Social Interaction
Recent papers in Social Interaction
The development of imitation during the second year of life plays an important role in domains of socio-cognitive development such as language and social learning. Deficits in imitation ability in persons with autism spectrum disorder... more
The aim of this study was to examine the predictive links between foster infants' initial attachment behaviors upon placement with a foster family and their later, consolidated attachment behaviors. Twenty-four foster infants and their... more
This paper proposes a new conceptual framework of a liberal social order, which emphasizes the freedom of action in social interaction and the freedom of participation in social rule-making process. Our articulation of public... more
The emotional availability construct (based on observations of paren t-child interactions) was first reconceptualized for research in 1991 as a way to describe the qualify of parentchild interactions. Since then, there has been... more
In some social mammals, loud calling not only serves to advertise ownership of a territory and attract mates but also plays a vital role in allowing social companions to maintain contact when they are separated by long distances. Under... more
I think we can say that, rather than just an interactive turn, we are witnessing an intersubjective turn in research on social understanding. A lot of current research is not only concerned with quantifying interaction dynamics, but also... more
Children who are exposed to interparental violence are at risk for a host of adjustment problems, but little is known about the processes that explain why children from violent families develop different patterns of adjustment. In this... more
Web-based communication technologies such as YouTube can provide opportunities for social contact, especially between older and younger people, and help address issues of social isolation. Currently our understanding of the dynamics of... more
Hinter dem Ausdruck ‚Empathie' verbirgt sich ein schillernder Begriff mit einer nicht minder schillernden Begriffsgeschichte. 1 Als Rückübersetzung aus dem Englischen breitet er sich seit dem Ende der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in... more
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Do-a. wutton Case Western Reserve University AWTRACT This article discusses the interpersonal motivations associated with different levels of self-esteem. Although self-esteem literally refers to an intrapsychic attitude, we propose that... more
AFTER the optimism which followed the falling of the Berlin Wall, one has found out that the alternative to Cold War wasn't the Global Peace. Regional conflicts have grown stronger, becoming more intense than ever. At several levels,... more
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions... more
The authors look at online tip exchanges as parts of gift economies created by the players and designers of console and online role-playing games in Taiwan. A group of experienced players and tip contributors agreed to be interviewed... more
In this philosophical inquiry into the foundations of Xavante mathematical thought, numbers emerge as categories structured by social praxis in central Brazil. Clans, moieties, age-sets, and specific kin relations can be viewed as... more
Design and technology education provides children with opportunities to create solutions to specific needs in innovative ways. This paper reports on research that focused on the language that the children used when they were involved in a... more
One goal of this paper is to present an integrated tripartite model of violence, with a focus on structural violence within an oppression paradigm. Using qualitative and quantitative data from 27 women (70% African American and 30%... more
The role of community agency in the rural community and economic development processes needs to be better understood in America and other advanced, industrialized nations. Community agency is vital to protecting, retaining, and... more
Get lost!" or "I think you should leave now" or "Ok, perhaps I'll see you around some other time", humans seem to be expressing things differently in different situations based on various factors: Social relationship between the two... more
publié dans L'Année Sociologique, 1997, 47 n°1 : 37-54, (avec une présentation et une pagination différentes).
Every now and then existing methods in the User-Centered Design (UCD) process evolve and new methods are being introduced. In this position paper we discuss our new approach for studying communities within the new media landscape. First,... more
"Resumen Este artículo es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre el poeta español Miguel Hernández: su función como comunicador político y educador en el frente republicano en la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939). En la... more
This study attempts to examine the perceptions of college students regarding online/hybrid education, the criteria used for decision making and the drawbacks that may keep students from enrolling in online education. Studies by Thomerson... more
We characterize the spatial organization of red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus) as a key aspect of their social organization and social system. Sportive lemurs are small (<1000 g), nocturnal and folivorous primates... more
We examine the degree to which an individual's religious involvement significantly mediates and buffers the effects of neighborhood disorder on youth crime. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the fifth wave of data from the National... more
Rett syndrome (RS) represents a biologically odd and complex neurodevelopmental disorder (Percy, 1997), featuring severe loss of function between late infancy and the fourth year of life. Recent studies suggest a
Technology for building smart homes is here today; however, a solid understanding of how people will interact in these spaces is not. In this paper, we present our research into designing a smart living space that focuses on inherent... more
Evolutionary theories concerning the origins of human intelligence suggest that cultural transmission might be biased toward social over non-social information. This was tested by passing social and non-social information along multiple... more
Motivated by neuropsychological investigations of category-specific impairments, many functional brain imaging studies have found distinct patterns of neural activity associated with different object categories. However, the extent to... more
To increase communication and collaboration opportunities, members of a community must be aware of the social networks that exist within that community. This paper describes a social network monitoring system – the KIWI system – that... more
In this paper, we propose a framework for content collection and connection enabled by public large screens and mobile phones. Making people express their stories will encourage their active attitudes toward information management. With... more
Within the framework of stage-environment fit theory, the authors examined the contribution of family relations to adolescent outcomes concurrently and longitudinally, as well as the moderating effects of gender and ethnicity in these... more