Recent papers in Soccer
Is coaching the most important factor in developing a winning athletic program? Research says no. Recruiting is a significantly more important factor to a team's success.
This study compared the effects of whole body vibration (WBV) and a field-based re-warm-up during half-time (HT) on subsequent physical performance measures during a simulated soccer game. Ten semi-professional male soccer players... more
PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to quantify maximal aerobic power (VO2max) in soccer as a function of performance level, position, age, and time of season. In addition, the authors examined the evolution of VO2max among... more
Ferrete, C, Requena, B, Suarez-Arrones, L, and Sá ez de Villarreal, E. Effect of strength and high-intensity training on jumping, sprinting, and intermittent endurance performance in prepubertal soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 28(2):... more
The aim of the study was to determine the relationships between maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) in a maximal treadmill run and the aerobic endurance performance in the 20-m multistage shuttle run (MST) test, with the performance indices... more
The aim of this research is to understand the experience of the football sector on the use of artificial turf (satisfaction, safety, sporting feature, or the advantages and disadvantages). The study was conducted on a random selection of... more
The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) back injury prevention program (IPP) is an evidence-based injury prevention exercise designed to prevent back pain and other related injuries. The aim of this study was to assess the... more
Objective The objective of this study is to describe the results of arthroscopic debridement for talar lesions in a population of soccer players. Patients Patients were sixteen soccer players with osteochondral talar lesions, treated... more
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the strength and anthropometric characteristics of elite and semi-elite tenpin bowlers as compared to non-bowlers, and to establish whether it was possible to discriminate playing level... more
Carbohydrate and caffeine are known to independently improve certain aspects of athletic performance. However, less is understood about physiological and performance outcomes when these compounds are coingested in a rehydration and... more
Due to increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 virus, athletes were unable to train optimally. This study aimed to determine the differences in aerobic capacity, body mass, and body mass index in soccer players as the effect of lockdown due... more
Nicholas Blincoe’s More Noble Than War: A Soccer History of Israel-Palestine (Bold Type Books, 2019) is a beautifully narrated and written history of a century of conflict between pre-state Jews and Palestinians and Israeli Jews and... more
A developmental model of subjective group dynamics suggests that social identity is sustained first by intergroup biases and later by intragroup biases. In this study 476 English children 5 to 11 years old evaluated the English and German... more
Background: Among female athletes it has not been established whether a neuromuscular and proprioceptive sports-specific training program will consistently reduce the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries.
Este trabalho propõe um estudo contextual das crônicas do Jornal dos Sports acerca da atuação da seleção brasileira nas Copas do Mundo de Futebol realizadas na década de 1950. O sentido em analisar o discurso dos cronistas sobre a... more
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.
Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Deception remains a hotly debated topic in evolutionary and behavioural research. Our understanding of what impedes or facilitates the use and detection of deceptive signals in humans is still largely limited to studies of verbal... more
Background: Neuromuscular and proprioceptive training programs can decrease noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries; however, they may be difficult to implement within an entire team or the community at large.
Objective: To determine the effect of a novel movement strategy incorporated within a soccer warm-up on biomechanical risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury during 3 sport-specific movement tasks.
The present study investigated whether football has favorable effects in the treatment of mild-to-moderate arterial hypertension in untrained middle-aged men. Twenty-five untrained males aged 31-54 year with mild-to-moderate hypertension... more
The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of first half activity, overall match intensity and seasonal variation on the physical match performances of English Premier League football referees. Match analysis data was... more
Young soccer players are usually trained with adult-training methods, even though the physiological adaptations are likely to be very different compared with adults. In contrast, some have suggested training preadolescents only with... more
Pain thresholds and levels of distress before and in the early postoperative period after anterior cruciate ligament surgery were measured in professional and amateur male soccer players and compared. Between June 2005 and March 2007, 30... more
Background: To investigate the effects of a caffeine-containing energy drink on soccer performance during a simulated game. A second purpose was to assess the post-exercise urine caffeine concentration derived from the energy drink... more
The popularity and professionalism of female soccer has increased markedly in recent years, with elite players now employed on either a professional or semi-professional basis. The previous review of the physiological demands of female... more
The study was funded by The Danish Ministry of Culture (Kulturministeriets Udvalg for Idraetsforskning). The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM. There
The top players in an elite soccer team volunteered as subjects in a study to determine intramuscular glycogen concentrations after a regular season match, and whether optimal glycogen levels could be re-attained prior to the team's next... more
Konrad Heitkamp was taken aback by the extraordinary ordinariness present in the lobby of the Zurich hotel. In November of 1943, life in Zurich seemed unperturbed by the fact that the countries surrounding Switzerland were embroiled in... more
Purpose: This study aimed to examine changes in sagittal (APLAX), frontal (VVLAX), and transverse (IERLAX) plane knee laxity in men and women during an intermittent exercise protocol (IEP) simulating the intensity and duration of a soccer... more
Studies regarding ankle and foot overuse injuries are quite diverse in research methodology, data reporting, and outcomes. The aims of this systematic review were to analyze the methodology of published studies regarding ankle and foot... more
Special issue of the World Journal of Managing Events, volume 2, number 1, 2008.
Special issue on: The 2010 FIFA kick-off In South Africa: Red Cards, Fancy Footwork or Goals?
Special issue on: The 2010 FIFA kick-off In South Africa: Red Cards, Fancy Footwork or Goals?
Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine if using a direct kinematic (DK) or inverse kinematic (IK) modelling approach can influence the estimation of knee joint kinematics, kinetics and ACL injury risk classification during... more
The physiological characteristics of football referees have received an increasing amount of focus in the scientific literature over the past decade. Studies have examined referee profiles, both physiological and anthropometric, 19 as... more
The soccer ''penalty shootout'' in the knock-out phase of major international tournaments is one of the most dramatic events in international soccer. The outcome of these kicks is typically attributed to factors such as psychology (e.g.... more
Sports Geographer BJ Pheasant has calculated the ratios of needed incoming male college freshman soccer players versus the number of 12th grade boys soccer players in each state. The ratio shows the number of players from each U18 club... more