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The observation, analysis and construction of cities and forms of mobility are not always in step with the complexity of urban systems and changes in contemporary societies. It is possible to use time as a key to reading the functioning... more
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      DesignDesign for Social InnovationRhythmUrbanism
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills is a social partnership, led by Commissioners from large and small employers, trade unions and the voluntary sector. Our mission is to raise skill levels to help drive enterprise, create more... more
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      Skills DevelopmentWork and LabourSocial MobilityWork-Life Balance
Dalla signoria di Volterra al catasto del 1429: la parabola della famiglia Belforti * I Belforti delle origini.
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      History of the FamilySocial Mobility
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      Social JusticeSocial Mobility
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistorySocial Movements
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyGerman Studies
Socioeconomic inequality is a given; its scope varies from country to country and from time to time. In democratic countries, increasing the prospect of social mobility for those born into low socioeconomic circumstances is considered a... more
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      EducationInequality (Economics)Intersectionality and Social InequalitySocial Mobility
The aim of this paper is to examine the evolution of recruitment of elites due to globalization. In the last century, the main change that occurred in the way the Western world trained its elites is that meritocracy became the basis for... more
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      EducationGlobalizationStratificationSocial Mobility
Over the past few years, the number of schools with relatively high numbers of immigrants' children seems to have increased sharply in certain suburbs of Brussels. No ethnic group is in favor of strongly homogeneous concentration schools,... more
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      EducationSocial ExclusionStratificationSocial Mobility
Migration is not a novel occurrence; it has always been a driving force along with civilization. The main catalyst behind the new era of migration is globalization. Migration is a gendered topic, and in previous academic discourse from... more
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      Gender StudiesDevelopment StudiesEmpowermentInternational Migration
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      Social MobilityContemporary Jewry
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      Modern HistoryModern Spanish HistorySocial MobilityBourgeoisie
This paper investigates the effect of different levels of neighbourhood housing tenure mix on transitions from unemployment to employment and the probability of staying in employment for those with a job. We used individual level data... more
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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographyLongitudinal ResearchSocial Mobility
Downloadable! Poverty in Bolivia continues to be among the highest in Latin America despite decades of concerted national and international efforts to reduce it. Bolivia has meticulously followed the recommendations of the Washington... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentHuman CapitalSocial MobilityLatin America
The question whether a socially mobile society is conducive to subjective well-being (SWB) has rarely been investigated. This paper fills this gap by analyzing the SWB effects of intergenerational earnings mobility and equality in... more
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      JusticeSocial MobilityInequalitySubjective Well Being
Este artículo describe la estructura de las clases sociales en Guatemala en el nuevo siglo, caracterizada por una incipiente clase media, que representa menos del 20% de la población. El artículo también aborda el tema de la movilidad... more
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      Social StratificationSocial ClassSocial Mobility
The majority of young African women involved in prostitution in major European cities today come from Edo State, in Southern Nigeria, where trafficking has become an entire economic model. Despite moral judgment and the stigmatization of... more
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      Human TraffickingNigeriaSocial MobilityMigrations
El artículo analiza la relación entre origen socioeconómico, logro educacional y situación ocupacional (movilidad social) de los jóvenes en Chile. En el plano metodológico se utilizó estadística descriptiva, modelos logarítmicos y la... more
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      Social MobilityIntergenerational mobilityRevista de ciencias sociales
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      Rural HistorySocial HistorySocial Mobility
It is generally assumed that wage-labour is the most efficient and productive form of work. A well functioning labour-market is seen as a guarantee of achieving economic growth. In Indonesia, however, most work is still organised as... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndonesian StudiesUrban StudiesIndonesia
Several studies have consistently linked the Evangelical breakdown in Latin America as a mass movement mainly adopted by impoverished working class individuals. However, little is known about how religious inheritance and recruitment of... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSocial StratificationChilePentecostalism
With rapid economic development, higher income levels, urbanization and other socioeconomic drivers, people's lifestyles in China have changed remarkably over the last 50 years. This paper uses the IPAT model (where I = Impact... more
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      BusinessClimate ChangePublic TransportEcological Economics
A pioneering paper by Ó hÓgartaigh, C. and Ó hÓgartaigh, M. (2006) ‘Sophisters, economists and calculators’: pre-professional accounting education in eighteenth-century Ireland, Irish Accounting Review 13, no. 2: 63–74, suggests that the... more
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      HistoryAccountingEnglish languageAccounting Education
Recenti studi antropologici hanno sottolineato l’importanza di sviluppare nuove prospettive d’indagine sulle elites. Questo ambito di studi è tuttavia rimasto marginale sia da un punto di vista teorico che etnografico. Nel campo degli... more
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      South AsiaInternational MigrationSocial ClassSocial Mobility
This paper suggests a synthetic measure of social mobility that can be used to decompose the residual correlation between parental background and child earnings, left after controlling for backgroundrelated intervening factors. Using the... more
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      Human CapitalApplied EconomicsSocial MobilityQuantile Regression
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      Cuban StudiesCommunismSocial MobilityTransition Economies
Recent research suggests that individuals reward honesty more than they punish deception. Five experiments showed that different patterns of rewards and punishments emerge for North American and East Asian cultures. Experiment 1... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTrustCulture
ABSTRACT Human (HC) and social capital (SC) provide a number of compelling focal points on new business creation (e.g., Reynolds, 1997, Liao & Welsch, 2003; Davidsson & Honig, 2003; Liao & Welsch, 2005; Diochon, et... more
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      SociologySocial CapitalCultural CapitalSocial Mobility
The UK's elite law firms have recently seen a shift from talking about equality of opportunity alone to the adoption of a diversity discourse as well. This article examines this transition for what it can tell us about the value of... more
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      GenderPierre BourdieuSociology of ProfessionsSocial Mobility
"Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der temporalen Veränderung der sozialen Mobilität in der Schweiz. Im Rahmen deskriptiver Kohortenanalysen wird der Effekt der sozialen Herkunft (Bildung und Klasse) auf das Erreichen von... more
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      Educational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Social InequalitiesSocial MobilitySwitzerland
Keywords: Ancient Italy, mobility of peoples, frontiers, name system, Individualnamengentilicia
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      Anthropology of MobilitySocial MobilityEtruscology
A polysemic term, the concept of mobility  as this paper attempts to explain  is still commonly confounded with other concepts and ideas, such as circulation, accessibility, traffic, transit and transportation. However, its use in the... more
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      Social SciencesMobility/MobilitiesSocial Mobility
Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit sozialen Dynamiken pluralistischer Gesellschaften, wie mit dem ökonomischen Flexibilismus, dem demografischen Wandel und Trends bezüglich Mobilität, Migration und Bürgerrechten. Der zweite Teil... more
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      DemographyMedical AnthropologyHuman RightsMigration
The Creative Industries are undoubtedly one of the most successful parts of the UK economy. Their contribution to UK Gross Value Added (GVA) (£116 billion in 2019), our trade balance (£37.9 billion in service exports), the labour market... more
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      Creative IndustriesSocial ClassSocial MobilityPublic Policy
This paper discusses the cultivation, harvesting and consumption of anchote and examines the social and environmental factors that frame the practice. Anchote, an indigenous tuber crop propagated by seed, is primarily cultivated for its... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyEthnographyMaterial Culture StudiesFood Production
When in a person’s life does upward social mobility begin? We know from sociological research that people experience the trials and triumphs of mobility at life-stages of adaptation to new contexts, such as school, university, and work.... more
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      Working ClassesClassFamilySocial Class
Housing is central to participation in the economic mainstream, yet housing policy has been fragmented by competing, if not contradictory, goals. This article proposes an expanded policy that incorporates a stronger link between housing... more
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      Community DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentUrban And Regional PlanningApplied Economics
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      Media SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSociology of Religion
This paper is an attempt to bridge the gap between, on the one hand, the mobility behaviour of households and their perception of accessibility to urban amenities and, on the other hand, house price dynamics as captured through the... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPropertyTravel BehaviourMathematical Modelling
The cultivation of the body ideal and promotion of thinness values in fashion, media and the diet industry have been repeatedly shown to account for the increased prevalence of eating disorders. It is evident in women in certain... more
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      PsychiatryMediaUrbanizationSocial Mobility
Saunders' recent work claiming that contemporary British society is to a large extent 'meritocratic' is criticized on conceptual and technical grounds. A reanalysis of the National Child Development Study data-set, used by Saunders, is... more
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      SociologyAdolescentSocial ClassSocial Mobility
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      SociologyCultural CapitalAcculturationSocial Mobility
Korall 2021. 86. 107-136.
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesNobility
The Inclusiveness Index Report is an annual publication that identifies and captures the degree of group-based inclusion and marginality experienced across the world and within the United States. From year to year, the Inclusiveness Index... more
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      Human RightsSocial InclusionEquitySocial Mobility
Les migrations étudiantes se situent au coeur des débats actuels sur l’immigration. Adoptant généralement un point de vue géopolitique, les études portant sur ce phénomène oublient souvent de s’intéresser à son objet principal :... more
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      SubjectivitiesMigration StudiesGlobalization And Higher EducationSocial Mobility
The paper seeks to explore via a series of interview-based case studies aspects of the emergence of an entrepreneurial middle-class in Russia. The paper notes the origins of those studied in the professional or highly skilled workers in... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipSociologySocial Change
Ancien prof de lycée dans le « 9-3 » devenu sociologue, Fabien Truong a pendant dix ans – des émeutes de 2005 aux attentats de janvier 2015 – suivi et accompagné une vingtaine d’anciens élèves, du bac jusqu’à la fi n de leurs études. Tour... more
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      Sociology of EducationFrench StudiesEthnographyHigher Education
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      TransnationalismMigrationGlobal CitizenshipInternational Migration
The Leeds Metropolitan University Repository is a digital collection of the research output of the University, comprising citation records and, where copyright permits, full-text articles made available on an Open Access basis.
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      New MediaSocial NetworksGovernanceSocial Capital
Most Americans expect the nation's colleges and universities to promote the goal of social mobility to make it possible for anyone with ability and motivation to succeed. But according to Robert Haveman and Timothy Smeeding,... more
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      Social WorkHigher EducationSocial MobilityUnited States