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The growing incidence of withdrawal of Muslim girls from physical education prompted this study into tensions between religious freedom and educational practices. It was located in a city in the West Midlands of England. Data on... more
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      StakeholdersSocial JusticeCase StudiesIslam I can tell you a little about shaming and shunning -- what types of people initiate it, the way it builds, and how it is maintained. I can also speak to... more
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      Social JusticeSocial Justice in EducationEducational Equity and JusticeEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education
Although intergenerational family transfers of private wealth should be limited on grounds of intergenerational justice, these same grounds can provide states with pro tanto reasons to support intergenerational charitable transfers of... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical PhilosophyCorporate Social ResponsibilityPolitical Theory
When seeking drug reform we should avoid the deeply entrenched anti-drug narratives that have dominated drug policy debate. These narratives are often rooted in fallacy, distortion and sweeping generalisations, whereas, reform must... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Justice
The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social... more
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      Educational LeadershipTraining and DevelopmentCollaborationSocial Justice
Health care is ubiquitous in the lives of industrialized people. Yet, every medical development, technique, and procedure impact the environment. Green Bioethics synthesizes environmental ethics and biomedical ethics, thus creating an... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEthicsApplied Ethics
The purpose of this qualitative, multi-site, multi-case study was to examine how early college high school principals promote the success of the first generation, students of color and low-income students they serve. The study examined... more
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      Democratic EducationSocial JusticeCulturally Responsive Teaching and LearningPrincipals
A Diasporada is a woman who transgresses national and political boundaries and is empowered by inserting Black and female voices into an transnational public sphere. This essay explores the work of Black women activists including Edmonia... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesSocial JusticeBlack feminism
This article describes the rise of Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) as an institutional designation within postsecondary education in the U.S. context, and outlines some of the language-based challenges U.S. Latinx students face on... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSocial JusticeLinguistics
Internationally there has been some interest in how critical pedagogies might be enabled in higher education to support transformative social agendas. Few writers, however, have theorised the ethico-political aspects of this effort from a... more
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      Scholarship of Teaching and LearningHigher EducationPosthumanismCritical Pedagogy
Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with... more
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      Public AdministrationEducationOrganizational TheoryEducational Leadership
The material and the symbolic in theorizing social strati cation: issues of gender, ethnicity and class ABSTRACT Within most approaches to strati cation gender and ethnicity are seen to pertain primarily to the symbolic or cultural... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeGenreClass
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
While many educators acknowledge the challenges of a curriculum shaped by test preparation, implementing meaningful new teaching strategies can be difficult. Active Learning presents an examination of innovative, interactive teaching... more
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      Sociology of EducationParticipatory Action ResearchCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
This Court should not follow the Panel’s suggestion that Petersons’ challenge to personal jurisdiction be waived because no party made this argument to either this Court or the Court of Appeals. Under our system of government, the role of... more
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      LawCivil LawAccess to JusticeSocial Justice
1) The conception of a cultural moral right is useful in capturing the social-moral realities that underlie debate about universal health care. In asserting such rights, individuals make claims above and beyond their legal rights, but... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsSocial PolicyHuman Rights
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      EducationSocial JusticeAfrican American StudiesUrban Sociology
In the face of a housing crisis rooted in commodification, there is growing alignment within both activist and scholarly circles over the need to reverse this trend and move toward decommodification. There is work left to be done,... more
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      Real EstateGeographyUrban GeographyUrban Politics
This paper engages with the formative concepts of diversity and intersectionality, inquiring how far they are used as tools for achieving (gender) justice that opens up spaces for marginalized constituencies, including racial and... more
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      Gender StudiesDiversityPostcolonial StudiesSocial Justice
This article examined the differential role of self-rumination and selfreflection on the psychological influence of procedural fairness. Study 1 induced self-rumination and self-reflection relative to an outward-focused control.... more
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      Applied EthicsSocial Justice
This paper elaborates the implications which Catholic Social Teaching has for the development of a more just taxation policy, both nationally and internationally
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      Social JusticeCatholic Social TeachingInternational TaxationTaxation in developing countries
Normore, A. H. & Brooks, J. S. (Eds.) (2014). Educational leadership for ethics and social justice: Views from the social sciences. Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC.
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      EthicsEducationSociology of EducationEducational Leadership
for an updated and expanded version, see "The Assimilation of Tikkun Olam," Jewish Political Studies Review 25, no. 3-4 (Fall 2013), 10-42, available at
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      LiturgySocial JusticeSocial Activism
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      Social JusticeSocial Mobility
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      Social SciencesSubjective Well-BeingSocial IndicatorsValues
Shufutinsky et al. cial justice work. This three-year-long qualitative Delphi study constructed a quasi-comprehensive working definition for social justice, its elements, and related roles.
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    • Social Justice
Enacted February 24, 2014 and effective until August 1, 2014, Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act targeted Ugandans of minority sexual orientations and gender identities—many of whom self-identify as 'kuchu'—by imposing life sentences for... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial MovementsQueer Studies
The Social Psychology of Neoliberalism. For far too long psychology has ignored the tremendous influence of neoliberal ideology on virtually every facet of our lives. You can find the special issue in the Journal of Social issues right... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Fresh off a California court victory in the Cindy Brown vs. Bank of New York Mellon case, this report showcases the ongoing crisis of inequalities in access to civil justice facing all Americans regardless of income or race and sets the... more
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      LawCivil LawSocial JusticePhilosophy Of Law
We argue that place offers an effective framework for connecting popular culture with social justice narratives by exploring audience interpretations of Lemonade in 2016’s tumultuous racial climate. Working from interviews with 35 of... more
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      Space and PlaceAudience and Reception StudiesSocial JusticeHabitus
This chapter argues that there is a collective responsibility to have enough children in order to ensure that people will not, in the future, suffer great harm due to depopulation. Moreover, if people stopped having children voluntarily,... more
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      Children and FamiliesParentingSocial JusticeChildren's Rights
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Brazil has endured multiple political, economic, and environmental crises-and now the COVID-19 pandemic-which have drawn social inequalities into razor sharp relief. This contribution analyzes the resilience of rural families facing these... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesAnthropologyEthics
La democrazia del merito. Non è scritto da nessuna parte che una minoranza, anche se composta dai migliori, possa attribuire a sé ciò che la democrazia reclama per tutti: le libertà, la di-gnità, l'istruzione, il lavoro, l'accesso alle... more
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      History of EducationSocial JusticeDemocracyMerit and meritocracy
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      SlaverySocial JusticeApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersEmployment
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      Health PromotionSocial Research Methods and MethodologyEvidence Based PracticeSocial Justice
La responsabilidad por las opiniones expresadas en los libros, artículos, estudios y otras colaboraciones incumbe exclusivamente a los autores firmantes, y su publicación no necesariamente refleja los puntos de vista de la Secretaría... more
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      Social JusticeSocial InequalityUrban Inequality
Abstract: In this paper, we outline a number of features of an interdisciplinary and pluralistic approach to economics. As a suitable example of how an interdisciplinary cooperation can unfold, we focus attention on the relations between... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEconomic SociologySocial Change
Existential psychological perspectives have long recognized that individuals must be understood in one’s context in the world, including their social and cultural context. For existential psychology to reach its full potential in making a... more
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      Existential PsychologySocial JusticeHumanistic psychologyExistential Therapy
This is not strictly an academic book, but an educational experiment full of dancing stories, metaphors, allegories, creative maps, and exercises that ask you to sit at the limits of our modern desires and imagination. Half-serious... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangePostcolonial Studies
This article emerges from our relationship with Theo Combrinck, a colleague, a passionate social and academic activist, a recovering addict and a PhD student, who left our living space during 2014 ‒ a death that was unexpected yet a... more
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      Scholarship of Teaching and LearningPosthumanismSocial JusticeCritical Posthumanism
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      Queer StudiesEducationIndigenous StudiesCritical Race Studies
The capability approach is one of the most recent paradigms that responds quite a number of questions which has not been satisfactorily dealt with in various fields of social sciences such as development economics, poverty, social choice... more
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      Social JusticeCapability ApproachAmartya SenGender inequality
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Change
and (most importantly) John Rawls; comfortably working in a transdisciplinary manner in fields like philosophy, ethics, history, music, empirical psychology, primatology, opera, literature, architecture, ancient Greek tragedy and comedy,... more
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      Emotional intelligenceSocial JusticeJohn RawlsMartha Nussbaum
Bireyler, meşruiyetini ve inanılırlığını kaybeden neoliberal rüyadan artık uyanıyorlar. Eşitsizlikten adaletsizliğe, işsizlikten güvencesizliğe neoliberalizmin ürettiklerini ve derinleştirdiklerini kendi bireysel hatası ya da suçu olarak... more
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      Social PolicySocial JusticeTurkeyNeoliberalism
Çağdaş siyaset teorisinde John Rawls'ın idealize ettiği adalet fikrinin yarattığı eleştirel ortam çok geniş ve takibi zor bir literatürün önünü açmıştır. Adalet kavramını merkezine alan çalışmaların işgal ettiği alan ve bu tartışmalardaki... more
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      Political TheorySocial JusticeRecognitionCapability Approach
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipSocial JusticeLeadership Development
Empirical research has described how school leaders with social justice orientations investigate, understand, and address issues related to marginalization. These studies detail many of the heroic efforts of principals and their... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationEducational LeadershipDisability Studies