Social-Ecological Systems
Recent papers in Social-Ecological Systems
this is a very much incomplete submission for a subject: Sustainable Landscapes. I was battling a bug in my computer programs like Word that was programming the styles and deleting citations. a very annoy occurrence. Please be gentle.
● Autor principal, junto a otros miembros del Colectivo Etnológico Enharetà, del libro Conjunto hidráulico de las minas, acequias, aljibes, molinos y batán del Barrio Santana (Mijas) y su entorno. Estudio etnológico. Mijas (Málaga): Museo... more
In this article, we argue that there must be a clear and consistent connection in research between the theory that we use, the methods that we employ, and the way in which we analyze our data. This is true no matter what aspects of... more
The problem of misuse or loss of natural resources like the forests are due to a limited understanding of the processes that lead to improvements in or deterioration of natural resour ces (E. Ostrom, 2009). This is because the... more
qui a Bergamo siamo in stato d'assedio ma la vita continua. Stanno sbocciando i bulbi di tulipano che ho comprato ad Amsterdam a ottobre. E si fanno lezioni in videoconferenza. Meglio di niente per salvare l'anno scolastico. In allegato... more
The purpose of this chapter is fivefold. First, it highlights that, despite apparent progress, business in general, and marketing in particular, has made little impact upon environmental sustainability. Second, it offers four explanations... more
This paper addresses the question of why South Africa’s cultural museums and the South African Museums Association (SAMA) should take action on climate change. What is the relevance of climate change to the future of cultural museums and... more
The fisheries of Lake Victoria have recently undergone rapid ecological and social change. Loss of diversity in terms of species richness and economic opportunity has increased the system's vulnerability to additional economic,... more
In unserer technisierten und weitgehend durchorganisierten Welt gehen wir im Allgemeinen davon aus, dass die Dinge, die unseren Alltag betreffen, planbar und steuerbar sind. Zwar akzeptieren wir, dass es immer mal wieder zu Überraschungen... more
The word disaster is derived from the Italian disastro or “unfavorable star” and implies a random act of wanton destruction by nature or by human intervention. Yet, in reality, disasters are a regular part of human experience. They occur... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
Contemporary challenges of climate change, population growth, resource scarcity, and environmental decline prompt designers to envision new relationships between nature and culture. Infrastructure design and adaptation are key to... more
This paper is the complementary, written component for my Masters Thesis in Ecological Design thinking. The documentary can be found on Vimeo - The thesis was an attempt to try and complement both rational... more
El libro discute las relaciones entre economía, política y ecología. Recurre a una vasta bibliografía técnica (las referencias rebasan el millar), pero se ubica dentro de los márgenes de la literatura de divulgación, accesible para... more
¿Estamos avanzando hacía una socio-ecología? Reflexiones sobre la integración de las dimensiones "humanas" en la ecología en el sur de América
The current and projected impacts of climate change make understanding the environmental and social vulnerability of coastal communities and the planning of adaptations important international goals and national policy initiatives. Yet,... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Under the threats of global environmental change, resilience and vulnerability research have gradually become a key issue in fields such as climate change, disaster management, sustainable development, and environmental governance.... more
Cities play a crucial role in shaping coupled human-environment systems at local and global scales. With a view to amounting sustainability deficits, urban stakeholders thus require transformative capacity to perform radical change within... more
Since the Neolithic period and the rise of agriculture along Mesopotamia’s “Fertile Crescent,” greater societies have formed thus requiring laws and governance to ensure their continued preservation. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi is... more
Despite the increasing trend worldwide of integrating indigenous and scientific knowledge in natural resource management, there has been little stock-taking of literature on lessons learned from bringing indigenous knowledge and science... more
Complex stakeholder pressure on peatlands is nothing new. Throughout history, peatlands have been looked upon as providers of socio-economic opportunities. Burns Bog in Vancouver, Canada is a good example of this. This Bog was utilised... more
Past and present forms of internationalism have taught us that the struggle against racial capitalism and Imperialism can only succeed if undertaken as a collective. As rising temperatures and sea levels (as well as the rapid spread of... more
Обсуждается предмет, цели и задачи охраны природы как научно-практической дисциплины. Её значение для экологической теории определяется: 1) пониманием сообществ как мозаики нарушений на разных стадиях зарастания, и устойчивости экосистем... more
El intenso flujo migratorio entre México y Estados Unidos trae consigo cambios en la dinámica familiar de los hogares en donde alguno(s) de sus integrantes o la familia completa migran o retornan a casa después de haber estado ausentes,... more
Las Islas Galápagos representan un icono a nivel mundial por su biodiversidad y el alto nivel de endemismo que las caracteriza. Sus ricos y diversos ecosistemas marinos han sido históricamente objeto de la actividad pesquera,... more
This ground-breaking report is a first of its kind in Canada: an Indigenous-controlled assessment of the impacts of a major natural disaster that brings together First Nations and Métis governments, communities, and organizations from... more
"Collaborative Ministry" is now one of the most important issues within the different Churches, congregations, communities of all denominations.This conference presents this topic in four steps: 1) The meaning and challenge; 2) The... more
The recent shift towards the interdisciplinary study of the human-environment relationship is largely driven by environmental justice debates. This article will distinguish four types of environmental justice and link them to questions of... more
Die Kluft zwischen Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften scheint unüber-windbar, obwohl die drängenden Fragen des 21. Jahrhunderts gerade eine Zusammenarbeit dieser Disziplinen erfordern. Dieses Buch möchte die Trennung von natur- und... more
Law and Ecology: New Environmental Foundations contains a series of theoretical and applied perspectives on the connection between law and ecology, which together offer a radical and socially responsive foundation for environmental law.... more
The bioecological theory of human development is a comprehensive theoretical and methodological model for the study of human development. Extending on earlier ecological models of development, the bioecological theory expounds on the... more