Social Cognition
Recent papers in Social Cognition
In recent years the topic of intuition has become an important focus of attention in psychology. It is often assumed to be a unitary construct however recent research suggests that intuition is multi-faceted. This paper disaggregates... more
Gambling is an important public health concern. To better understand gambling behavior, we conducted a classroom-based survey that assessed the role of the theory of planned behavior (TPB; i.e., intentions, subjective norms, perceived... more
In this fMRI study we investigated functional connectivity between components of the mentalising system during a social emotion task, using psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. Ten adults (22–32 years) and 18 adolescents (11–18... more
The psychometric properties of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Bricker & Squires, 1999) used in a French-Canadian preschool population were compared with psychometric data derived from US normative studies. The ASQ was translated... more
Stereotype threat is being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about one's group. Studies 1 and 2 varied the stereotype vulnerability of Black participants taking a difficult verbal test by varying whether... more
In my chapter, I criticize a group of definitions of empathy recently proposed by Nancy Snow, Frédérique de Vignemont, and others. These definitions are united by an assumption I call the 'similarity assumption' – roughly, the idea that... more
Critical Race Theory (CRT) revolutionized how we investigate race in education. Centralizing counterstories from people of color becomes essential for decentralizing white normative discourse-a process we refer to as realities within the... more
I think we can say that, rather than just an interactive turn, we are witnessing an intersubjective turn in research on social understanding. A lot of current research is not only concerned with quantifying interaction dynamics, but also... more
The issue of personality and prejudice has been largely investigated in terms of authoritarianism and social dominance orientation. However, these seem more appropriately conceptualized as ideological attitudes than as personality... more
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
This study investigated the degree of agreement between adolescents' and parents' perceptions of the adolescent-parent relationship, and the links between these perceptions and adolescents' school achievement and personal... more
Guided by the model of social category salience proposed by M. Blanz (1999), the present paper explores factors affecting the salience of skin tone-based subcategories among Blacks in the United States. Adapting the group discussion... more
When we observe the actions performed by others, our motor system "resonates" along with that of the observed agent. Is a similar visuomotor resonant response observed in autism spectrum disorders (ASD)? Studies investigating action... more
The relationship between theory of mind (ToM) and autobiographical memory (AM) in high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger syndrome (AS) has never been investigated. Here, we show that ToM abilities could be predicted by levels of AM in... more
When we observe the actions performed by others, our motor system "resonates" along with that of the observed agent. Is a similar visuomotor resonant response observed in autism spectrum disorders (ASD)? Studies investigating action... more
Commentators tended to focus on the conceptual framework of our article, the contrast between genetic and associative accounts of mirror neurons, and to challenge it with additional possibilities rather than empirical data. This made the... more
Review of Educational Research Summer 1993, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 167-199 ... Beyond Cold Conceptual Change: The Role of Motivational Beliefs and Classroom Contextual Factors in the Process of Conceptual Change ... Paul R. Pintrich, Ronald... more
Contemporary research, often with looking-time tasks, reveals that infants possess foundational understandings of their social worlds. However, few studies have examined how these early social cognitions relate to the child's social... more
This paper reviews three separate mechanisms of attraction as discussed by Kelsey C. Chapetta and Joan M. Barth (2016), R. Matthew Montoya and Robert S. Horton (2013), and Kasey Lynn Morris and Jamie Goldenberg (2015). Attraction is... more
While neuroimaging studies implicate medial rostral prefrontal cortex (mrPFC) in self-referential processing, simulation accounts of social cognition suggest that this region also supports thinking about other people. This study tested... more
■ Special processes recruited during the recognition of personally familiar people have been assumed to reflect the rich episodic and semantic information that selectively represents each person. However, the processes may also include... more
Background: Deficits in social cognition, e.g. theory of mind (ToM) represent core characteristics involved in the etiology of psychopathological symptoms and an important predictor of social competence. In bipolar affective disorder,... more
Why do interactions become more hostile when social relations shift from "me versus you" to "us versus them"? One possibility is that acting with a group can reduce spontaneous self-referential processing in the moral domain and, in turn,... more
Research on imitation in infancy has primarily focused on what and when infants imitate. More recently, however, the question why infants imitate has received renewed attention, partly motivated by the finding that infants sometimes... more
Ironic language is typically more difficult to process and interpret than a literal equivalent, hence is assumed to serve several social and emotional functions not achieved by literal communication (such as politeness or introducing... more
Distance education as a primary means of instruction is expanding significantly at the college and university level. Simultaneously, the growth of social networking sites (SNS) including Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace is also rising... more
The present study examined whether exercise adherers and dropouts differ in their perceptions of success and, in turn, whether their social cognitions and behavior correspondingly differ. Using a prospective, observational design,... more
Domestic dogs, Canis familiaris, have been shown capable of finding hidden food by following pointing gestures made with different parts of the human body. However, previous studies have reported that hand-reared wolves, C. lupus, fail to... more
Humor is a uniquely human quality whose neural substrates remain enigmatic. The present report combined dynamic, real-life content and event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to dissociate humor detection (''getting the... more
A primary way to signal gender differences starting in infancy is via a clothing color cue (pink is for girls, not boys). We examined whether a violation of this seemingly innocuous gendered prescription would lead to differential... more
We present the first three-dimensional calculations of Radiation Driven Implosion of Molecular Clouds including self-gravity and ionization. We discuss the effects of initial density perturbations on the dynamics of ionizing globules and... more
Introduction: This study aimed to examine the degree of femininity or masculinity of gender stereotypes related to different academic fields, i.e. Math, Language, Humanities, Art, Life Sciences, and Medicine, in the minds of Iranian... more
Abstract 1. A satisfactory explanation of nightmares remains elusive. Theorists since Freud have speculated on mechanisms that produce nightmares, but no single, widely accepted explanation has emerged (see Nielsen &... more
Although much interest has been generated regarding the functions speaking centers serve and the effects consultations can have, minimal research has addressed the dynamics of consultations themselves. This study documents what speaking... more
L'objectif de cette etude est de mettre en evidence un ancrage de l'attitude au sein de la representation sociale. Aussi est realisee une mesure d'attitude dont les modalites ont ete manipulees (cognitive, conative, ou... more
There is strong evidence that developments in children's theory of mind (ToM) at 3-4 years are related to developments in language and executive function. However, these relationships might exist for 2 reasons. First, language and... more
Until now children's attention to the beliefs of people they wish to persuade has been examined experimentally via tasks that were artificial in important respects. To determine whether such research has underestimated children's... more