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Good morning, Councilmembers. Chairperson Grosso, thank you for responding to the will of the people and scheduling this hearing today.
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      Social InequalityPrivatizationSchool FoodSchool Food Reform/Curriculum
The paper aims to present the first results of an in-depth and source-based research about socio-economic inequalities and agricultural growth in the Late Medieval Florentine society. This area has been intensively studied because of its... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesRural History
This paper examines the problem of the wider economic and political context for any project aimed at achieving a fairer educational system. The consequences of the current status quo can be seen in diminishing funding and rising... more
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      EducationSocial Justice in EducationSocial Inequality
We can chart how similar characteristics are inscribed, marked and stuck on other bodies too: femininity; hypersexuality; criminality, for example, whilst others do not. But before we explore this condensing, sticking and fixing process... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyClass
Social fragmentation of urban life is a common and growing process in most Latin American big cities. In spite of the strong link between urban studies and youth studies, the relationship between contemporary processes of socio‐spatial... more
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      Youth StudiesUrban StudiesSocial Inequality
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityPolitical LegitimacyEquality
This paper explores the way in which feminism, whilst trying to achieve gender equality, has increased inequality between women. It locates the cause of this in feminism's early adoption of Marxist and Engelsian thought and the way in... more
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      Political SociologyGender StudiesMen's StudiesFeminist Theory
This paper deals with health care waste management. It outlines the types of health care waste relating of pathological waste, chemical waste and hazards from health care waste. This paper makes a special note on management of hazardous... more
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      Social StratificationPublic HealthHealthcareSocial Inequality
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      Public AdministrationEducationSocial PolicyAdult Education
The modern workplace is a pivotal arena for shaping societal gender inequalities. This chapter reviews theory and research on gender inequality in workplace organizations. We first provide a quick historical overview of the role of gender... more
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      DiversityGenderSociology of OrganizationsSocial Inequality
La responsabilidad por las opiniones expresadas en los libros, artículos, estudios y otras colaboraciones incumbe exclusivamente a los autores firmantes, y su publicación no necesariamente refleja los puntos de vista de la Secretaría... more
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      Social JusticeSocial InequalityUrban Inequality
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      Development EconomicsBiotechnologySocial StratificationPublic Health
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyGerman Studies
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureAestheticsVisual Studies
Konu hk. Yağmur Yıldırım'ın yaptığı bir program: [Şehir Hepimizin programının 216. bölümünde, sosyal bilimci ve öğretim üyesi konuğumuz Aslı Odman, “İşçi sağlığı yoksa, halk sağlığı da yok”... more
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      Open DataSocial InequalityCritical CartographySocial Mapping
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      Higher EducationIndian studiesSocial StratificationIndia
This research analyzed the violence against women in Muna that was focused on the root causes of violence, forms of violence, and its protection and resolution. It used gender perspective, constructivist paradigm, and qualitative... more
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      Gender StudiesViolence Against WomenSociology of GenderWomen and Culture
Purpose: To investigate whether social capital may explain differences in teen pregnancy rates in the contiguous United States. Method: State-level correlational analyses were conducted. Predictor variables included social capital, income... more
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      EducationPovertySocial CapitalSocial Stratification
The concept of "employee flexibility," and its implementation, have taken a central place in industrial sociology and human resources management during the last several decades. The two types of flexibility most often adopted in... more
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      SociologyLabor EconomicsHuman Resource ManagementSocial Stratification
This article explores the patterns of class inequality and capital accumulation in Brazil, showing the drivers and limits of the decline in inequality that occurred during the Workers' Party governments. It proposes that minimum wage... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
This article examines how new modes of Internet governance and policies intended to expand Internet inclusion unfold in the marginalized communities of Rio de Janeiro. In April 2014, Brazil enacted the Marco Civil da Internet (MCI), an... more
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      Internet GovernanceBrazilSocial InequalityDigital Rights
It has been argued that individuals living in poverty are shamed, and thus, experience it in various social and institutional spaces. However, little is known about this dynamic in the United States. This study examined the relationship... more
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      Social InequalityPoverty StudiesNeigborhood
In the framework of the current wave of home repossessions, many Spanish households struggle to keep up with repayments before going into arrears. Their financial vulnerability is not a simple function of the availability of income as... more
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess social inequality in use of dental services by examination of visiting for relief of pain and receipt of extractions. Methods: Data were collected in the period of 2004-06, from a stratified... more
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      AustraliaAdolescentApplied EconomicsMultivariate Analysis
Zweite Vorlesung: Begriff und Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit 1. Gleichheit der Individuen als Ideal. 2. Natürliche versus soziale Unterschie-de. 3. Die ungleiche Verteilung entäußerbarer Ressourcen. 4. Weitere Dimensionen sozialer... more
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      Social InequalitiesSocial Inequality
This chapter assesses the impact of new forms of schooling in London. It debates whether London education is currently in an unsettled phase which may be an early indication of a future post-competition era for education in England. The... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationSocial InequalitySchool Choice
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      Medical AnthropologyGlobalizationPovertySocial Inequality
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      SociologyPrimary CareAnthropologyChronic Pain
L'articolo presenta alcune riflessioni sul fenomeno della ricchezza a partire dal libro curato da Franzini, Granaglia e Raitano, Dobbiamo preoccuparci dei ricchi? (2014). In particolare viene discusso, da una prospettiva sociologica, chi... more
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      Wealth DistributionSocial InequalityWealthRedistribution
This fact sheet is to provide parents, educators, and administrators with an overview of the research informing upcoming changes to special education and inclusive education practices within the TDSB.
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      EducationSpecial EducationSocial SciencesDisability Studies
Because of processes of globalisation, internationali-sation, and neo-liberal world policy Flanders (Belgium) is facing new problems concerning inequality of opportunities in education. This might raise sever¬al questions. In this paper... more
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      Academic DevelopmentPovertyGlobalization And Higher EducationHigher Education Policy
To handle the fact that unintentional injuries are growing into a global public health problem, injury prevention programmes have been introduced at national and local levels in many countries. 1 Community-based programme development,... more
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      StatisticsEpidemiologyCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesHealth Care
With the protraction of higher education, delays in marriage and childbearing, and extended financial support from parents, emerging adults (or EAs, ages 18–23) enjoy unprecedented freedoms. What does that mean for their spiritual... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionYouth Studies
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      PovertyHomelessnessSocial ExclusionUrban Poverty
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      Social StratificationPublic HealthSocial Inequality
INTRODUCTION Adolescent pregnancy remains a difficult problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. Pregnancy at an early age is a risk factor for maternal and infant mortality. A recent report indicates that adolescent pregnancy... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchSexual and Reproductive HealthRural & Remote HealthSexuality
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      SociologySocial InequalityHuman rightBritish Sociology
(0n)gelijke onderwijskansen, het is niet gelijk welk thema in de onderwijssociologie, niet één naast de zovele onderwerpen. De kansenproblematiek vormt immers de ruggegraat waarmee de onderwijssociologie zich heeft opgericht als... more
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      Sociology of EducationSocial StratificationStudent AssessmentSocial Inequality
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      SociologySociology of SportWorking ClassesClass
Most of the parents in many cultures are reluctant to discuss with their adolescent children about sexual and reproductive health information leading to increased incidence of sexually transmitted infections, adolescent pregnancy, unsafe... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGenderPublic Health
Mindful of the withering of high-stakes accountability and disappointing data from pay for performance evaluations in the US, we ask why management by extrinsic incentives and organizational goal setting may have been far less powerful... more
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      Social InequalityTeacher MotivationEducation SystemsIncentives
What causes stark differences in living standards between subnational units? What can countries do to lessen such variations? This article argues that there is an aspect of national policy frameworks that impacts subnational provision of... more
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      ColombiaHealthSocial InequalityPublic Goods
Neoliberalism is a theory of political economic practices that claims that human well-being can be best advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsSocial StratificationSocial Inequality
One potential pathway towards sustainability involves reducing the level of anthropogenic carbon emissions per unit of human well-being, also known as the carbon intensity of human well-being (CIWB). I estimate longitudinal models, which... more
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      Environmental SociologyClimate ChangeCoupled Human and Natural SystemsEnvironmental Studies
Numerous Czech studies have been conducted on how the education system reproduces inequalities. While most of them have dealt with the reproduction of class inequalities, relatively few have focused on the reproduction of gender... more
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      EducationGenderGender EqualitySocial Inequality
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      Social TheoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyDevelopment Studies
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      Inequality (Economics)PolandSocial Inequality
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      Indigenous PoliticsSocial Inequality