Social Cleavages
Recent papers in Social Cleavages
Some would claim that the European Parliament elections in 2019 were one of the most decisive after the EU was founded. With populist and right winged forces on the rise, it seemed like this election would indicate where Europe will go... more
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
This dissertation seeks to explain not only how one of the most stable party systems in Western Europe became one of the most volatile, but also the timing of that change. In order to understand recent party system change in the... more
A chief topic of this book is the advance of democracy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The three countries belong to the most ‘successful’ cases of transition from communist rule to democracy, demonstrated by the fact that they joined... more
Mais de 20 anos após o início da vaga de democratizações em África, os sistemas de partido dominante constituem o modelo mais comum encontrado na região subsariana. Atualmente, contam-se duas dezenas de países com sistemas de partido... more
The causes and consequences of the Boko Haram insurgency as well as its possible solutions have been subjected to different interpretations among scholars, politicians and journalists. Little is known, however, about how the Nigerian... more
Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Anwendbarkeit des Cleavage-Konzepts von Lipset und Rokkan auf Ungarn zu prüfen und mögliche Erweiterungs- und Modifizierungsansätze zu diskutieren. In einem zweiten Schritt sollte die Relevanz tradierter... more
The Greek neoliberal government is facing the complete failure of its policies, both in the economy as well as foreign affairs. Because of the mounting public debt, the rising interest rates, and the prevailing stagflation in the economy... more
Social inequality is a central issue of modernity in the intersection between the idea of a market economy, with competition as an irreplaceable element, and democracy, with equality as one of its fundamental principles. In postwar Japan,... more
Stojanović, Boban (2012), “Socijalni i politički rascepi - teorijski okvir i slučaj Srbije”, u: Studentski godišnjak, God.2; Br.2, Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka, str. 89 - 100. Rad se bavi socijalnim i političkim rascepima,... more
The most influential theoretical groundwork for the social cleavages theory was laid by two social scientists, Lipset and Rokkan. They defined social cleavages as the "conflicts and controversies" among large segments of the population... more
This paper analyzes the role of ethnicity in shaping the character of Kenya's political parties and its party system since 1992. Drawing on a constructivist conception of ethnicity, it uses a framework of comparison derived from Donald... more
Bien que la littérature française n'ait presque pas abordé le sujet, les théories des coalitions ont constitué, dans la littérature dite "mainstream", un des principaux champs d'étude en science politique, ces deux dernières décennies.... more
This paper introduces a crucial dimension for the spatial and comparative analysis of party systems, cleavages, and the conduct of political campaigns. It presents the concepts of “high” and “low” in politics, and the related high-low... more
The paper was seeking explanation for several exceptional features that made the Latvian and Estonian party politics stand apart from the CEE mainstream. These peculiar features were: (1) the marginalized position or virtual absence of... more
Resumen: La teoría de los cleavages, formulada en los años 60 por Lipset y Rokkan, es una de las más utilizadas en ciencia política no sólo en lo que respecta al origen de los partidos políticos sino también para el análisis electoral y... more
This chapter deals with the analysis of party system change in Europe after the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections. Our task is threefold. First, we explore the patterns of electoral instability in Europe at the 2019 EP elections and... more
El presente estudio tiene como objeto una revisión de la literatura sobre la emergencia de nuevos partidos y la transformación de los sistemas de partidos. Reconociendo la importancia de los determinantes institucionales, se propone un... more
This paper is about the definition issues of the social cleavage concepts with a focus on Africa. Social scientists have introduced into their field of research concepts that express social cleavages, favoring the concepts such as "race",... more
The Estonian and Latvian party politics stand apart from the Central and Eastern European mainstream for two principal reasons: the peculiar absence of the communist-successor parties and the right-wing-inclined ideologically unbalanced... more
The aim of this article is to offer a reformulation of particuiar elements of the cleavage concept, which can be fruitfully applied to the reflection of certain contemporary social and political processes. In the following sections I... more
"This article seeks to identify and describe the relationship between the divisions of party system and social structure in Turkey from a historical–institutional perspective by applying the operational logic of cleavage theory to the... more
The article sheds light on one of the key developments in recent German politics and relates it to the broader debate on the electoral success of the far right. The rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD, Alternative for Germany) is... more
Esta comunicación abordará el fenómeno denominado insularismo político en el Archipiélago canario, siguiendo la senda trazada por otros estudios previos sobre esta cuestión (Hernández Bravo, 1990; 1994; 1998; 2004; Fernández Esquer,... more
Building on two established perspectives on the political party, in this paper we view the party as an organized network of formal and informal relationships between individuals that reflects national cleavages. We test this... more
What explains the Japanese experience of one-party-dominated democracy over the past five decades? More generally, and looking across Asian democracies, what explains variations in the degree of political volatility? We propose a theory... more
The concept of 'Third Serbia' has recently been offered within the public arena in Serbia as the alternative to the former division into 'First' and 'Other' Serbia. Yet a whole array of ways 'Third Serbia' is discursively constructed... more
This Article studies the role of law for aligning democracy with a market-based financial order. Jürgen Habermas's discourse theoretical understanding of the role of law in the welfare state establishes a structure for exploring this... more
This article analyses how religious orientations and ideological preferences have co-evolved in Chilean society between 1998 and 2014. Based on the premise that people experience religion heterogeneously, we develop four hypotheses that... more
In recent years, Japan has been marked by fundamental changes. From the late 1990s onward, a new model of Japan as a divided society has replaced the former model of Japan as a general middle class society with a very high degree of... more
The Masks of the Political God is a unique contribution by professor of political science Luca Ozzano to studies of religion in party politics. The added value of this important contribution resides in the combination of three aspects:... more
The Masks of the Political God is a unique contribution by professor of political science Luca Ozzano to studies of religion in party politics. The added value of this important contribution resides in the combination of three aspects:... more
There is a theoretical assumption that post-communist cofmanifesuntries would follow the Lipset and Rokkan’s seminal model regarding electoral cleavages and thus class cleavage would become dominant in those countries as in the West. In... more
In the social cleavages literature, the constitutive role of political parties in cleavages in a given society remains a subject of contention on a regular basis. Nevertheless, a vast majority of this literature fails to propose a... more
Depuis le début des années 1980, l’hypothèse du « gel des principales alternatives partisanes » formulée par Seymour Martin Lipset et Stein Rokkan, ne cesse de soulever des débats et des commentaires. L’apparition de nouveaux partis... more