has been permitted in the health institutions which have relative opportunities for conducting the treatment of diseases. But there is a need to... more
In recent years, there are massive numbers of users who share their contents over wide range of social networks. Thus, a huge volume of electronic data is available on the Internet containing the users' thoughts, attitudes, views and... more
Motivated by overcoming the existing utility-based choice modeling approaches, we present a novel conceptual framework of multidimensional network analysis (MNA) for modeling customer preferences in supporting design decisions. In the... more
The researcher emphasized that Security-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an outsourcing model for security management in cloud computing environment. The researcher focused on the some of the significant research issues in cloud computing... more
In recent years, there are massive numbers of users who share their contents over wide range of social networks. Thus, a huge volume of electronic data is available on the Internet containing the users' thoughts, attitudes, views and... more
This paper aims to present the problems faced by companies in relation to Product Variety Management (PVM), make the management of the company's product variety studied less complex and more dynamic, balancing the marketing team's... more
Resumo Este Caso de Ensino descreve o projeto IntegralizaCASA: o executivo Ângelo vê-se frente ao desafio de integrar todos os processos da CASA, uma empresa pública do setor financeiro. Mas, mesmo com apoio da diretoria, enfrenta... more
Resumo Este Caso de Ensino descreve o projeto IntegralizaCASA: o executivo Ângelo vê-se frente ao desafio de integrar todos os processos da CASA, uma empresa pública do setor financeiro. Mas, mesmo com apoio da diretoria, enfrenta... more
Customer preference modelling has been widely used to aid engineering design decisions on the selection and configuration of design attributes. Recently, network analysis approaches, such as the exponential random graph model (ERGM), have... more
Despite a growing interest in design patterns by the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community, an interaction pattern collection that is universally accepted is yet to be found. Such a collection would aid the design of pervasive... more
The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed... more
Agri-food social-ecological systems (AFSES) embrace complex interactions and processes of food production, processing, and commercialization that are subject to constant changes. This study develops a heuristic approach using the adaptive... more
The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed... more
Cloud computing environment is a new way in which web base enable applications provide as a service for the users with low computational cost through internet. As we store data and it also provide services in distributed environment.... more
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma prospecção tecnológica de acessórios para a estabilização da coluna lombar durante o transporte manual de cargas. Para tanto, foram utilizados os bancos de patentes do Instituto Nacional da... more
In supporting environmental sustainability, managing product returns has become a very important and challenging issue. Responding to this trend, researchers in many parts of the world have conducted numerous studies in reverse logistics... more
Reverse supply chain is a process dealing with the backward flows of used/damaged products or materials. Reverse supply chain includes activities such as collection, inspection, reprocess, disposal and redistribution. A well-organized... more
Over the course of the last decades, closed-loop supply chains (CLSC) and reverse logistics issues have attracted increasing attention owing to strict environmental laws, social responsibilities, economic interests, and customer... more
In recent years, there are massive numbers of users who share their contents over wide range of social networks. Thus, a huge volume of electronic data is available on the Internet containing the users' thoughts, attitudes, views and... more
Despite a growing interest in design patterns by the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community, an interaction pattern collection that is universally accepted is yet to be found. Such a collection would aid the design of pervasive... more
Data storage and sharing services within the cloud, users can easily modify and share data as a bunch. to make sure share data integrity are often verified publicly, users within the group must compute signatures on all the blocks in... more
The special double Issue of VCS deals with contemporary art and digital devices, from Virtual Reality to NFT, from neurobiological implications to cybernetics in the landscape of contemporary, algorithmically involved art.
In this work a two-stage scenario-based modeling approach is proposed in order to simultaneously deal with the design and planning decisions in supply chain networks, where both forward and reverse flows are considered (closed-loop supply... more
This exploratory research examines the characteristics of asynchronous social interactions, which occur in an Israeli health-centered OSN. The purpose of the research is to examine differences in gender behavior in the discourse conducted... more
Social media [1] is a huge source of information; it is increasingly being used by governments, companies, and marketers to understand how the crowd thinks. Sentiment analysis is a research field that analyzes people's opinions,... more
One recent technique in the field of cryptography is DNA cryptography. DNA can be utilised to do computations as well as encrypt data for storage and transmission. Making a DNA sequence plays a key function in DNA cryptography. Based on... more
Academic libraries must provide various services and facilities for users to motivate them to use the library. The general objective of this study was to determine the users' satisfaction with information resources and services provided... more
Social Networks become a part of our life nowadays and we tend to use it anywhere and anytime. There is no exception for tertiary education students to use of social networks. Being online long time and usage of different social networks... more
Este artigo objetiva compreender como a inovação é percebida no setor público sob a ótica dos servidores públicos que trabalham com inovações. A concepção de inovação assumida aqui ultrapassa o vínculo da tecnologia, tendo destaque as... more
The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed... more
The cloud-compatible architecture of a distributed distance e-learning system which has been deployed and is being utilized in five remote areas in Eastern Europe (Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) is presented and discussed... more
The NIST defined Cloud Computing (Mell and Grance, 2011) as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, ondemand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications, and... more
İndex dizinleri tarafından taranmaktadır. Stratejik yönetime ilişkin teorik ve görgül makalelere, yer verilen dergimizin temel amacı, bu alanlarda akademik bilginin üretimi ve paylaşımına katkı sağlamaktır. Dergimizde "Türkçe" ve... more
A inovação configura-se como um fenômeno complexo e dinâmico, cuja interface organizacional que se caracteriza pela sua dificuldade de entendimento e, sobretudo de mensuração, reflete na minimização de estudos que intentam compreendê-la.... more
Resilient management problem in closed-loop supply chain network design based on patent protection is studied. A system supply framework is established, integrating resilient members selection/pre-warning/manufacturing and... more
Cloud computing is an evolving technology that is consistently generating impact in IT industry and academia. It performs all computational tasks over Internet by using virtualization techniques and remains isolated from intricate vast... more
Real-time data collected by smart sensors deployed in factories is shared over open channels as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) expands, posing a risk of unauthorised access to transmitted messages by adversaries, resulting in a... more
Several studies show a positive influence from word of mouth [WOM] marketing on the choice criterion of an Education Institution [EI]. However, these researches did not investigate the indirect effect from WOM marketing on such choices.... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Resumo Este Caso de Ensino descreve o projeto IntegralizaCASA: o executivo Ângelo vê-se frente ao desafio de integrar todos os processos da CASA, uma empresa pública do setor financeiro. Mas, mesmo com apoio da diretoria, enfrenta... more
Presentazione realizzata in occasione della prova orale del Concorso Ordinario Docenti – D.D. n. 499 del 21 Aprile 2020.
Classe di concorso A010 – Discipline Grafico-Pubblicitarie
Classe di concorso A010 – Discipline Grafico-Pubblicitarie
Cloud computing is a revolutionary mechanism that changing way to enterprise hardware and software design and procurements. Because of cloud simplicity everyone is moving data and application software to cloud data centers there still... more
Network security might be a convoluted subject, generally just made a plunge thoroughly prepared and persevered through specialists. In any case, as endlessly further individuals come wired'', an adding number of distinctions got to... more
Cloud computing is a flexible, cost-effective, and proven delivery platform for providing business or consumer IT services over the Internet. However, cloud Computing presents an added level of risk because essential services are often... more
Cloud computing is a flexible, cost-effective, and proven delivery platform for providing business or consumer IT services over the Internet. However, cloud Computing presents an added level of risk because essential services are often... more
This paper will be introducing a comparative study on the choices between two best classical software firewalls one is Context Based Access Control (CBAC) and Zone Based firewall (ZBF). Both of them may deliver a stateful inspection of... more
A single period multistage closed loop supply chain (CLSC) is presented here considering simultaneous manufacturing of new products and remanufacturing of customer returned used products. The quantity of used products in reverse supply... more