Skip to main content I can tell you a little about shaming and shunning -- what types of people initiate it, the way it builds, and how it is maintained. I can also speak to... more
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      Social JusticeSocial Justice in EducationEducational Equity and JusticeEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education
The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social... more
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      Educational LeadershipTraining and DevelopmentCollaborationSocial Justice
This paper examines the problem of the wider economic and political context for any project aimed at achieving a fairer educational system. The consequences of the current status quo can be seen in diminishing funding and rising... more
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      EducationSocial Justice in EducationSocial Inequality
This chapter explores perspectives in higher education classrooms, specifically the need for social justice in education through inclusive and universal design/universal design for learning (UD/UDL). The authors contacted colleagues... more
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      Social Justice in EducationEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education
While many educators acknowledge the challenges of a curriculum shaped by test preparation, implementing meaningful new teaching strategies can be difficult. Active Learning presents an examination of innovative, interactive teaching... more
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      Sociology of EducationParticipatory Action ResearchCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS PAPER, PLEASE USE THE LINK OR DOI TO FREELY ACCESS THE PAPER! To systematically explore the structural racism that teacher educators of Color endure, this article uses a critical race theory lens to analyze the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationCritical Race TheorySocial Justice in Education
The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, Volume 11, 2022 Edited by Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby, Kelly Gorkoff, Katharina Maier and Alex Tepperman, The University of Winnipeg, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies... more
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      Criminal JusticeTourism mobilitiesCritical CriminologyRestorative Justice
This is not strictly an academic book, but an educational experiment full of dancing stories, metaphors, allegories, creative maps, and exercises that ask you to sit at the limits of our modern desires and imagination. Half-serious... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangePostcolonial Studies
In this article, I propose the need to reimagine global citizenship education for a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this context, it remains unclear what kind of GCE could adequately prepare young people for... more
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      International EducationGlobal CitizenshipComparative & International EducationSocial Justice in Education
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Change
Empirical research has described how school leaders with social justice orientations investigate, understand, and address issues related to marginalization. These studies detail many of the heroic efforts of principals and their... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationEducational LeadershipDisability Studies
The melting pot metaphor suggest that people from different backgrounds come to the United States and through the process of assimilation adapt to a new lifestyle integrating smoothly into the dominant culture. This article argues that... more
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      SociologyMulticultural EducationSocial Justice in EducationEducational Equity and Justice
Working from literature within the African American intellectual tradition and the related counternarratives of Critical Race Theory, the author seeks to explicate the twofold impact of Racial Battle Fatigue within the twinned roles of... more
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      Critical Race TheorySocial Justice in EducationRacial Battle Fatigue
This fact sheet is to provide parents, educators, and administrators with an overview of the research informing upcoming changes to special education and inclusive education practices within the TDSB.
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      EducationSpecial EducationSocial SciencesDisability Studies
In this article Dewey's conceptions of theory and practice provide a conceptual framework for understanding the moral and political possibilities of educational leadership. Specifically, the differences among craft knowledge,... more
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      SociologySocial JusticeSocial Justice in EducationSchool Leadership
The Washington Post's recent mea culpa over its participation in the broader media's complicity in the Bush administration's reckless revival of naked imperialism in Iraq belies the fact that investigative journalism in the... more
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      Democratic EducationEducation and Public PolicySocial Justice in EducationDemocracy
In this self-study research, we explore how the work of significant and diverse curriculum scholars informed the learning of teacher candidates within an intensive summer semester that serves as the foundation for a Secondary Teacher... more
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      Teacher EducationCurriculum TheorySocial Justice in EducationProfessional Development
A growing body of research examines anti-immigrant discourse in public space. But rather little has focused on ideologies about immigrant children and youth. This paper examines how immigrant youth are viewed and treated in public blogged... more
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      Anthropology of Children and ChildhoodCritical Discourse AnalysisSocial Justice in EducationImmigrant youth
The purpose of this study was to explore students’ perceptions of how the curriculum and teaching strategies in a graduate action research course that incorporated a social justice education approach prepared them for social justice... more
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      SociologyTeacher EducationTeacher ResearchMulticultural Education
Over the past decade, the achievement of universal primary education, under the somewhat misleading rubric of ‘Education for All’ (EFA), has steadily built momentum in international forums as a focus for discussion and action. The present... more
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      EducationRhetoricGlobalizationGlobal Governance
This study of 207 school counselors revealed significant relationships between types of counselors’ training, number of students in counselors’ schools experiencing homelessness, and counselors’ perceived knowledge and provision of... more
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      Social WorkTeacher EducationHigher EducationLearning and Teaching
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      Social Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesSocial JusticeTeaching Methodology
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesCriminal JusticePolice Science
Article Short Summary: This article examines the implications of using different theories concerned with social justice to interpret first generation Quechua (Indigenous) students’ voices for responsive education policy.
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      Critical TheoryEducationEducational LeadershipFeminist Theory
Este artigo parte do desafio de que não é possível uma justiça social global sem justiça cognitiva. A partir da análise crítica das ondas de violência xenófoba que têm abalado comunidades negras vivendo na África do Sul, este artigo, cuja... more
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      African StudiesBrazilian StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesRace and Ethnicity
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      Social Justice in EducationEquity and Social Justice in Higher EducationIntergroup Dialogue
The first settlers in this part of southern Louisiana owned slaves to work their farms. As many slaves were Catholic as their owners. This article is the story of their development as Catholics over two centuries, a story told here in... more
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      Social JusticeCatholic Social TeachingSocial Justice in EducationRacial discrimination
This article explores the use of Critical Discourse Analysis in truth-telling in education research. I argue that without critical reflexivity Critical Discourse Analysis can become a means of reinforcing and reinscribing some of the same... more
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      SociologyMathematics EducationCritical Discourse AnalysisSocial Justice in Education
Teachers are frequently advised to respond when they hear remarks that reflect anger, contempt, or disgust towards members of historically marginalized communities. However, there is little research on how teachers respond to such... more
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      Critical PedagogyEnglish Language ArtsSocial Justice in EducationSecondary Education
Held annually, the Teaching Black History Conference aims to improve Black history curriculum decision-making and instructional practice. Individual sessions are led by classroom teachers as well as university professors. This year’s... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
Social work educators have found a variety of experiential and creative methods to be valuable aids in teaching culturally sensitive social work practice. By utilizing experiential/creative methods as tools of self-reflection, faculty can... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Movements
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      Educational LeadershipTeacher EducationSocial Justice in EducationCulturally relevant pedagogy
First chapter and Table of Contents of the 2014 book
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      Special EducationDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesInclusion
Originally published in Language Arts 90.5 (May 2013), 314-26. Copyright 2013 by the National Council of Teachers of English. Used with permission.
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      Immigration StudiesSocial JusticeNew literacy studiesSocial Justice in Education
Drawing on qualitative research with adolescent youth of color, this paper imagines the power and potential of informal youth-driven spaces in schools as sites of emotional safety and rebellion. Calling upon Hochshild’s (1979)... more
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      Social Justice in EducationAffect, Emotion and FeelingSchoolsYouth of color
Educators of color can often (in)advertently perpetuate gendered oppression against each other to cope with racism and its associated stressors. This occurs in part due to the violence we have endured as (a) minoritized people in a... more
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      EducationCommunity OrganizingCritical Race TheorySocial Activism
Dominant understanding of LGBTQ students' school experiences has been shaped by discourses that reduce "the problem" to bullies who express homophobic attitudes by targeting LGBTQ peers. In turn, interventions typically focus on... more
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      Queer StudiesSociology of EducationYouth StudiesLGBT Issues (Education)
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      ReligionEducational LeadershipSocial Justice in EducationEthnicity
There is a dearth of research on the frustrations, moral dilemmas and challenges non-Western teachers might face in the everyday praxis of peace education. To address this gap, this study analyses how violence is negotiated and understood... more
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      Domestic ViolenceSocial Justice in EducationGender and PeacebuildingPeace Education
As underscored by their professional code of ethics, all social workers are called to engage in social action that advances social justice. Yet, the focus of the profession has drifted toward indivi- dual treatment and away from social... more
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      Social JusticeSocial ActivismSocial Justice in EducationEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education
This paper describes an experience of introducing critical literacy in a pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education course at a large university in Brazil, aimed at students' critical education and their... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePolitical ScienceApplied LinguisticsNew literacy studies
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      EducationEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Social Justice in EducationEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education
The author draws upon his own experience as a queer white trans educator to consider the meaning of a critical trans pedagogy. Time magazine declared the “transgender tipping point” in 2014, but the lived experiences of trans people... more
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      Critical TheoryQueer StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer Theory
Background/Context: Previous research has focused on the importance of a social justice leadership approach to improve schools that serve marginalized students, but less attention has been focused on potential dilemmas associated with... more
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      EducationEducational LeadershipBorder StudiesLatina/o Studies
A review of student discipline and suspension data disaggregated by race highlights how school leader biases influence disciplinary decisions. Yet, the majority of principal preparation programs have failed to develop structures and norms... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationEducational LeadershipStudent Engagement
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      LiteracyMulticultural EducationSocial Justice in Education
Critical duoethnography, as a research methodology, can be used in innovative ways to assist educational researchers engaged in social justice research projects. This chapter offers four responses to the question of how critical... more
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      Social SciencesResearch MethodologyQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
Purpose-This paper aims to examine how two White teachers, experienced and award-winning veteran educators, navigated issues of race, class and privilege in their instruction, and ways that their efforts and shortcomings shaped both... more
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      Teaching and LearningSocial JusticeEquality and DiversitySocial Justice in Education
There is an ideological civil war taking place in the United States, and in western civilization overall. This is a battle that displays itself along political lines, social lines, academic lines, and along religious lines. This... more
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      Critical TheoryChristianityMulticulturalismFeminist Theory