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      Action ResearchSituation awarenessUbiquitous ComputingCognition
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a consciência situacional, os processos de tomada de decisão naturalística e os modos de controle cognitivo utilizados por pilotos de aeronaves em um experimento em simulador de voo. Dessa... more
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      Situation awarenessProductionProduçãoFlight Simulation
In this paper, we report on the integration challenges of the various component technologies developed towards the establishment of a framework for deploying an adaptive system of heterogeneous robots for urban surveillance. In our... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSituation awarenessField RoboticsAdaptive System
The objectives of the study are twofold: the development of a CRM training program appropriate to Korean NPPs and the evaluation of CRM training effectiveness. Firstly, the CRM program was developed with a focus on nontechnical... more
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      Computer ScienceSituation awarenessHuman FactorsCrew Resource Management
ABSTRACT Human factors and ergonomics applies scientific information about human cognition and behavior to support the design of products and systems that enhance human well-being and performance. Human factors and ergonomics... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUsabilityErgonomicsSituation awareness
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningSituation awareness
The broad aims of this study are to gain insight into employees'on-the-job learning activities to help them improve their on-the-job learning. The authors define on-the-job learning styles and operationalize the concept to include... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentSituation awarenessHuman ResourceLearning Style
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      CommunicationSituation awarenessClockMobile phone
This study presents an initial computational model of shared situation awareness (SA) based upon data collected from a simulated training exercise, designed to mimic real life events in a military personnel recovery center. Situation... more
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      Situation awarenessTools and TechniquesComputer ModelData Collection
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      EngineeringEthnographySituation awarenessSystem Management
To review the literature on the use of simulation in the development of non-technical skills in nursing The potential risks to patients associated with learning 'at the bedside' are becoming increasingly unacceptable, and the... more
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      CommunicationSituation awarenessNurse EducationMedicine
To understand a new work role in emergency medical services, the relationship between situation awareness (SA) and decision-making among emergency care practitioners (ECPs) is examined. Research approach -A scoping study was completed and... more
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    • Situation awareness
This article presents a constrained review of human factors issues relevant to adaptive automation (AA), including designing complex system interfaces to support AA, facilitating human-computer interaction and crew interactions in... more
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      EngineeringSituation awarenessHuman FactorsCognitive Ergonomics
Geographically-grounded situational awareness (SA) is critical to crisis management and is essential in many other decision making domains that range from infectious disease monitoring, through regional planning, to political campaigning.... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision MakingSituation awarenessPolitical Campaigns
The Spaceport Processing Systems Branch at NASA Kennedy Space Center has developed and deployed an agent based tool to monitor the Space Shuttle's ground processing telemetry stream. The application, the NASA Engineering Shuttle Telemetry... more
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      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsSituation awareness
This paper explores how a 'learning' algorithm can be added to UGV's by giving it the ability to test the terrain through 'feeling' using incorporated sensors, which would in turn increase its situational awareness. Once the conditions... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSituation awarenessMobilitySITUATIONAL AWARENESS
Since the STS-114 mission in August of 2005, the FAA has partnered with NASA to protect aircraft flying in the National Airspace System from the potential hazards associated with a catastrophic failure of a reentering Space Shuttle... more
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      EngineeringSituation awarenessAir Traffic ManagementTraffic Safety
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      Situation awarenessInteractive Marketing
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      Information SecuritySituation awarenessCommunication systemsTelecommunication
Purpose – This research aims to examine the relationship between information security strategy and organization performance, with organizational capabilities as important factors influencing successful implementation of information... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation SecurityInformation Management
Situational awareness refers to the ability by equipment operators to sense their environment with the objective of increasing safety and improving productivity on construction sites. This paper reports on research related to situational... more
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      EngineeringSituation awarenessWeb TechnologyCollision detection
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of environmental factors on physician situation awareness (SA) in an emergency department (ED) setting. An objective method of level 1 (i.e., perception) SA measurement and... more
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      Emergency MedicineSituation awarenessPatient SafetyHuman Factors
Human-robot interaction (HRI) for mobile robots is still in its infancy. Most user interactions with robots have been limited to tele-operation capabilities where the most common interface provided to the user has been the video feed from... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSituation awarenessSoftware ArchitecturePath planning
This article describes the evaluation of 6 different computer-based training modules created to teach skills that underlie the development and maintenance of situation awareness, a competency shown to be critical in pilot decision-making... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingSituation awareness
Current advances in technology, sensor collection, data storage, and data distribution have afforded more complex, distributed, and operational information fusion systems (IFSs). IFSs notionally consist of low-level (data collection,... more
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      Situation awarenessInterface DesignKnowledge RepresentationInformation Quality
Creative use of two-dimensional (2-D) techniques in oceanographic data analysis has proven sufficient for many tasks of analysis, review, and planning. Often, however, a greater understanding of a data set and reduced analysis time can be... more
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      Situation awarenessData AnalysisEnvironmental modelingVerification and Validation
Sensor fusion is commonly used to reduce uncertainty in localization, obstacle detection, and world modeling. However, sensor fusion can also be used to improve teleop- eration. In particular, we can use sensor fusion to create user... more
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      Situation awarenessUser InterfaceTeleoperationMobile Robots
Common Operational Picture and in consequence Situation Awareness, had been second class issue treated as a result of decision support procedures. This work concentrates mainly on developing methods for integrating battlefield data using... more
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      OntologySituation awarenessService Oriented ArchitectureDecision support system
Commanders require relevant information about background information in order to exercise effective command and control (C2). METT-TC factors (Mission, Enemy, Terrain & Weather, Troops, Time Available and Civil Considerations) represent... more
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      Situation awarenessInformation ExchangeCommand and ControlData Model
The growth in numbers and capacity of mobile devices such as mobile phones coupled with widespread availability of inexpensive range of biosensors presents an unprecedented opportunity for mobile healthcare applications. In this paper we... more
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      Health SciencesData MiningSituation awarenessComputing
The construct of situation awareness (SA) has become a core theme within the human factors (HF) research community. Consequently, there have been numerous attempts to develop reliable and valid measures of SA. Despite this, it is apparent... more
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      CommunicationResearch DesignSituation awarenessIntelligence
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      Situation awarenessCrew Resource ManagementCrisis ManagementResearch Agenda
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSituation awarenessAviation
... Situation Awareness in Map Displays. Proc., Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting, SantaMonica, Calif., 1987, pp. 533–535. 16. ... 21. Caird, JK, and J. Chugh. The Time Cost of Head-Up Displays for Older Drivers: Critical Event... more
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      Situation awarenessIntelligent Transport System
Objective: This study tested the relationship between individual differences and Situation Awareness (SA) during training in a navigation simulator. Background: Simulators have become an important tool in the training and education of... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceSituation awareness
In surgery, up to 70% of adverse events are attributable to failures in communication. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to critically assess the results of team training interventions used in the OR. In the 12 studies... more
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      NursingCommunicationSituation awarenessPatient Safety
We analyze microblog posts generated during two recent, concurrent emergency events in North America via Twitter, a popular microblogging service. We focus on communications broadcast by people who were "on the ground" during the Oklahoma... more
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      Situation awarenessComputer Mediated CommunicationInformation ExtractionDisaster
The objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of adaptive automation (AA) for supporting information processing (IP) in a complex, dynamic control task by defining a measure of situation awareness (SA) sensitive to... more
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      Decision MakingSituation awarenessInformation ProcessingDynamic control
In laboratories where dangerous conditions might exist, safety precautions are important. Rules exist to minimize the individual's risk, and safety equipment is used to protect the lab user from injury or to assist in responding to an... more
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      Situation awarenessClinical LaboratoryLaboratory safety
This paper presents a survey of trajectory-based activity analysis for visual surveillance. It describes techniques that use trajectory data to define a general set of activities that are applicable to a wide range of scenes and... more
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      Situation awarenessMotion AnalysisAnomaly DetectionStatistical Learning
We present a novel approach to enhance avalanche companion rescue using wearable sensing technologies. The time to find and extricate victims is most crucial: once buried by an avalanche, survival chances drop dramatically already after... more
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      Situation awarenessWearable ComputingMobile ApplicationWearable Computer
The unconscious mind tends to disregard negations in its processing of semantic meaning. Therefore, messages containing negated concepts can ironically prime mental representations and evaluations that are opposite to those intended. We... more
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      EntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorMarketingCultural Studies
Augmented Reality (AR) technologies offer the potential to aid users in a number of professional areas. However, to date, most studies have been tested in controlled laboratory conditions. This paper outlines a user experience study of a... more
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      UsabilitySituation awarenessAugmented RealityUser eXperience
Sixteen participants performed a military operations simulation directing loading of helicopters to weight capacity within an allotted timeframe and subject to a set of decision rules. The participants stood, walked or jogged on a... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologySituation awarenessWork Environment
Situation awareness (SA) has become an important criterion for systems evaluation efforts. Several measures of SA have been developed, the most widely used among them being the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT) and... more
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      Situation awarenessHuman FactorsComparative Analysis
The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more
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      SociologyInteractionismPsychologySocial Psychology
The NATO HFM-276 Task Group used a model of organizational effectiveness to develop a set of surveys to identify and understand the HF issues critical to effective ISR operations. The core of the model is the JISR process consisting of... more
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      EffectivenessSituation awarenessTrustData Analysis
The vehicle is designed to sense roads and avoid collisions instinctually.
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      Decision MakingSituation awarenessSocial InteractionVirtual Worlds
The successful management of a complex, hazardous event in many domains demands a high level of incident command skills. In the oil and gas exploration and production industry, these skills were required by members of an Incident... more
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      Decision MakingSituation awarenessOil and gasOil Industry
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      NursingDecision MakingSituation awarenessNursing Research