Social Differentiation
Recent papers in Social Differentiation
The significance of the German philosopher and social thinker, Georg Simmel (1858–1918), is only now being recognised by intellectual historians. Through penetrating readings of Simmel's thought, taken as a series of reflections on the... more
We explore the relationships among the development of status differentiation, the shift to wet-rice cultivation, and ceramic specialization in the Old Kiyyangan Village (OKV), Ifugao between 900 CE and 1800 CE. Recent archaeological... more
Data collected under the ESRC Research Programme &The Nation's Diet: The Social Science of Food Choice' o!er an opportunity for detailed analysis of British eating-out habits. 1001 respondents in Bristol, London and Preston reported on... more
A partir de uma revisão minuciosa do trabalho de Georg Simmel, pretendo adentrar no debate que surgiu na sociologia alemã sobre o suposto descompasso de duas linhas de pesquisa: a teoria da diferenciação e a da desigualdade. Examinando... more
In Neutral Accent, A. Aneesh employs India's call centers as useful sites for studying global change. The horizon of global economic shift, the consequences of global integration, and the ways in which call center work "neutralizes"... more
TheEarly Bronze Age is the period when a series of changes took place in bothWestern Anatolia and mainland Greece. These include craft specialization, the intensification of inter- regional trade, the construction of special purpose... more
In a mere quarter century, Mainland China has grown into a hotspot of international self-help. Though the self-help industry has a centuries-long tradition in the Anglo-American realm, this particular, commercial type of life advice is... more
Ethiopia is best understood as a country with multiple internal divides, but also endless interconnections which are constantly renegotiated. Contributing to the growing literature on the country‘s cultural diversity, this book gives... more
The essay argues for a concept of differentiation which interprets differentiation as the ongoing and incessant formation of ever new social systems. It introduces a distinction of a microlevel of elementary sociocultural evolution and a... more
»Muslime als Hui im spät-imperialen und republikanischen China«. As a minority in China, Muslims have had to deal with a twofold problem: maintaining the boundary of their group and integrating into larger society. The various responses... more
Traditional patterns of interpretation, rooted deep in archaeological research traditions, still have a major influence on the reconstruction of social and power structures for prehistoric societies. This applies in particular to... more
In: Recherches et Prévisions, N. 53, septembre 1998. pp. 23-34. Résumé L'alimentation du petit enfant est l'objet de la sollicitude de multiples intervenants. L'analyse des pratiques et des discours des mères montre que si le... more
Das Buch stellt deshalb, obwohl nicht als Einheit geschrieben, keinen Vorg'ort der üblichen Sammelbände dar, sondern versucht, in aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträgen ein Thema gemeinsam zu entwickeln. Das gilt nicht nur für die Anlage des... more
of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed... more
The article forms part of an interdisciplinary debate on the differentiation of religion and politics in the medieval period printed in the same volume (link below). It takes a critical position towards Detlef Pollack’s initial... more
Based on Danish survey data subjected to correspondence analysis, this article aims at carrying out a critical assessment of Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social differentiation in advanced societies as a multidimensional phenomenon. As his... more
Esta monografía de grado, hoy publicada por la Secretaría General de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá dentro de la serie Tesis sobre Bogotá del Archivo de Bogotá, fue presentada en 2009 como requisito de grado del pregrado en Historia de la... more
In this article, I explore the symbolic relationship between " house " and " temple " architecture in northern Mesopotamian site of Tepe Gawra during the late Chalcolithic period. Through a diachronic and comparative study of house and... more
In view of an increasingly broad concept of mediatization, the article proposes to consistently differentiate between processes of medialization and those of mediatization in the analysis of the connection between media and religion.... more
This article considers the nature of the theoretical legacy-the system theory-of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. The author focuses on three topics: first, he briefly describes Luhmann's ideas in the context of the contemporary... more
In the course of the 3 rd millennium BC a higher social class differentiated itself for the first time in Western Ana-tolia and the Aegean islands from the rest of the society through the medium of settlement planning and the systematic... more
This article elaborates on how agrarian social structures and relations have changed after redistributive land reform under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) on coconut plantations in the province of Davao Oriental,... more
Northwest Mexico, often characterized as a vast gulf (the so-called Chichimec Sea) between the complex societies associated with the Mesoamerican superarea and the middle-range societies of the American Southwest, remains poorly... more
Résumé Qui sont les jeunes de la rue ? Les représentants d’une classe défavorisée, d’une jeunesse en difficulté, de nouvelles façons de devenir adulte dans une société où règnent l’incertitude, la performance et la précarité ? L’article... more
A comunicação versa sobre a produção da diferença social a partir de interações em contextos de pegação na cidade de João Pessoa, cidade de médio porte e capital da Paraíba. Por " pegação " me refiro a uma ampla rede composta por pessoas,... more
Located in Southern Ethiopia, the Maale traditionalists act for the preservation of a particular form of ancestor worship. Their society, highly hierarchized, is based on a complex patrilineal organization. Several researchers have shed... more
JEUNESSE Ch. (2010) Les sépultures en fosses circulaires de l’horizon 4500 – 3500. Contribution à l’étude comparée des systèmes funéraires du Néolithique européen, in : Baray L. et Boulestin B., dir., Morts anormaux et sépultures... more
Jeunesse C. 2014 : Tumulus royaux et agglomérations géantes dans le Chalcolithique d’Europe orientale (cultures de Maikop et de Tripolje ) : comment les « sociétés villageoises » chalcolithiques succombent à la démesure. In : Arbogast... more
Die Deutung von Befestigungsanlagen insbesondere der Metallzeiten wird von dem Topos dominiert, das bloße Faktum ihrer Existenz sage etwas aus über Komplexität, Arbeitsteilung sowie Sozial-, Herrschafts-und Militärorganisation der sie... more
The history of human social systems illustrates that societies can be small or large social systems: From hunter gatherer societies to states, to civilizations and finally to contemporary world society. However, they all share common... more
This chapter examines the development of a global regime of social differentiation as a consequence of migration control. It discusses the main features of migration control, focusing on nationality and visa policies, and conceptualizes... more
Shakespeare and the Cultivation of Difference reveals the relationship between racial discrimination and the struggle for upward social mobility in the early modern world. Reading Shakespeare's plays alongside contemporaneous conduct... more
A sharp problem focus sharpens the problem. Sustainably ongrowing bodies of text on degrowth are not the key to post-growth scenarios because evocations of the limits of growth reinforce rather than transcend the economic principle, which... more
(publicado en Revista Huellas de Estados Unidos, 12. Abril 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Resumen Respecto a las experiencias de la población afroamericana de Estados Unidos durante los años Sesentas y los primeros Setentas, el discurso... more
At what point does a meaningful neighborhood, a community based on neighborly bonds, intimacy, proximity, informality and contact become a segregated colony, enclave based on citizenship, economic status, vice and ethnicity? Park’s 1915... more
JEUNESSE C. (2011) Pratiques funéraires et tensions sociales dans le Rubané, in : Hauzeur A., Jadin I. & Jungels C. (dir.), 2011. 5000 ans avant J.-C., la grande migration ? Le Néolithique ancien dans la collection Louis Éloy. Collections... more
In Life Advice from Below, Eric C. Hendriks offers the first systematic, comparative study of the globalization of American-style self-help culture and the cultural conflicts this creates in different national contexts. The self-help guru... more