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У підручнику представлено такі мої підрозділи: Вчинковий смисл психологічних феноменів: феномени ситуативні Вчинковий смисл психологічних феноменів: феномени дії та післядії Феноменологія вчинку. Вчинок буденності Феноменологія вчинку.... more
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      PsychologyOntologyResearch Methods and MethodologyMotivation (Psychology)
Seit Mitte der er Jahre stehen situationistische Ansätze in der Gewaltforschung hoch im Kurs. Das gilt in ganz besonderem Maße für die deutsche Soziologie. Die verstärkte Hinwendung zur genauen Analyse von Gewaltsituationen und ihrer... more
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      SituationismAction TheoryRandall CollinsCollective Violence
USM has envisioned " sustainability " as a core development theme of the university in light of global sustainability issues. In becoming a world-renowned university for sustainability, USM facilitates sustainability attainment... more
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      Higher EducationSustainable DevelopmentStakeholdersRecycling
Research question: What proportions of the ASHAs are performing according to the training they have received under the Comprehensive Child Survival Programme (CCSP)? Objective: To analyze the ASHAs’ practice with respect to CCSP in... more
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      MedicineIndianSituational AnalysisAccredited Social Health Activists
A situational analysis was conducted to evaluate challenges with the treatment regimen (a low protein diet and special supplemental formula) for children and adolescents with phenylketonuria (PKU) and their caregivers. A semistructured... more
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Research question: What proportions of the ASHAs are performing according to the training they have received under the Comprehensive Child Survival Programme (CCSP)? Objective: To analyze the ASHAs' practice with respect to CCSP in... more
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      MedicineIndianSituational AnalysisAccredited Social Health Activists
This article provides a critical analysis of the situationist challenge against Aristotelian moral psychology. It first outlines the details and results from 4 paradigmatic studies in psychology that situationists have heavily drawn upon... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial Psychology
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      MarketingSituational Analysis
'Community participation' has, over the past decades, become a key component of nature conservation initiatives worldwide. 'Participation', a term that signals the involvement of local stakeholders in conservation practices, is central to... more
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    • Situational Analysis
A decade after the passage of Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, an in-depth and year-long analysis of its successes and remaining gaps is undertaken. The National Solid... more
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      EngineeringSituational AnalysisInstitutional
A mortalidade envolvendo motociclistas representa grande problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a tendência da mortalidade por acidentes em motociclistas (AM), entre 2000 e 2015, Pernambuco, Brasil por sexo e... more
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      Public HealthSpatio Temporal AnalysisTrend AnalysisEpidemiological Study
Abstract Background Finland was an agricultural country until the 1960s. Thereafter, Finland modernized rapidly. Studies have postulated that as Finland becomes modernized, intoxication-oriented drinking would gradually decrease.... more
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      Mixed MethodsRitualAlcohol StudiesQualitative Research
The objective of this thesis is to further comprehend the social world of people working with psychedelic substances today, whether for traditional, scientific, or experimental reasons. Moreover, it seeks to understand how identity and... more
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      Grounded TheoryPsychedelics (Psychology)Psychedelic CultureSocial Mapping
This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and... more
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      Situational AnalysisRural Community Development
Report on fieldwork carried out September 2014 in Rojava North East Syria post arrival of Ezidi refugees from Sinjar derived from a rapid assessment carried out at Newroz Camp and an associated assessment of organisations in the locality... more
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      Women's RightsWomenHuman Security, Women's Rights, Gender EqualitySituational Analysis
This situational Analysis examines the present situation of the world’s pioneering mass Tourism company, Thomas Cook. It looks at the trends of the company over the years and the present Political, Social and Competitive environment,... more
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      Thomas Cook's 19th century competitorsSituational Analysis
Монография посвящена прагматике нарратива. Основная цель - выявить специфические нарративные категории, которые необходимы для преобразования ситуации как фрагмента реальности в текст. Большое внимание уделено категории модальности и... more
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      Non Fiction WritingPhilosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsText Linguistics
Objective: To conduct a situation analysis of the status of mental health care in Ghana and to propose options for scaling up the provision of mental health care. Method: A survey of the existing mental health system in Ghana was... more
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      Mental HealthPrimary Health CareFocus GroupsStigma
Play therapy is saintifically supported approach widely used to address social, emotional and behavioural difficulties for children at school. Play provide means for communication, while toys and creative materials are the languages for... more
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      Play TherapySchool PsychologyChildren's PlaySituational Analysis
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      PragmatismSelf and IdentityAction TheoryGeorge Herbert Mead
A telephonic survey was conducted for a sample of 670 families across 10 cities, to capture their socio-economic condition, housing conditions and basic amenities such as access to water and sanitation, food security, health care access,... more
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      Quantitative ResearchSurveyQualitative AnalysisSituational Analysis
This work deals with disputes around the Earth and future from a small community of inland Acará (PA) named São Francisco do Cravo. Methodologically, i made a triadc option to approach the subject, reflecting on the peasant community,... more
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      Peasant StudiesAmazoniaGeografiaTerritory
A decade after the passage of Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, an in-depth and year-long analysis of its successes and remaining gaps is undertaken. The National Solid... more
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      Situational AnalysisInstitutional
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      SociologyPragmatismAction TheoryErving Goffman
L’urgence sociale a fait l’objet de nombreuses analyses depuis le début des années 1990, mais elles ont le plus souvent versé soit dans la critique, soit dans l’éloge. Elle a ainsi été très présente dans l’espace public, sans faire... more
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      PragmatismSocial WorkEthnographySocial Problems
The document summarizes the situation of children and women in relation to health (maternal mortality, child mortality, malaria, etc.), education (early childhood education, primary and secondary), child protection (child abuse, violence... more
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      Social PolicyChild protectionEarly Childhood EducationZambia
In this chapter, we centralize the concept of ‘flow’ as a primary way of making sense of digitally-saturated social contexts. Although the concept is already a key element in qualitative inquiry, we discuss what this means both... more
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      Media StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyActor Network TheoryDigital Culture
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeGeography of CrimeCyber crime
Many problems clients present to counsellors can be represented as situated concerns to be reflected upon and addressed collaboratively. We find situational analysis (SA) mapping procedures useful for joining clients in ‘zooming out and... more
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      Qualitative MethodsCounselling & PsychotherapySituational Analysis
Comprendre les tensions et les conflits qui traversent le monde, dans les relations entre les peuples et les États, entre les gouvernants et les gouvernés, mais aussi dans l’émergence de nouvelles formes de pouvoir et de mobilisation ;... more
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      Political SociologyAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
A detailed research into the various information / information sources, tools and services available to humanitarians when trying to develop situational awareness.
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      HumanitarianismDisaster ManagementInformation SourcesSITUATIONAL AWARENESS
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    • Situational Analysis
Could it be that in its current self-conception, project management is much more similar to ancient alchemy than to a modern science or an art? Alchemists were driven by the desire to find the philosopher's stone that could turn lead and... more
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      Project ManagementTypologyProject Risk ManagementBusiness Management
Counselors must be competent in working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, questioning and allied (LGBTQ+) clients as required by the ACA Code of Ethics and the Association of LGBT Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC)... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryLGBT IssuesGrounded Theory
Keating, 2001; Kaden & MacDonald, 1990; MacLean, Cairn, & Sellick, 1998). Women caring for dying persons at the end-of-life have been identified in the literature as those most likely to experience negative physical and mental health... more
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      Situational AnalysisRural Community Development
The genesis and development of grounded theory method (GTM) is evaluated with reference to sociology's attempt to demarcate exclusive referents of inquiry. The links of objectivist GTM to positivistic terminology and to the natural... more
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      SociologyQualitative methodologyQualitative ResearchGrounded Theory
Original review of situational crime prevention theory, which in particular explores its radical roots in social psychology.
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      CriminologySocial PsychologyCritical CriminologyCriminological Theory
OLDTOWN white coffee provided a variety of beverage for customer to mix and match with their favourite combination. To increase the market share, OLDTOWN has decided to increase marketing activity. To illustrate, a study from Tan (2018)... more
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      MarketingEffectivenessAdvertisingTarget Audience Analysis
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      LeadershipLeadership stylesSituational Analysis
This article aims at probing the different types of syllabi used to teach English to English native and non-native speakers. The researcher used a chronological approach in describing each syllabus type in accordance to its emergence in... more
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      ContentFunctionalSituational AnalysisCommunicative
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      Erving GoffmanSituational Analysis
By studying consumer behavior marketers develop knowledge about the internal and external influences that shape consumers self-concept and lifestyle which are then translated into the needs/desires that drive the purchasing decision... more
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      BusinessMarketingEthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
This paper is aimed at addressing an awareness of some universals followed in the process of curriculum development that teachers and learners of ELT should have cultivated in the study of ELT Methodology as well as in making decisions... more
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      Curriculum DevelopmentGoal SettingNeeds AnalysisSituational Analysis
Effective leadership Situational leadership
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Quel message est apporté par le courant littéraire de la négritude, et comment procède-t-il pour le transmettre? C'est par le biais d'une écriture introspective que la diaspora noire a conquis sa dignité et dépassé le stade victimaire,... more
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      Black/African DiasporaSlaveryEssentialismDialectic
Situation assessment (SA) involves deriving relations among entities, e.g., the aggregation of object states (i.e., classification and location). While SA has been recognized in the information fusion and human factors literature, there... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalSemanticsHuman Factors Engineering
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      Children and FamiliesWomenGuyanaSituational Analysis
There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorySociologySociology
Every organization operating in competitive environment face several challenges. This makes it necessary for them to take strategic measures and actions to overcome those challenges. One such challenge is maximization of shareholder value... more
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      Reflective PracticeCritical ThinkingFinancial managementValue Management