Sixteenth Century
Recent papers in Sixteenth Century
In April 1616 Hugo Grotius, in his capacity as head of a delegation from the States of Holland to the Amsterdam city council, treated, or subjected, the council to what Jonathan Israel in his 'The Dutch Republic. Its Rise Greatness... more
At a time when historians seem all too often to have lost confidence in their craft and turned to other branches of knowledge for inspiration, Erik Midelfort has written a very historical book. A history of madness in sixteenth-century... more
This essay offers a new reading of Diego Velazquez's Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (1618) by relating it to religious discourse in the artist's native Seville. Through an analysis of previously unstudied Sevillian writings, this... more
... drugs were responsible for the strange confessions witches gave; that illnesses like rabies and porphyria created legends of werewolf-witches. ... However, numerous witch-hunters tested these ointments and not a single one was ever... more
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus / 73 viewer's relation to the figure. This idea, like several others presented here, is ingenious but needs to be more fully worked out. In the place of this critical elaboration we get half-baked... more
Michael Kubovy, an experimental psychologist, recounts the lively history of the invention of perspective in the fifteenth century, and shows how, as soon as the invention spread, it was used to achieve subtle and fascinating aesthetic... more
List of Illustrations xv 24 Sir Nathaniel Bacon, 'Self-portrait' c.1625 (Gorhambury Collection/Earl of Verulam 25 Plan of a typical sixteenth-century gentry house 285 26 J. Carlile 'Sir Justinian Isham and the Carlile family hunting the... more
Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme a single period. The problems encountered in his work on the Renaissance led him logically to thinkers of subsequent ages, such as Leibniz and even his own teacher, Gaston Bachelard.... more
A new history illuminates the Society of Jesus in its first century from the perspective of those who knew it best: the early Jesuits themselves. The Society of Jesus was established in 1540. In the century that followed, thousands... more
CFP: Beyond the Microcosm: The Impact of Confraternities on the Civic Sphere. Since the formation of the Society for Confraternity Studies, which celebrates it 30th anniversary in 2019, the subject of Confraternity Studies has moved on... more
La vie de Marie Magdaleine, par personnages. Genève: Librairie Droz, 1986. 115p. Edition critique de Jacques Chocheyras et Graham A. Runnalls. Longtemps restée dans l'ombre, la version dramatisée de La vie de Marie Magdaleine, datée de... more
Cover illustration: detail from Venus, Baccus, and Ceres (Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus). Hendrick Goltzius, 1593. Pen and brown ink on parchment, 61.3 × 49.5 cm. London, British Museum. By kind permission of the British Museum.
Published in: Guilhem Olivier y Patricia Ledesma Bouchan (coordinadores), Tetzahuitl. Los presagios de la Conquista de México, México, Secretaria de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2019, p. 109-125.
Recensioni ad aite riesumati, che rendono purtroppo ancor più mefitica l'aria della madrepatria in questo scorcio, tutt'altro che eroico ed esaltante, di secondo millennio.
Under the pressure of industrial demands following the discovery of South African diamonds, gemology became a science during the late nineteenth century by combining morphological mineralogy with mineral physics and chemistry. However, it... more
na te lezen. Hans Smit van het Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis ben ik dankbaar voor zijn hulp en kennis en voor het mogen gebruiken van de database van de correspondentie Willem van Oranje nog voor deze voor het publiek... more
Book Reviews 1213 Book Reviews 1213 well as for any conductor, producer, or performer of the Vespers. The author's experienced analysis of this complex and confusing period is especially valuable. And his good
Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli and its workshop carved some marble portraits and fountains between 1539 and 1541 that were sent from Genoa into Spain as diplomatic gifts. Some of them were also intended to play an important role as part of... more
“O libro parti per Roma e se ti chiederanno da dove vieni, risponderai che vieni dalla regione della Via Emilia” (Marziale: Epigrammi, III, 4) Già in epoca romana la via Emilia era considerata il fulcro di un’area territoriale. Asse di... more
Newly Identified 16th-century Italian drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art