Six Dynasties
Recent papers in Six Dynasties
The article deals with the works of sacred art of China (sculpture and paintings) belonging to the dynastic periods:
Using the example of the song “Lord Amidst Clouds” (Yunzhong jun) from the “Nine Songs” (Jiuge) chapter of the Songs of Chu(Chuci), this study examines how commentators from the Han to the Qing dynasty engaged with interpretations of... more
This paper systematically surveys the shared artistic issues that arose in both poetry criticism and creative practice in the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern dynasties and continued through the Tang and Song dynasties and up to the... more
Self-exegesis or auto-commentary (zizhu) represents the author’s conscious, active control over the meaning and reception of their work and blurs the boundary between author and reader, text and paratext. Although not unique to the... more
Scientific debate about the genre of the Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions Аbstract. This paper attempts to define the genre of the Orkhon-Yenisei Old Turkic inscriptions. The Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions, found in the territory of modern... more
In this paper, from the perspectives of feminism, through the analysis of Li Bai's inheritance and innovation of palace-style poetry in his creation, the author puts forward two techniques and their symptom in the three poems of Qingping... more
二徐真君為福建道教與民間信仰中的重要神祗,生前為南唐藩王徐知証、徐知諤兄弟,其信仰活動綿延至宋元並於明代達到頂峰。《徐仙翰藻》乃二徐真君降筆乩示的結集,包含各種文體當中值得留意的是此書的文學性,特別是辭賦乩文中的騷怨書寫本文將從文學與文化分析兩條進路,探究《徐仙翰藻》內容和形式上如何移用屈騷傳統至宗教語境中,作為二徐真君建構和維繫信仰之效用。 The Hsü Brothers, as known as the Perfected Lords of Abundant... more
Between the mid-first century BCE to the early-fourth century CE significant political, economic, and social changes occurred in the Deccan. The emergence of the Sātavāhana (ca. 50 BCE-225 CE), Western Kṣatrapa (ca. early-first century... more
Between the mid-first century BCE to the early-fourth century CE significant political, economic, and social changes occurred in the Deccan. The emergence of the Sātavāhana (ca. 50 BCE-225 CE), Western Kṣatrapa (ca. early-first century... more
摘要 本文以佐藤慎一郎為個案,探討日本在冷戰時期的「中共觀察」。佐藤的經歷相當特別。戰爭結束前他具有「中國經驗」,擔任過滿洲國民政部文書科屬官、大同學院教官,後來成為總務廳參事官,敗戰後於1947年歸返日本。1959年,佐藤在拓殖大學任教,開始一連串地「中共觀察」。這位昔日的「支那通」貫穿戰前與戰後,成為「中國問題研究家」,也是日本有關「反共」言論的代表。1967... more
The Longmen Twenty Statues Inscriptions, as representative works of Weibei calligraphy, are a significant cultural heritage of China and an important symbolic cultural landscape of Longmen Grottoes. During the development of Chinese... more
- by chweefang ng
IJSWS # 26,pp. 75-82,WANG Weiping, Reflections on the Research of Chinese Christian’s View of Suffering Based upon Fusion of Horizons Understanding and Reviewing “Research on Christian’s View of Suffering”
Fairfield University is a Jesuit University, rooted in one of the world's oldest intellectual and spiritual traditions. More than 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 36 states, 47 foreign countries, the District of Columbia and... more
Bifaji 筆法記 by Jing Hao 荊浩 (ca. 855–915) is one of the most critical writings on painting in the Chinese art tradition. It reflects the shifting artistic trends of the late Tang and Five Dynasties periods from portraits to landscapes and... more
Факторы формирования жизненного пути профессиональных династий 1) Башкирский филиал Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра Российской академии наук ул.... more
This essay reviews zhang Longxi's A History of Chinese Literature. The book covers Chinese literature from its very beginning to modern times. It emphasizes texts' literary and aesthetic qualities when evaluating and historicizing... more
Moğollarda soylu kadınları her zaman siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal hayatta önemli roller oynamışlardır. Ayrıca, kadının soyu kocasının ve çocuklarının siyasi ve askeri kariyerleri için hayati bir öneme sahip idi. Daha da önemlisi, bu... more
All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is d e p e n d e n t upon the quality of the copy subm itted. In the unlikely e v e n t that the a u thor did not send a c o m p le te m anuscript and there are... more
- by Chuimei HO
- History, Cave, Chronology, SRT
Between the mid-first century BCE to the early-fourth century CE significant political, economic, and social changes occurred in the Deccan. The emergence of the Sātavāhana (ca. 50 BCE-225 CE), Western Kṣatrapa (ca. early-first century... more
J ust over a year ago, Jane and Leopold Swergold surprised and delighted the Bellarmine Museum of Art with a gift of four Han and Tang pottery objects from their stellar collection of ancient Chinese art. We were, of course, thrilled to... more
過去對於臺灣北部的道教傳統主要關注的是散布於城鎮中的道壇,及其為 地方宮廟所提供的臨時性齋醮儀式服務。然而,部分臺灣北部道壇道士卻選擇 與地方宮廟合作,以後者為長期駐守的據點,來為宮廟信徒提供儀式服務。這些 道士大多同時具備正一道士與閭山法師兩種身份,駐廟期間所提供的服務則多 為閭山驅邪儀式。這類儀式自有其神學預設,不僅與道教齋醮科儀有所區別,也 非地方宮廟必要之服務項目,卻因社會變遷逐漸受到地方宮廟接受,成為後者的... more
and holds a JD degree from Cornell Law School. His research interests include the construction of race and nationality in imperial and postwar Japan, citizenship in comparative perspective, and critical theory. He is currently writing a... more
Two characters, reading Shisong 石頌, Stone Hymn, are engraved on a rocky cliff at Mount Tie, in the northern outskirts of the city of Zoucheng 鄒城 in Shandong Province. 1 These two characters, written in a stately archaistic seal script,... more
The period of the Six Dynasties (3rd-6th centuries A.D.) was one of the most decisive epochs in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Several new developments began during this period which shaped the course of calligraphy for centuries to... more