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In the field of identity politics and cultural identity, the representation of differences plays a crucial role. The extent of the differences a society has determines the social outcomes in divergent ways. Surely, there are other... more
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      ReligionSociologySocial MovementsSociology of Religion
Recent scholarship on belonging examines how temporary transnational low-wage migrant workers find belonging in the host country. While this is possible for some migrant groups, it overlooks those groups who cannot. This study examines... more
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      International MigrationSocial ExclusionMigrant labourBelonging
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Llamada para presentar propuesta de comunicación en formato oral o póster sobre la temática de este año "Exclusión y disciplina social en la ciudad medieval europea" (8-10 de noviembre de 2017)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval WomenSocial Exclusion
Investigations into the political economy of globalization usually concentrate upon three related developments—the expansion of international trade and the growth in transnational production, including the rise of transnational... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
This chapter explores how social exclusion operates via core social motives: Belonging, Understanding, Controlling, Enhancing Self, and Trusting Others (BUC[K]ET; Fiske, 2010a). Within this framework, we explore how people’s desire to... more
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      Social PsychologySocial Exclusion
Towards the end of the first decade of the new millennium ‘Bollywood’ can be seen as having gained unprecedented cultural legitimacy in India and worldwide. This is even apparent on the level of official representations of India, with... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesPerforming ArtsDevelopment Studies
People with disabilities are most vulnerable and deprived segment of the population in Bangladesh having limited opportunities of education, training and employment. Most of them are isolated from mainstream society, stigmatized,... more
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      InclusionSocial ExclusionEmployment and disabilityIntroduction
El ser humano, permeado por las dinámicas sociales cambiantes de la modernidad, se ve obligado a asumir unos espacios, territorios y formas de vida particulares; razón por la cual este artículo plantea una reflexión acerca del habitante... more
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      Social ExclusionPsicologíaRepresentaciones Socialeshabitantes de calle
The paper compares the experience of unem-ployment in Britain with that in three former state socialist societies – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, countries with relatively recent welfare systems, providing a low level of... more
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      SociologySocial ExclusionCzech RepublicEuropean Social Policy
ISBN: 9789972464508
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      PeruSocial ExclusionPerúExclusión Social
Social programmes in Peru have been plagued historically by a culture of dependency, clientelism and corruption. Juntos, a conditional cash transfer programme targeting children under the age of 14, was initiated in 2005 to provide a new... more
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      EconomicsSocial ProtectionPolitical ViolencePeru
This article argues that current iterations of solutions for preventing school segregation are constrained by an overreliance on particular representations of justice, in which the other is perceived as the responsible other. Studying the... more
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      SegregationSocial ExclusionLegal PhilosophyEducation Law (Education)
osa hanno in comune gli insediamenti per persone rom, voluti e costruiti dalle amministrazioni pubbliche italiane con le istituzioni totali studiate da Goffman? Anche se a prima vista possono sembrare contesti molto lontani, ed in effetti... more
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      Social ExclusionEsclusione Sociale
Over the past few years, the number of schools with relatively high numbers of immigrants' children seems to have increased sharply in certain suburbs of Brussels. No ethnic group is in favor of strongly homogeneous concentration schools,... more
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      EducationSocial ExclusionStratificationSocial Mobility
The Economist (UK) invited me to participate in their periodic online debate series with World Bank economist, Wolfgang Fengler, about the need for industrialization in Africa. The 3-part series was posted online during March 12 – 22,... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationManufacturing
Whilst stigma and shame are central features of the experience of poverty in capitalist societies, we know relatively little about crucial aspects of these phenomena, particularly how these experiences differ according to variety of... more
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      Social WorkPovertyStigmaSocial Exclusion
The slave trade of the 1700s constituted a triangular trade in human cargo. Critically, there is a contemporary triangular trade, the three limbs of which are neoliberal polity; the reproduction of social insecurity; and the modernised... more
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      Criminal JusticeNeoliberalismSocial Exclusion
Much negative public and media attention in Germany focuses on Muslim immigrants, particularly those with guest worker backgrounds. A study based on 5 years of ethnographic fieldwork with 55 second-generation male Muslim immigrants in... more
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      EthnographyImmigrationDrugs and drug cultureSocial Exclusion
The plight of young children with disabilities who live in rural communities remains unsolved issue in many developing countries. Culturally, many people have negative beliefs regarding the causes of disabilities. Disability may be... more
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      SociologySocial ExclusionChildren with disabilitiesRural communities
Centre for Effective Services 9 Harcourt Street Dublin 2 Ireland tel: +353(0) 1 416 0500 email: [email protected] and 65-67 Chichester Street Belfast, BT1 4JD Northern Ireland tel: +44 (0) 2890 438 433... more
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      PovertyPolitical ScienceSocial Exclusion
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      PovertyHomelessnessSocial ExclusionUrban Poverty
Dans la continuité de ses travaux sur les situations marginales de logement dans le cadre de son dernier rapport Mal-logement, mal-logés, l'Onpes souhaite revenir sur le contenu et les apports du colloque international Le sans-abrisme en... more
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      Social SciencesHomelessnessSocial ExclusionPauvreté
This chapter analyses two parallel citizens' initiatives for the right to water in Slovenia. Although Slovenia became the first EU country recognising the right to water in its Constitution, the new constitutional right has yet to... more
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      Social MovementsWaterRomani StudiesSocial Exclusion
Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological conditions and it knows no age, racial, social class, geographic, or national boundaries. The impact of epilepsy rests not only on the individual patient, but also on the family and... more
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      Global HealthPrejudiceEpilepsySocial Exclusion
Förorten brinner, runtom i Sverige. Hur kan dessa bränder förstås och hur kan de hanteras? Presentationen tar sig an dessa aktuella frågor med utgångspunkt i ett pågående forskningsprojekt om villkoren för unga i förortens Sverige.
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      Race and EthnicityUrban StudiesNeoliberalismSocial Exclusion
Taking as its vantage point a citation from the critical educationalist Thomas Popkewitz, "double gestures of inclusion and exclusion," the aim of this article is to describe and contextualize the project of inclusion in Swedish... more
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      Welfare StateRace and EthnicityCareer GuidanceCosmopolitanism
Accessible summary • There are a growing number of parents with learning disabilities living in the community. • Parents sometimes have a hard time with housing, money and support. • Parents with learning disabilities sometimes do not... more
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      Social WorkSocial NetworksSocial ExclusionRole
PREVIEW Año: 2015 Autora: Norma Constanza Castaño Cuéllar Esta investigación corresponde al campo de la enseñanza de la biología, pues adopta una postura crítica frente a perspectivas universalistas e idealistas que inciden en la... more
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      Social ExclusionInequidadEnseñanza De La Biologia
Revitalizace se v posledních letech stala termínem, kterým je označováno ozdravení lokality, někdy též zaměňováno s procesem tzv. krajinné rekultivace. Naopak termín regenerace se používá pro proces přeměny na nové využití, někdy však pod... more
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      Social ExclusionBrownfields RedevelopmentDisinvestmentBarracks
The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipSocial EconomySocial ExclusionSocial Enterprises
Homeless people, social exclusion and John Milbank on Charity. In this paper I want to address two issues. The first is that homeless people are ‘socially excluded’; marginal to mainstream society and in need of transformation or... more
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      TheologyHomelessnessRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)Modernity
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      SociologySocial PolicySocial Determinants of HealthSocial Exclusion
Purpose-This paper is an effort to identify the difference between government and private primary schools in terms of physical infrastructure, schooling costs and student's performance. Further, the paper assessed the role of physical... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeDemographyEconomics
Analýza pohledu malých obcí a příslušných ORP na stěhování chudých a vznik sociálně vyloučených lokalit na venkově
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      Rural SociologySegregationRural DevelopmentHousing
Across Latin America, online and digitally mediated racist speech directed at Afro-descendant youth has intensified existing racial stigma and contributed to the marginalization of minority groups in both online and offline contexts.... more
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      Latin American StudiesYouth StudiesDigital MediaColombia
Inleiding: in een in toenemende mate cultureel en etnisch diverse samenleving krijgen studenten geneeskunde interculturalisatie-onderwijs tijdens hun opleiding. Aandacht voor interculturalisatie is noodzakelijk om culturele kennis en... more
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      SegregationMedical EducationSocial ExclusionCultural Diversity
Educationists in Europe have an established tradition of exploring educational disadvantage from a socio-cultural perspective, as indicated by the focus on social justice in education. Their concerns have been with relatively small-scale... more
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      Social ExclusionProspects
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      Social ExclusionCase StudyPopulation DensityFirm Survival
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      MarketingPower SystemsGlobalizationSocial Marketing
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      Business EthicsGlobalizationCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Law
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      Social ExclusionGDR History
Partiendo de la exploracion de los vinculos que se establecen entre las variables movilidad cotidiana, pobreza y exclusion social en un contexto de profunda segregacion funcional y socio espacial, este articulo analiza, para la ciudad de... more
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      SociologyPovertySocial ExclusionPobreza
«¿Yo qué gano con esto?» Esas fueron las palabras del chico cuando le dije que quería escuchar su historia educativa, pero la promesa de conversar sobre su vida resultó más que suficiente. La medida de aislamiento en la celda del... more
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      Education and Youth ExclusionSocial ExclusionBiographical MethodsPobreza
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” —William Butler Yeats (1889) Welcome to our course, “Race and Ethnicity”! These are not, needless to say, normal circumstances. This is the first time in four decades... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyCriminal JusticeEducation
Re es su um me en n: : Este artículo pretende aportar elementos para la reflexión en torno a la función y situación actual de la educación pública en un contexto de globalización como el que nos envuelve, incidiendo principalmente en la... more
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      Multicultural EducationSocial ExclusionPublic Education
S'inspirant des études sociologiques sur l'exclusion sociale, les études rassemblées dans cet élégant volume, publié dans l'excellente collection « Haut Moyen Âge », analysent les différentes manifestations de l'exclusion dans la société... more
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      Social ExclusionMiddle Ages
The current dominant discourse on social exclusion and youth work depicts inclusion in youth work as an instrument for inclusion in other more pivotal institutions of society. Recent studies have shown, however, that the participation of... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial WorkYouth Studies
Powerful moral, social justice and political arguments have convinced parents that it is their democratic right to place their children on the autism spectrum into mainstream educational environments so that their children may eventually... more
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      Special EducationHome SchoolingTeacher EducationAutism Spectrum Disorders