Modern Web, which is frequently called Social Web or Web 2.0, celebrates the power of the user community. Most frequently it is associated with the power of users as contributors or various kinds of contents through Wikis, blogs, and... more
In March 1998 an international group of thirty researchers attended a workshop on Roslagens Pärla, a small island in the Swedish archipelago. The topic of the workshop was 'Personal and Social Navigation' of Information Spaces. Although... more
Paste the appropriate copyright statement here. ACM now supports three different copyright statements: • ACM copyright: ACM holds the copyright on the work. This is the historical approach. • License: The author(s) retain copyright, but... more
Navigation lies at the core of social robotics, enabling robots to navigate and interact seamlessly in human environments. The primary focus of human-aware robot navigation is minimizing discomfort among surrounding humans. Our review... more
Despite its pervasive reputation as a place of religious extremes and war, Afghanistan has a complex and varied religious landscape where elements from a broad spectrum of religious belief vie for a place in society. It is also one of the... more
The power of the modern Web, which is frequently called the Social Web or Web 2.0, is frequently traced to the power of users as contributors of various kinds of contents through Wikis, blogs, and resource sharing sites. However, the... more
This research explicates the construct of social ability and describes the relationship between students' academic motivation and social ability in online learning environments. Findings reveal perceived peers social presence, perceived... more
Autonomous navigation is a key skill for assistive and service robots. To be successful, robots have to comply with social rules, such as avoiding the personal spaces of the people surrounding them, or not getting in the way of... more
Datasets are essential to the development and evaluation of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. As new tasks are addressed, new datasets are required. Training algorithms for human-aware navigation is an example of... more
Earlier measurements at LEP of isolated hard photons in hadronic Z decays, attributed to radiation from primary quark pairs, have been extended in the ALEPH experiment to include hard photon production inside hadron jets. Events are... more
Web page annotation and adaptive navigation support are two active, but independent research directions focused on the same goal: expanding the functionality of the Web as a hypertext system. The goal of the AnnotatEd system presented in... more
SummaryNavigation assistance systems are aiming to improve safety and provide traffic optimization and have become more and more popular in a modern vehicular technology. The reason is given by the significant traffic increase and... more
The issue of how users can navigate their way through large information spaces is crucial to the ever expanding and interlinking of computer systems. Computer users live in a world of information spaces but in many situations lack the... more
Social navigation (SN) emerged as a marriage between one-user-one-system scenarios and CSCW. It is a design approach based on either visualizing traces of other users' activities or on direct or indirect communication between users, with... more
Recent research in the area of information retrieval hypothesizes that people benefit from social clues, so called social navigation, when they try to navigate information spaces [7]. We have designed an on-line grocery store building... more
The term Social Navigation captures everyday behaviour used to find information, people, and places-namely through watching, following, and talking to people. We discuss how to design information spaces to allow for social navigation. We... more
SummaryNavigation assistance systems are aiming to improve safety and provide traffic optimization and have become more and more popular in a modern vehicular technology. The reason is given by the significant traffic increase and... more
Under-contribution is a problem for many online communities. Social psychology theories of social loafing and goal-setting can lead to mid-level design goals to address this problem. We tested design principles derived from these theories... more
In the age of Web 2.0, users are increasingly familar with social tagging or bookmarking where comments and ratings are added by users to objects on the web for public consumption. Such comments and ratings are represented in bookmarks... more
Siden EU udvidelsen i 2004 har Danmark oplevet en stor tilstrømning af arbejdskraft fra de nye EU-lande. Den ny arbejdskraft har rejst debat i Danmark om forringelser af løn- og arbejdsvilkår for danske arbejdstagere, men østeuropæeres... more
The volume of course-related information available to students is rapidly increasing. This abundance of information has created the need to help students find, organize, and use resources that match their individual goals, interests, and... more
The article looks at how migrants and people on the move use 'digital tactics' to mitigate the use of technologies deployed against them. It uses the concept of 'social navigation' developed by Henrik Vigh in order to understand how... more
This paper examines a New York-based project, Crossing Bridges, that brings together 15 sex-trafficked and homeless young people and 15 award winning Broadway artists to create theatre together. These two participant extremes offer a... more
Virtual Heritage-the use of computer-based interactive technologies to record, preserve, or recreate artifacts, sites, and actors of historic, artistic, religious, and cultural significance and to deliver the results openly to a global... more
Aim. This article presents an ethnographic exploration of technology use among migrants. The main question explored is how migration processes are mediated by communication between migrants and their support network, considering the role... more
Based on ethnographic fieldwork on the island of Nusa Lembongan, this paper explores how the emergence of tourist industries influences the local population. Although this kind of development can be found in most of Southeast Asia, this... more
In this paper, we present a game-like scenario that is based on a model of social group dynamics inspired by theories from the social sciences. The model is augmented by a model of proxemics that simulates the role of distance and spatial... more
This work presents a web lecture systems that allows its users to visualize and re-use aggregated actions taken from user's past interaction for enhanced content navigation and multimedia retrieval.
PurposeAt many universities, web lectures have become an integral part of the e‐learning portfolio over the last few years. While many aspects of the technology involved, like automatic recording techniques or innovative interfaces for... more
•HHP"* his second sequential issue of the Nordic Journal of Architectural Research focuses on workplace design issues from a B broader and more integrated perspective, examining the contexts from which they emerge and the factors and... more
The past ten years have demonstrated an insurgence and explosive growth of digital libraries. This paper shows how the National Science Foundation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education Digital Library (NSDL)... more
Personalization is one of the emerging ways to increase the power of modern Digital Libraries. The Knowledge Sea II system presented in this paper explores social navigation support, an approach for providing personalized guidance within... more
An educational digital library may store a wealth of diverse educational resources targeting different audiences from young schoolchildren to graduate students to school and college teachers. With the growth of the volume and the... more
This paper investigates the feasibility of maintaining a social information system to support attendees at an academic conference. The main challenge of this work was to create an infrastructure where users' social activities, such as... more
In this paper, we present an open architecture that combines different SQL learning tools in an integrated Exploratorium for database courses. The integrated Exploratorium provides a unique learning environment that allows database... more
ways: while refugees' depiction moves between victimisation and criminalisation (Fawaz et al. 2018), debates on shrinking cities are often dominated by patterns of 'unequal growth versus shrinkage, and urban triage versus widespread... more
Research on navigation and landmarks in physical space, information space and virtual reality environments indicates that landmarks play an important role in all types of navigation. This dissertation tackles the problem of defining and... more
The World Wide Web contains rich collections of digital materials that can be used in education and learning settings. The collaborative authoring prototype of Walden's Paths targets two groups of users: educators and learners. From the... more
In this paper, we describe the use of experience modeling to create gestural protocols for physiological data transfer. This design method has been applied to the development of a wearable computing public art installation called whisper.... more
Research on navigation and landmarks in physical space, information space and virtual reality environments indicates that landmarks play an important role in all types of navigation. This dissertation tackles the problem of defining and... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 20 avril 2019. La revue Transposition est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
We present a novel, data-driven framework for planning socially competent robot behaviors in crowded environments. The core of our approach is a topological model of collective navigation behaviors, based on braid groups. This model... more