Social Movement Unionism
Recent papers in Social Movement Unionism
This article argues that militancy, union democracy, and rank-and-file intensive tactics play a crucial role in collective bargaining, and that by embracing these tactics unions achieve better collective bargaining agreements than they... more
Abstract This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a... more
鈴木大裕(2016)『崩壊するアメリカの公教育 〜日本への警告〜』第9章、岩波書店 鈴木大裕 『シカゴ教員組合スト:組合改革から公教育の「公」を取り戻す社会運動へ』 人間と教育、民主教育研究所。2015年、第86号、pp. 100-109. Suzuki, D. (2015). Chicago Teacher Union strike: From a union reform to a civic movement to put “public” back into... more
¿Cómo fue el proceso de sindicalización de los y las trabajadoras de la economía popular? ¿Por qué y para qué se dieron la tarea de constituir un sindicato propio? ¿Qué respuestas tuvieron de parte del Estado? ¿Qué vínculos tuvieron con... more
Since the 1970s, autonomist feminists have critiqued Karl Marx for failing to appreciate the sphere of reproduction as a key driver of capitalism. They have shown how unpaid reproductive work contributes to the production of... more
Since the 1980s the locus of manufacturing and some services have moved to countries of the Global South. Liberalization of trade and investment has added two billion people to world labour supply and brought workers everywhere into... more
For more than three years, including well over 100 strike days, the employees at Amazon continue to fight for a collective agreement. Although the labour dispute has still not been won, it exemplifies the struggle of employees in the... more
The age of global neoliberalism has created a crisis for traditional unionism, yet the belief that labour movements have been fundamentally undermined is spurious. Neoliberal globalisation has created a new operating context for labour,... more
Joint political mobilisation between trade unions and community groups, often referred to as ‘social movement unionism’, has been upheld as a way forward for organised labour in a neoliberalworld economy. Analysing the interaction between... more
No más Afp: dos activismos contra el sistema de pensiones chileno
A new Introduction to an old book - an account of the first five years of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
Social movement unionism is becoming the strategy/ideology that North American unions should adopt. The most influential account of social movement unionism is that by Kim Moody. However, there has been very few systematic analysis of his... more
Many have generally shared the assumption that women"s entry into the labour market or the sphere of non-household activities is an important route to their development and empowerment. In case of India and other South Asian countries,... more
The traditional industrial relations approach – focused on the state, employers and unions as main actors – faces severe limits in its capacity to analyse labour conflict in the face of the specific forms of labour regulation in the... more
In Andalusia, as in other parts of Spain, it has been built a political and union space of leftist organisations which opposed the strategy of the Communist Party, especially after the Moncloa Pacts. This article examines the ideas,... more
Cet article examine les mutations du travail, de l’emploi et du syndicalisme au sein et autour du géant de la grande distribution Walmart, aux Etats-Unis. Alors que l’entreprise connaît d’importantes transformations techniques et... more
This paper examines two contemporary movements in assessing the current state of affairs of workers' rights in the apparel manufacturing industry, specifically within Adidas-Solomon’s supply chain, to investigate the validity of the idea... more
The main goal of this paper is to assess the explanatory power of Valenzuela’s theoretical framework for the analysis of the role of labour movements in political transitions. After showing that it does not apply satisfactorily to the... more
Vor einigen Jahren weckten einige AutorInnen der Global Labour Studies die Erwartung, dass die Globalisierung des Kapitals und die neuen Möglichkeiten der elektronischen Kommunikation bald zur Hegemonie der Arbeiterklasse führen... more
Between 1991 and 2002 the international anti-sweatshop movement experienced significant growth. A series of interconnecting international networks developed, involving trade unions and non-government organisations in campaigns to persuade... more
"Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy: A Participatory Public Policy Process Highlights and Key Findings: • This chapter is an analytic narrative of how Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy was written. This empirically grounded... more
This article explores differences in labour conflicts in Italy and France by focusing on the characteristics of the most prominent structures of worker mobilization: trade unions. Despite several similarities between the French and... more
In the last decade, Portugal saw different forms of open class struggle. Since 2003, the ruling class has been attacking the tremendous achievements of the 500 days of the Portuguese Revolution of 1974-1975 (Raposo 2015: 6). Today,... more
The Central de Trabajadores de its base, especially among nonunion organizations, to construct an anti-neoliberal front. Driven by the threat of neoliberalism rather than by political opportunities, it was initially outstanding among... more
Over the past 10 years, the popular media has increasingly reported upon teacher union efforts to influence educational policy through radical tactics like school walkouts and strikes. Less visible though is the behind-thescenes... more
This article examines the labour renewal strategies implemented by Central de Los Trabajadores de la Argentina. It argues that union organizing is conditioned by historical legacies and structural constraints, while social movement... more
Social movement unionism is increasingly being seen as the strategy that US unions should adopt. However, what is often forgotten is that social movement unionism originated in the Th ird World. As part of the strategy it is argued that... more
For more than a decade, widespread protests have erupted within South Africa's impoverished black townships and informal settlements. The mobilizations resembled what Sidney Tarrow refers to as a 'cycle of contention' or 'protest cycle,'... more
Capítulo en: Trabajo y capitalismo: relaciones y colisiones sociales / Alberto L. Bialakowsky … [et al.]; Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2019. 390 p.; ISBN 978-987-723-218-9 A inicios de 2003, la Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú... more
The project was awarded funding by NCN (National Centre of Science, Poland) in 2016.
Desde el comienzo de la crisis en 2008 han sido estudiadas y analizadas muchas dimensiones de las problemáticas que han sido transversales a ésta, y el trabajo no ha sido menos. Las investigaciones que han explorado el empleo y las... more
This chapter addresses how Italian precarious workers mobilized and elaborated different frames about themselves and their living and working conditions in five mobilizations against precarity that occurred in the early 2000s. The... more
I will attempt to argue in this paper that working class consciousness remains low in Canada due to the rigid structure of organized labour and its incorporation of workers into the nationalist project, especially after World War II. I... more
Dossier débat: enquêter "à chaud" sur les mouvements sociaux coordonné par Serge Paugam et Sandrine Rui Cet article propose un retour réflexif sur une série de recherches menées entre 2012 et 2018 autour de l’émergence de Our Walmart et... more
Neue Kampfformen: Im Einzelhandel steht ein entscheidender Tarifkonflikt bevor. Ein Gespräch mit Rüdiger Wolff (ver.di) Seite 2 Permanentes Dilemma: Passivität kann aufgebrochen werden -durch eine Revitalisierung der gewerkschaftlichen... more
In this paper, I argue that community unionism has become an increasingly relevant tactic in a labour movement, in response to the fragmenting effects of neoliberal globalization. Community unionism has responded to the weakened... more
Claims as to the emergence of a new phase of unionism – social movement unionism – returning to its original ‘counter-cultural roots’, are closely allied with the claims as to a ‘new labour internationalism’ that is a significant break... more
The School District of Philadelphia announced that district schools would officially reopen their doors on February 8, 2021, despite a widely-touted lack of adequate ventilation systems and PPE. In response, the Philadelphia Federation of... more