Recent papers in So
Cerebellar afferent Raphe interpositus Biotinylated dextran amine Single axon reconstruction a b s t r a c t Integration of cortical Purkinje cell inputs and brain stem inputs is essential in generating cerebellar outputs to the... more
This work deals with the use of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and a weighted Euclidean distance (the tolerance distance) as an exploratory tool in developing predictive logistic models. The method was applied to a living-donor... more
Mitochondria are essential organelles for cellular integrity and functionality maintenance and their imparement is implicated in the development of a wide range of diseases, including metabolic, cardiovascular, degenerative and... more
¿Qué entiendo por 'mí' mente? Considero que la delimitación de una mente individual depende siempre de cuáles son los fenómenos que queramos comprender o explicar. Es obvio que existen cantidades de vías de mensaje fuera de la piel, y... more
Peroxynitrite (PN, ONOO − ) and its reactive oxygen precursor superoxide (SO, O 2 · − ), are critically important in the development of pain of several etiologies including in the development of pain associated with chronic use of opiates... more
The problem of anisotropy and its effects on the statistical theory of high Reynoldsnumber (Re) turbulence (and turbulent transport) is intimately related and intermingled with the problem of the universality of the (anomalous) scaling... more
This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin-destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic... more
As we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the journal Peptides, it is timely to review the functional significance of the bombesin (BB)-like peptides and receptors in the CNS. Over two decades ago we published an article in the journal... more
Sphingolipid research has surged in the past two decades and has produced a wide variety of evidence supporting the role of this class of molecules in mediating cellular growth, differentiation, senescence, and apoptosis. Ceramides are a... more
The functional disorder of the gallbladder (GB) is a motility disorder caused initially either by metabolic abnormalities or by a primary motility alteration. The functional disorders of the sphincter of Oddi (SO) encompass motor... more
podemos agrupar las conjunciones en COORDINATIVAS y SUBORDINATIVAS, entendiendo por coordinativas aquéllas que unen palabras u oraciones de la misma categoría y subordinativas, las que unen una oración principal y una subordinada.
The fjords and channels of Chile form a complex geological and oceanographic system comprised of an estimated 84,000 km of coastline, much of which is glacial in origin. Ecologically and biogeographically, the distribution and abundance... more
This work deals with the use of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and a weighted Euclidean distance (the tolerance distance) as an exploratory tool in developing predictive logistic models. The method was applied to a living-donor... more
The paper reviews the extant Australian literature on sexual orientation (SO) discrimination within the Australian workplace. In the research, there is variation in organisational workplace and a bias towards health and educational... more
Biomarker distributions and organic carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of organic matter (OM) produced in surface waters around the Crozet Plateau (Southern Ocean) are significantly different between a Fe-fertilised region (north)... more
Solar energy is estimated to contribute a main part in the manufacture of prospect carrying fuels. In Particular, solar thermo chemical processes present the possible of extremely efficient mass hydrogen manufacture at a competitive... more
- by IAEME Publication
- Si, So, SCR, Packed Bed
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 0 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 217-229 Exploratory data analysis Kidney transplantation Bootstrap Stability a b s t r a c t
In Present-Day German (henceforth: PDG), the originally adverbial element so ('so') performs a number of functions when it occurs independently, i.e. not as part of another constituent, in a main clause. For instance, it can have a full... more
With the aim of gaining more insight into the evolution of the orexinergic systems in the brain of vertebrates we have conducted a comparative analysis of the distribution of orexin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in two reptiles,... more
Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are... more
Weakly electric fish orient, hunt and communicate by emitting electrical pulses, enabling them to discriminate objects, conspecifics and prey. In addition to the electrosensory modality-although dominating in importance in these... more
This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin-destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic... more
This work deals with the use of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and a weighted Euclidean distance (the tolerance distance) as an exploratory tool in developing predictive logistic models. The method was applied to a living-donor... more
Oxytocin-containing neurones in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of lactating rats
Abstract In this paper, a techno-economic evaluation of the business prospects of Free Space Optical (KSO) technology as an alternative last mile solution is carried out and compared to Fiber-to-the-Home/Office (FTTH) and... more
There is minimal research on the effects of 'outness' (sexual orientation disclosure) on the work experiences of GLBT employees. Few international empirically sound studies from the literature have compared the variable of outness, its... more
1,2-diacylglycerol lipase alpha (DAGL␣) is responsible for the biosynthesis and release of 2-arachidonoyl-glyc-erol (2-AG), the most abundant endocannabinoid in the brain. Although its expression has been detected in discrete... more
In mammals, the extraocular muscle fibers can be categorized in singly-innervated and multiply-innervated muscle fibers. In the monkey oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nucleus the motoneurons of multiply-innervated muscle fibers lie... more
crater lake colour change geochemistry SO 2 emissions Ambae (also known as Aoba), is a 38× 16 km 2 lozenge-shaped island volcano with a coastal population of around 10000. At the summit of the volcano is lake Vouione of the largest active... more
The use of biomass as an energy source for the production of heat and power is one way to decrease dependency on fossil fuels and increase energy self-sufficiency. The utilization of fossil fuels in energy production is also the major... more
The present experiment was carried out to study the impacts of effluents discharged from Textile Mills on surface water around the discharge area located at Araihazar Thana in Narayanganj District of Bangladesh. The water samples were... more
Consider the control system (Σ) given byẋ = x(f + ug), where x ∈ SO(3), |u| ≤ 1 and f, g ∈ so(3) define two perpendicular left-invariant vector fields normalized so that f = cos(α) and g = sin(α), α ∈]0, π/4[. In this paper, we provide an... more
A protein that constitutes a good marker for a type of cholesterol-rich domain in biological membranes is caveolin. A segment of this protein has a sequence that corresponds to a cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus... more
We have studied the properties of mixtures of cholesterol with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), and with several other phospholipids, including 1-stearoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (SOPC) and dioleoleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS), as... more
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 0 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 217-229 Exploratory data analysis Kidney transplantation Bootstrap Stability a b s t r a c t
The inter-conversion between Cr(VI), a pulmonary carcinogen, and Cr(III), an essential human nutrient, poses challenges to the measurement of Cr(VI) in airborne particles. Chamber and field tests were conducted to identify the factors... more
To clarify features of direct projections from the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) to premotoneurons for the jaw-closing (JC) and jaw-opening (JO) components of the trigeminal motor nucleus, biotinylated dextranamine (BDA) and... more
and sharing with colleagues.
Long-chain n-3 PUFA (LCPUFA) and palmitate (16:0) positioning in the triacylglycerol (TAG) of infant formula may affect calcium-uptake which could affect bone health. We investigated if a human milk fat substitute (HMFS) with a modified... more
Using conversation analytic methodology, this paper investigates one function of the discourse marker so in everyday German conversations. In particular, the paper describes how speakers of German use so to manage sequences of actions... more
Dysregulation of the serotonergic system and abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis have been demonstrated in major depression. Animal studies indicate that 5-HT 1A receptor expression may be reduced by longterm... more
A growing body of research in work-integrated learning (WIL) demonstrates the importance of industry experience for student learning. Much of this research however focuses on individual, formal learning that occurs in WIL programs... more