Recent papers in Skopostheorie
Bilingualism basically defined as having been brought up with two languages and being more or less equally competent in using both languages is a significant phenomenon in this information era requiring frequent access and communication... more
Özet Bu çalışmamızda çeviriye erek odaklı yaklaşımları ele alacağız. Öncelikle tanımını yapıp daha sonra tarihi sürecinden bahsedeceğiz. Konumuzun kurucusunu da ele aldıktan sonra konuya örnekler de vererek daha detaylı bir şekilde... more
Bu çalışmada, işlevci çeviri kuramları arasında yer alan Mänttäri'nin " çeviriye ilişkin eylem kuramı " ve Vermeer'inSkopos kuramlarının günümüz koşullarında nasıl alımlanması gerektiği incelenmiştir. Her iki kuram da 20. yüzyılın ikinci... more
Christianne Nord defines a translation brief as the "definition of the communicative purpose for which the translation is needed. The ideal brief provides explicit or implicit information about the intended text function(s), the... more
This study examines Equivalence, an approach that has been largely discussed, and Skopos Theory which was suggested by Hans J. Vermeer. To that end, scientific findings on this topic, as well as analogical and distinctive characteristics... more
This paper explores the concept of translation strategies within the framework of the functionalist approach in translation studies. It is based on the presumption that a source text can have different translations and examines the... more
Bilingualism basically defined as having been brought up with two languages and being more or less equally competent in using both languages is a significant phenomenon in this information era requiring frequent access and communication... more
Analysis of Roberto Saviano masterpiece "Gomorra. Viaggio nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della camorra" and of the challenging German translated version created by Friederike Hausmann and Rita Seuss. Diving deeply into... more
Implementing Skopostheorie as a translation framework helped focus the Likɔɔnl Bible translation project theoretically and relationally. By answering some basic questions unique to their situation, Skopostheorie helped the team to craft... more
A bibliography collated from records on the Mendeley Translation Studies Group. Join the group for free to sort, search, and share these and tens of thousands more bibliographical references related to translation research.
in: Mary Snell-Hornby et al (Hrg.). Handbuch Translation. Tübingen, 1998, 104-107.
The initial purpose of this study is to determine whether a Malawian Ciyawo Bible translation can or should be used by Mozambican Yawo speakers. The subsequent purpose, but no less important, is to then work towards designing a Bible... more
Gemeinsames und Sondergut der beiden aramäischen Übersetzungen werden bestimmt und im Rahmen der Skopus-Übersetzungstheorie ausgewertet hinsichtlich des Verhältnisses zum MT und zueinander, hinsichtlich ihrer Adäquatheit und hinsichtlich... more
John Ashbery’s poetry was introduced to Polish readers for the first time in 1986, in the now legendary “blue” issue of the world literature review “Literatura na Świecie”. Although the American poet spoke vicariously through the voice of... more
The decision to initiate a Bible translation project in any community has profound implications. In logistical terms, Bible translation projects can be expensive and taxing on their donors, initiators and other stakeholders. However, they... more
in the last two decades there was an increasing interest in the relationship between media translation and ideology. The study sample of this article is the Arab Spring that attracted the attention of various western and Arab media... more
Este PPT faz parte do seminário “Fundamentos Teóricos e Hermenêuticos da Linguagem, da Literatura e da Tradução“ da I Cátedra Internacional José Saramago na UVigo:... more
These are two graphs which both illustrate the same data set. The Mendeley Translation Studies Group's library of 28,793 bibliographical items, crowd sourced from all languages, contexts, and areas of translation research was used as a... more