Social Climate

62 papers
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Social climate refers to the collective perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals within a social environment, influencing interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. It encompasses factors such as trust, support, and communication patterns, shaping the overall atmosphere and interactions within communities, organizations, or institutions.
Mapping the landscape of support and safety among sexual minority women and gender non-conforming individuals: Perceptions after the 2016 U.
This study investigated the extent to which perceived physical and social-environment qualities of supported housing facilities (SHF) account for variations in the perceived quality of life of people with severe mental illness (SMI).... more
The contribution is divided into two parts the theoretical and application one. In the theoretical part we focus on the explanation and accounting for the importance of music and movement activities for pre-schoolers. In the theoretical... more
The public sector needs to monitor the performance of the private prisons, and it is necessary to conduct the monitoring as objectively as possible. This paper demonstrates that an often overlooked source of data, surveys of inmates, can... more
RESUMEN Los datos actuales, sobre fracaso escolar en educación son alarmantes, con índices por encima de la media europea Por ello, las universidades han de reaccionar con propuestas de mejora, fiables, válidas y adaptadas, tales como, el... more
Se estudió el clima social de un Centro Penitenciario Femenil. Para ello se llevó a cabo una investigación que analizó con la Escala de Clima Social-CIES-(especial para penitenciarías), la percepción del clima social de las internas del... more
En el texto se toma como objetivo el estudio de la estructura familiar y de las distintas variables asociadas a ella (composición, tamaño, hogares rotos, etc.) que se relacionan por una parte con otros factores biográficos y económicos y,... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in perceptions of school social climate and peers in terms of bullying status, and to investigate the psychometric properties of the School Social Climate and... more
In Master of Social Work programs, one of the objectives of the field practicum is the development of a professional self. A field placement agency may encourage, discourage, and/or limit the student's ability to implement social justice... more
Uvod: Studentske prilike stanovanja, koje odlikuju manje kontrolisani uslovi i specifična socijalna klima, mogu doprineti upotrebi alkohola i ilegalnih psihoaktivnih supstanci u ovoj populaciji. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in perceptions of school social climate and peers in terms of bullying status, and to investigate the psychometric properties of the School Social Climate and... more
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende estudiar las relaciones de apoyo social del alumnado en un contexto escolar intercultural, conocer el apoyo social recibido por parte de los iguales y el profesorado y comprobar si el apoyo social se... more
In Master of Social Work programs, one of the objectives of the field practicum is the development of a professional self. A field placement agency may encourage, discourage, and/or limit the student's ability to implement social justice... more
Resumen El sistema penitenciario chileno enfrenta una crisis derivada no solo de su precaria infraestructura y la falta de acceso a programas de reinserción, sino también por diversas situaciones de abusos y violencia que ocurren al... more
In Master of Social Work programs, one of the objectives of the field practicum is the development of a professional self. A field placement agency may encourage, discourage, and/or limit the student's ability to implement social justice... more
A socio-environmental survey amongst the inhabitants of the Sumava National Park and of the Nove Hrady Mountains took place in the summers of 2003 (Sumava), 2006 and 2007 (the Nove Hrady Mts.). The main aim of the study was to record the... more
In residential care for children and youth, supporting the quality of life of children is one of the main priorities. One of the key factors in providing good quality of care in these organizations, in relation to the children's... more
This study aims to examine the lecturers' teaching effectiveness on business faculty undergraduate students' academic performance in the Malaysian Public University, since the Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) intends to... more
The aim of the paper is refer to resources how to increase management performance and efficiency in field of industrial companies. We try to refer to opportunities which could be useful and applicable and should lead to performance... more
The contribution is divided into two parts the theoretical and application one. In the theoretical part we focus on the explanation and accounting for the importance of music and movement activities for pre-schoolers. In the theoretical... more
This article refers to the use of digital resources and multimedia on early stages of innovative music education. The innovative aspect within the text is mainly discussed in context of audiation. Theory of universal music learning,... more
This paper analyses the setting of a new mood in the public sphere in the last eleven years of the dictatorship in Brazil, 1974-1985. To comprehend the general dynamics of this new mood, there is discussion of the profuse evocations of... more
The contribution is divided into two parts the theoretical and application one. In the theoretical part we focus on the explanation and accounting for the importance of music and movement activities for pre-schoolers. In the theoretical... more
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende estudiar las relaciones de apoyo social del alumnado en un contexto escolar intercultural, conocer el apoyo social recibido por parte de los iguales y el profesorado y comprobar si el apoyo social se... more
This article presents recommendations for supporting out LGBTQ+ collegiate varsity athletes based on self-descriptions of their experiences. Within a larger quantitative survey, 63 former and current varsity athletes, who were out as... more
Debido a que tradicionalmente el número de mujeres privadas de libertad ha sido menor que el de hombres, los estudios sobre prisiones en España solo comenzaron a prestar atención a las especificidades de la población reclusa femenina a... more
The prison isolates and hinders the creation of an environment in which family and social relationships develop positively. In the personal networks of inmates both processes of social support and conflict with their relatives and close... more
Artykuł zawiera rezultaty badań na temat klimatu społecznego zespołów kuratorskich. W badaniach wykorzystano dwie skale: Krótką Skalę Oceny Klimatu Społeczego Zespołów Kuratorskich autorstwa Bartłomieja Skowrońskiego oraz Skalę Wypalenia... more
Klimat społeczny zdaniem Pytki 1 to "zbiór subiektywnie postrzeganych przez wychowanków i wychowawców charakterystycznych cech, sytuacji i zdarzeń, będących względnie trwałymi skutkami funkcjonowania w ramach przyjętego systemu... more
RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir el tipo de acompañamiento institucional recibido por la población femenina en el medio abierto del Sistema Penitenciario Español, como ayuda a la inclusión social y la... more
This study aims to examine the lecturers' teaching effectiveness on business faculty undergraduate students' academic performance in the Malaysian Public University, since the Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) intends to... more
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende estudiar las relaciones de apoyo social del alumnado en un contexto escolar intercultural, conocer el apoyo social recibido por parte de los iguales y el profesorado y comprobar si el apoyo social se... more
The aim of the present study was to test whether teacher–student relationship (TSR) quality and student–student relationship (SSR) quality at class level and class moral disengagement (CMD), considered together in a single model, were... more
La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre el Clima Social Penitenciario y Bienestar psicológico en los internos por el delito de peligro común y omisión asistencial familiar en el Establecimiento... more
As part of a larger online survey, we conducted an internet-based study that included both qualitative and quantitative data from a national non-probability sample to examine how sexual minority women and gender non-conforming individuals... more
Cet article a pour objectif de résoudre l’énigme du déploiement à partir de 1990, puis de l’abandon en 2012, d’un dispositif d’évaluation de l’état d’esprit des salariés dans un groupe français de grande distribution. Il est fondé sur une... more
Este artículo analiza la percepción del clima y el apoyo sociales de una muestra de personas presas (n:150, 43% mujeres). Desde una perspectiva interaccionista, la escala de Clima Social en Instituciones Penitenciarias-CIES (Moos, Moos y... more
The effect of competitive pressure on income distribution and social policy; public perception, attitudes and norms
Perfiles de ansiedad escolar: Diferencias en clima social y violencia entre iguales
Correctional facilities have a discernible social climate, or collection of contextual properties that derive from perceptions of both staff and prisoners. These properties include the physical, organizational, social, and emotional... more
This work analyzes the results of the World Social Capital Monitor (WSCM), a worldwide open access Social Capital Survey for citizens to better understand the social climate in their countries, for the Western Balkans; Albania, Bosnia and... more
Als Fazit bleibt festzuhalten: Es gibt eine Reihe von konkurrierenden Ansatzen in der Risikowahrnehmungsforschung, die sich nicht gegenseitig ausschliesen, sondern als Elemente eines multifaktoriellen Zugangs zu einem vielschichtigen... more
Clima social penitenciario y estrés percibido en internos por el delito de tráfico de drogas de un establecimiento penitenciario Penitentiary Social Climate and Perceived Stress in inmates for drug trafficking in a penitentiary facility... more
The prisons don t only represent the architectural, administrative and functional elements of the penal system, but they also are important ecosystem contexts of socialization and education and reeducation, especially for interned people.... more
The objective consists of analyzing the diverse life conditions and realities of women in a punitive context of special social vulnerability from the socio-educational and gender perspective, with human development seen as the reference... more
 En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en una investigación realizada en 31 entidades penitenciarias españolas y, tiene por objeto analizar el acceso de las mujeres penadas a los distintos niveles educativos, especialmente... more