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Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the Library of Congress. isbn 978-0-8223-7090-1 (hardcover : alk. paper) isbn 978-0-8223-7105-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) isbn 978-0-8223-7181-6 (ebook) Cover art: Gabriel Orozco, Piñanona 1,... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySocial EcologyOntología Política
This paper identifies two distinct types of organisational arrangements, which need to be recognised to achieve effective policies and programmes for community engagement. The differences arise from the nature of relationships in the... more
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      Community ResilienceCommunity DevelopmentCommunity OrganizingCommunity Ecology
this is a crucial chapter from the english translation of Verzet in ecopanische tijden (Lontano 2020)
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      Resistance (Social)EcopoliticsCritical Discourse AnalysisGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Social Ecology of Waste Management offers a splendid opportunity of ecology and waste management interrelationships. People's participation, municipal governance, planning, and community factor interactively impacting on the social... more
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    • Social Ecology
a short plea for a new socialist fundamentalism on the occasion of the rebirth of an ambiguously parliamentary-driven ('representative-democratically' driven) eco-socialism Euro-wide.
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      MarxismIvan IllichSocial EcologyKarl Marx
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      EthnobotanyBiocultural DiversityTraditional MedicineSocial Ecology
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      SociobiologySocial Ecological SystemsSocial EcologyBiological Diversity
Este ensayo versa sobre la importancia de contar con la voluntad política para lograr los cambios que la humanidad y los ecosistemas requieren.
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      EcosophySocial EcologyEcologíaEcosofia
Nature's contributions to people (NCP) are all the contributions of living nature, both beneficial and detrimental, to the societies' life's quality. Ungulates play this dual role of providers of beneficial and detrimental NCP, as they... more
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      ZoologyEcosystem ServicesSocial PerceptionHuman-wildlife conflicts
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    • Social Ecology
∆· ÍËÌÂÚÒÌ·Ù· Ù˘ ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ 30 ΙÔ˘Ï›Ô˘ 2006 ¤ı·ÓÂ Ô ª¿-ÚÂ˚ ªÔ ‡ÎÙÛÈÓ (Murray Bookchin) Û ËÏÈΛ· 85 ÂÙÒÓ. ™ ‡Ì-ʈӷ Ì ÙȘ ‰ËÏÒÛÂȘ Ù˘ ÎfiÚ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÛÙ· ÙÔÈο ̤۷ ÂÓË̤-ÚˆÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ µÂÚÌfiÓÙ (Vermont) ÙˆÓ ∏. ¶.∞. ¤ı·Ó ·fi ·Ó·-ÎÔ‹... more
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    • Social Ecology
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      Political SociologyPolitical TheoryPolitical EcologySocial Ecology
Freshwater biodiversity is declining dramatically, and the current biodiversity crisis requires defining bold goals and mobilizing substantial resources to meet the challenges. While the reasons are varied, both research and conservation... more
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      EcologyFreshwater EcologySocial EcologyCrisis
The proposal delves into the heterogeneity of households and proves the multiplicity of domestic meanings with the aim of producing useful and operative knowledge related to a wide range of issues affecting communities and urban systems.... more
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      CommonsSocial ActivismCommunity ParticipationSocial Ecology
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      Social TheoryPolitical PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyPolitical Theory
This study is made based on an interview between Professor Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Dr. Md. Abu Sayem about environmental issues. Professor Nasr connected religious / spiritual views of the environment with the present ecological... more
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      EthicsTheological EthicsSustainable DevelopmentReligion and Ecology
Az Inconnu csoport esetében a környezetvédelem így szorosan összekapcsolódott az államszocialista rendszer kritikájával, és elsősorban abból a szempontból vált fontossá, hogy olyan ügy volt, amin keresztül sikeresen, sokakat megmozgatva... more
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      Political EcologyEcologyEcological ArtPolitical Art
NEUJOBS Working Documents are intended to give an indication of work being conducted within the NEUJOBS research project and to stimulate reactions from other experts in the field. Texts published in this series are ultimately destined... more
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      Geopolitical EconomyComplexity TheorySocial Ecology
In unserer technisierten und weitgehend durchorganisierten Welt gehen wir im Allgemeinen davon aus, dass die Dinge, die unseren Alltag betreffen, planbar und steuerbar sind. Zwar akzeptieren wir, dass es immer mal wieder zu Überraschungen... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyComplexity TheorySocial-Ecological Systems
This article asserts the need for education in order to move towards integral ecology and studies the role that the family, spirituality and the university can play in this formative task. The family has the primary right to educate and... more
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      EducationFamily studiesSpiritualityEcology
The community empowerment model of grassroots organizing is briefly described. A particular ecological framework of physical, economic, and social environmental predictors of citizen participation in grassroots community organizations is... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCommunity PsychologyCommunity Engagement & Participation
Book Review of Social Ecology and the Right to the City, University of Chicago Press. Published in 2019, the edited volume Social Ecology and the Right to the City grew out of a conference two years prior, organised by TRISE. The... more
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      Anarchist StudiesSocial EcologyUrban Political Ecology
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      CommunicationEnvironmental EducationEcopsychologyCritical Pedagogy
The recent development of what is known as queer ecology – the bringing together of queer and ecological theories and politics – was a key point of inspiration for this special issue. In order to honour that legacy, and to bring queer... more
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      Social MovementsQueer TheoryPolitical EcologyEcopsychology
In the last couple of decades, digital processes have accelerated what we typically call globalization. In contemporary scholarly literature on translation, then, the understanding of translators as relational agents has continually... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesGlobalization
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      Social MovementsQueer TheoryPolitical EcologyEcopsychology
Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών, 30.10.2015
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      Social EconomySocial EcologyΚοινωνική ΟικονομίαSocial and Solidarity Economy and Development
This paper identifies Open Jazdów in Warsaw as a model for an alternative production of social space in contemporary urban environments. The attempt will be made to present co-management as a type of governance that enables city dwellers... more
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      Research MethodologyCommunismGentrificationUrban Studies
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      Virtue EthicsPoliticsEnvironmental EthicsDeep Ecology
Table of contents + Introduction. London/New York/Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022. ---------- The first and exhaustive biography of twentieth-century leftist philosopher André Gorz. Recognized as one of the most lucid and innovative... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial SciencesPolitical EcologyEcological Economics
Es gibt Dinge, für die man Fachmann sein muss, um sie nicht zu verstehen. Hjalmar Söderberg Die Kluft zwischen "naturwissenschaftlich" und "sozial-oder geisteswissenschaftlich" arbeitenden Fächern gilt nach wie vor als nahezu... more
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      Human EcologyGeographyHuman GeographyEnvironmental Science
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
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      BuddhismSocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
The pandemic, recent bushfires, drought and flooding which caused massive destruction of human and natural habitat make us dramatically aware that our lives and wellbeing are not separate from the environment we live in. Hippocrates... more
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      Cultural HeritageEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial Ecology
This is a 'Whole Earth Catalog' for the 21st century: an impressive and wide-ranging analysis of what's wrong with our societies, organizations, ideologies, worldviews and cultures – and how to put them right. The book covers the finance... more
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Scruton jobboldalisága nem valamifajta fenegyerekes temperamentumból fakadt. Sokkal több köze volt az angol temperamentumhoz, angol életformához, az angol tájhoz, vagy akár az angol társadalom sajátos szerveződési módjához. Ezek ugyanis... more
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      Human EcologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEnglish Literature
We conducted a systematic review of 502 articles, published between 2000 and 2016, to characterize the research on human-carnivore relations according to (i) temporal and geographical distribution, (ii) biology, (iii) relations between... more
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      ZoologyEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyCarnivore Ecology
Bessie Head's first novel, When Rain Clouds Gather, is perhaps one of her most ethico-political narratives to examine the introduction of modern capitalism and patriarchal science against the haunting spectral of traditional tribal... more
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      Human EcologyAfrican StudiesFood Security and InsecurityEcofeminism
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      MarxismEnvironmental PsychologyEcopsychologyEcofeminism
Una criptomoneda Colombiana descentralizada gobernada democraticamente por personas, respaldada por consenso en el Foro de Scolcoin. La tecnología Blockchain de Scolcoin revoluciona el altruismo al alinear los incentivos económicos en una... more
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      Political EcologySocial EcologyInformation Security and Criptography
(Comment): This is a rare study describing the development and validation of a psychological test of perceived social support as conducted in a war-torn field setting. Although originally developed for use with Bosnian adolescents who,... more
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      Positive PsychologyPsychometricsResilienceParenting
У статті розглянуто суть концепції «креативного міста» та три елементи, що зумовлюють успіх міст. Проаналізовано поняття «твердої» та «м'якої» інфраструктури міста. Наведено три категорії ідей для перетворення малих міст Львівської... more
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      Creative CitiesSocial EcologyCitiesSmart Cities
Throughout continental New Spain-both the Mesoamerican heartland and the arid regions later conquered by the United States-colonization brought environmental changes through the social and political regimes that it deployed. Indigenous... more
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      Land tenureIndigenous PeoplesSocial EcologySpanish Colonialism
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      Social EcologyMurray Bookchin
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Ecotopia is a quasi-ethnographic novel influenced by anthropology. Some of its fictional practices have been adopted in the actual world since publication in 1975. Set two decades after Green secessionists achieve national independence... more
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      AnthropologyComparative PoliticsCreativityEcological Anthropology
The Drought is the third work in a trilogy of climate fiction novels published in the early 1960s. As the primary examples of climate fiction, The Drought stands out in the series as the novel in which the catastrophe is fully caused by... more
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      EcologySocial EcologyJ.G. BallardApocalyptic Literature
This pdf is my Habilitation. It was published in 1997 at Campus and has been out of print for many years. I still like it. Campus have granted me permission to put the text online. The reference is.... Eisner, M. (1997). Das Ende der... more
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      Urban SociologySocial EcologyViolent Crime
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      SociologySocial-Ecological SystemsRisk GovernanceEcology
the most extensive overview of anarchist theory and practice yet to appear. His survey of the history of ecological thought is therefore quite welcome. Nature's Web is a valuable work for anyone concerned with ecological issues, and is... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyHistory of Thought