Social Housing
Recent papers in Social Housing
As part of the UK's effort to combat climate change, deep cuts in carbon emissions will be required from existing housing over the coming decades. The viability of achieving such emission cuts for the UK social housing sector has been... more
Im Gegensatz zum internationalen Lobgesang über die soziale Wohnungspolitik in Wien, zeigt sich heute ein erschreckendes Bild: Die Mieten explodieren, günstige Wohnungen sind knapp und immer mehr Menschen können sich die Wohnungskosten... more
Since the 1990s, governments have increasingly employed PPPs for the revitalization of subsidised housing stock and the creation of mixed-income neighbourhoods. These PPPs typically involve private-sector partners taking on the... more
In the face of a housing crisis rooted in commodification, there is growing alignment within both activist and scholarly circles over the need to reverse this trend and move toward decommodification. There is work left to be done,... more
el modelo habitacional utilizado en España y México, está resolviendo una demanda parcial (a la población con capacidad de compra), y ha sesgado el acceso a la población más desfavorecida socioeconómicamente. Por otro lado, el... more
As with most of my other-over 150-bibliographies, this compilation is marked by two conspicuous constraints: books, in English. No doubt there are worthy titles in other languages, and I trust the assiduous reader or researcher fluent in... more
Se analiza la capacidad institucional del Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, México, respecto a la implementación de la política de vivienda a través de su Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda (IMUVIG). En primer lugar, para poder definir las... more
This is an expanded version of: - Aalbers MB (2018b) Financial geography II: Financial geographies of housing and real estate. Progress in Human Geography DOI:10.1177/0309132518819503. - Aalbers MB (2019a) Financial geography III: The... more
Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir o papel das assessorias técnicas em parceria com os movimentos de moradia na elaboração de projetos de habitação social em áreas centrais, como contribuição ao aperfeiçoamento da política... more
Denne rapporten beskriver tiltaket Individuell boligplan (IBP) i Sandefjord kommune. IBP er en metode for å bistå utsatte grupper på boligmarkedet. Metoden legger til grunn at brukerne kan få bistand innenfor de fire sentrale... more
This paper explores the evolution in the definition of ―quality‖ at the National Institute of the Found for Housing of the Workers (Infonavit). Infonavit is a Mexican organization created to collect a compulsory social security... more
The revolutionary Spangen social-housing complex (1919-1921) in Rotterdam, by Michiel Brinkman, has recently been immaculately restored (2012). The project pioneered “street in the sky” deck access, an idea that famously inspired Alison... more
Praktik pembangunan permukiman dengan melibatkan komunitas yang berhasil di satu lokasi tidak selalu berhasil juga di lokasi yang lain. Sebaliknya, praktik pembangunan permukiman yang kurang berhasil di satu lokasi, dalam beberapa kasus... more
The management of social housing in Ireland and, to a lesser extent, in other countries has received relatively little attention from governments or researchers despite significant changes in the last two decades. This paper seeks to... more
In the past ten to twenty years, governments in various countries have introduced or reinforced market principles in their housing systems. As a consequence, social landlords should have increased opportunities to adopt a more... more
Social housing in Malaysia is provided through the public and private sectors. Recently, the Selangor Zakat Board (SZB) has started to provide social housing in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Up to 2007, a total of 906 units have been... more
L’articolo riporta una serie di riflessioni dedicate all’accezione dei termini “costo” e “qualità” in relazione dell’edilizia dedicata al Social Housing dai programmi di ricostruzione postbellica al periodo attuale. Ciò avviene anche in... more
In Costa Rica, the social housing (VIS) projects developed in the last decade have been located in areas far from urban centers of limited access to facilities and infrastructure due to the prohibitive cost of land ownership in most... more
This book is a critical study of social housing in the UK between 1997 and 2010. In that period, following the riots in 2001 in some northern cities in England, the government of Tony Blair crafted the policy of community cohesion around... more
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a prática profissional do arquiteto e urbanista no campo de assessoria e assistência técnica para habitação de interesse social, com base em experiências contemporâneas promovidas por órgãos... more
Local Authorities are increasing faced with the problem of how to improve the sustainability of existing social housing stock, whilst providing additional units to meet increasing demand. The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) has been used... more
The emergence of public housing estate renewal programs in Australia in the last decade has been one of the most prominent developments in social housing policy. These programs have undertaken a broad mix of renewal activity, ranging from... more
Hamburg sold off large swathes of urban real estate to the highest bidder in a move to build more shiny office towers and luxury apartment blocks. This process includes printing building licenses for private owners with similar... more
El presente Documento de Trabajo se enmarca dentro de los resultados del proyecto “Mas alla de la Vivienda Social: Desafios Emergentes para la Politica Publica en Chile”, asociados al Convenio Universidades 2014 establecido entre el... more
This research was commissioned by Community Housing Cymru and the Welsh Local Government Association in order to establish what Local Authorities and Housing Associations in Wales can do to increase the economically viable provision of... more
Although planned as the " City of Tomorrow " , the Bijlmer district in Amsterdam quickly became the quintessential symbol of urban decline. Today, even with half of the planned renewal of the Bijlmer completed, the alleged success of this... more
Πτυχιακή εργασία που εκπονήθηκε το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2019-20 στα πλαίσια του προπτυχιακού προγράμματος σπουδών του τμήματος Οικονομικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. Βαλιάντζας Ζαχαρίας (Ζάχος) Επιβλέπων καθηγητής : Αρβανιτίδης... more
Manual pelatihan ini merupakan bagian dari serangkaian manual untuk pelatihan para pelaku UN-HABITAT Aceh Nias Settlements Support Programme (ANSSP) yakni 1). Staff lapangan ANSSP, khususnya fasilitator dan specialist yang memfasilitasi... more
The economic crisis has changed the international migration dynamic of Spain. In a few years, Spain has gone from being one of the countries with the highest increase in immigration in Europe to losing population as a result of emigration... more
L’Atelier Formidable a pour vocation d’être un acteur local du cadre de vie pour relever avec conviction les défis de la transition sociale et écologique de la Charente Maritime et permettre à ses habitants de retrouver des lieux à vivre... more
This paper aims to contribute to the debate in comparative housing studies about the significance of national housing policies by considering what can be learnt from analysing the consequences of different policy paths. In particular, the... more
With the aim to enhance sustainability in general including walkability, the recent urban forms of the designs of the Emirati neighborhoods have been denser and more compact, if compared with the older design models. While there are... more
Brazil’s social housing program Minha Casa Minha Vida (my house, my life), was initiated by the Brazilian Government in 2009 in response to rapid urbanisation and consequent housing crisis. Whilst the programme has provided large scale... more